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The management theories have been developed for almost a whole century. All studies on management mainly focused on the functions of management itself through analyzing the principles and norms of management from operational perspectives. Consequently, the system as well as the mechanism of management seems to be identified as exogenous variables. Nevertheless, the mechanism of organizational management plays practically decisive role in motivating a member of any organization, which has been thoroughly verified through the reform practice in China. This essay tries to uncover the real effective mechanism of management that drives the organization smoothly running, and probe into the essential cause that makes the members of organization work actively. All of which I study will come into together to form the real effective driving mechanism of management, to achieve the ideal governing status, which I see as“governing by mechanism”instead of ruling .
     is a collection of writings or thoughts of Philosophy Tao, as well as the earliest magnum opus on management. The managerial principle“When nothing is done, nothing is left undone. The world is won by letting things take their own course”is the philosophical foundation of this essay. In accordance with Taoism, Tao ( Dao ) - a word translated to English as "The Way," means "the natural flow of things" which implies the "course of nature". To put it simply, it is the mechanism of management in a broad sense. On the basis of such philosophy, to view the nature of human――in term of Human-being biological nature, People’s behavior could be thought as a process of purchasing their own interests; as the Economic Man, their behaviors are the combination of self-interests and public interests; as the socio-person, they are always been identified with the integration of self-interests, public interests and neutralism. The self-interest-driven nature is designed by human’s genes. The strength of which will be gradually weakened off from the inner thought to the outside. This is the hypothesis of“Multilevel Human”of this essay. Based upon such a hypothesis, the principle of interest-oriented will be introduced to act as guideline for designing management mechanism. Since human beings are unexceptionally interests-motivated, given a bad mechanism,endless conflicts and disasters will be aroused; on the other hand, given a good mechanism, such interest-oriented motivation of human could be led to be transferred into the source of motivation of an organization. To manage an organization by the automatically systematic mechanism is the only way to achieve the status of“Nothing is done then nothing is left undone”.
     Rights and responsibilities and benefits are three fundamental elements of an organization, The micro-structure of the driving mechanism is formed with the well-combined three elements, while the macro-structure of the dynamical mechanism is constructed by the Guiding Mechanism, the Incentive Mechanism, constrained system, controlling system, and the Culture Field. Guidance Mechanism functions as a guidance as well as a collector of human’s enthusiasm. According to the cause-effect relationship among need, motive, behavior and objective in Organization Behavior, from setting an organization objective to putting it into practice, human’s enthusiasm can be guided to fulfill such an objective if personal target and organization objective are in harmony through executing such a key process as assessment. Incentive Mechanism functions as a stimulator and a strengthener of the human’s enthusiasm. The traditional incentive mechanism is an unfair treaty which is designed by principal unilaterally and chose by agents reluctantly. Here propose a profit-sharing incentive mechanism model which is a better solution for knowledge-based economy. Constrained system functions as an integrator and restrictor of the human’s enthusiasm. It serves to regulate human’s behavior towards the organization objectives. Establishment of such mechanism relies on the basis of a benefit balance. Restrictions within an organization can be achieved by balancing the interest conflicts among individuals. The major functions of the controlling system are redressing discrepancies in order to ensure the organization is operated towards the scheduled direction. The establishment of such mechanism relies on the basis of closed operation, guaranteeing the corresponding obligations and rights of relatively independent units along the hierarchy. With such Internal Control Mechanism, when the key checkpoints controlled, the operation of an organization can be achieved.
     The study of the dynamical mechanism is founded on the basis of the methodology“WSR”and the paradigm“design science”. This essay tries to explore a new way to manage by Taoism philosophy,“Nothing is done then nothing is left undone”, and to search for a scientific model in organization management by integrating management studies, economics and some New Transverse Subjects.
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