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     松花湖流域位于吉林省中南部,跨13个市县区,约占全省总面积的22.7%。松花湖流域生态环境现状影响到全流域综合功能。多年来,由于未统筹考虑生态保护、环境治理和综合开发工作,使得流域内资源破坏严重,生态平衡失调,水土流失现象加剧,入湖泥沙及污染物排放量呈逐年增加趋势,水质污染加重。本研究结合多种理论技术和方法,以遥感与地理信息系统为技术支撑,参照多年水质监测数据,基于Landsat TM/ETM+遥感数据,开展松花湖流域水土流失及湖泊富营养化的综合防治研究。
     其次,基于松花湖流域内存在不同程度的水土流失,加速了夏季降水对农药、化肥、畜禽粪便等污染物带入河流影响水质的影响。利用3S (RS、GIS、GPS)技术进行水土流失监测,并运用中国坡面水蚀预报模型RKLSGCP进行松花湖流域水土流失量计算,结合土壤侵蚀模数估算土壤营养物质流失量,对比分析了各分区N、P流失原因,筛选土壤营养物质损失的影响因素。结果表明,全流域大部分为微度侵蚀,强度侵蚀面积小且集中,松花江流域土壤侵蚀介于-192~5561.14t/(hm2·a),松花湖流域内土壤侵蚀呈现出自东南向西北逐渐加重的分布格局,且强度侵蚀集中在辉发河入湖口的中部地区。在侵蚀区域中,土壤侵蚀情况以微度侵蚀和轻度侵蚀为主,其面积分别占松花湖流域的65.72%和33.83%;土壤侵蚀量亦以微度侵蚀和轻度侵蚀为主,分别占侵蚀总量的15.90%和81.87%,中度侵蚀占2.15%,而强度侵蚀仅占0.07%。松花江源头区和辉发河区具有较高的N、P流失量,对松花湖流域富营养化影响较大。
Lakes as one of the most important freshwater resources on the earth, have thefunctions of water supply, irrigation, regulation and storage, transportation, powergeneration, tourism, fishing, maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance andmany other features at the same time, which were the important basis for sustainabledevelopment and survival in the watershed areas. With the growing demand foragricultural products, large number of cultivated land, excessive application of thechemical fertilizers and pesticides in order to increase agricultural production,resulting in surface river water quality deterioration, eutrophication has broughtgreat pressure to the environment which was caused by total N and total P exceeded.Thus protecting the existing water supply sources to ensure the safety of residentsliving water has become an important subject of the current study, which hasfar-reaching practical significance by systematic study on non-point source pollutionin Jilin Province.
     Songhua Lake watershed is located in central and southern Jilin Province,across13cities and counties, accounting for22.7%of the total area of the province,its natural runoff accounted for81.7%of the total surface water resources for thesecond Songhua River Basin, accounting for38.7%of the total surface waterresources in Jilin Province. The eco-environment of Songhua Lake watershed wasgreat relevance to the integrated function of the whole whtershed. Over the years,lacking in combining consideration for ecological protection and environmentalmanagement and development of watershed resources, which caused the destructionof ecological balance and soil erosion, the more sediment and pollutants were putinto the lake, the heavier water pollution. Therefore, various theories and methodswhich combining multi-source remote sensing data and years of water qualitymonitoring data were used in this paper to lauch the system research on soil erosionand eutrophication of the Songhua Lake watershed.
     Through the extraction of useful information from the extensive collection ofrelevant literature data, then combined with the actual situation of the study area,what follows were the mainly research in this paper.
     First of all, in connection with the socio-economic and environmental status ofthe Songhua Lake watershed, and separate analysis of point sources and surfacesources of pollution, through the assessment for the contribution rate of the pointsource and point source pollution, then screening of the major sources of pollutionand pollution of the Songhua Lake watershed limiting factor to determine theexisting pollution state of survey region. Studies have shown that the contribution tothe point source pollution of the Songhua Lake watershed was21.31%, surfacesource pollution contribution was78.69%, the contribution rate of point source andsurface source pollution was the maximum since the pollution were concentrated inSonghuahu segment. Songhua Lake was serious affected by Huifa River and Jiaohe,Huifa River and Jiaohe is the two important sources of pollution in the SonghuaLake, compared with Jiaohe, the pollution contribution rate of Huifa river wasbigger, numbers of industrial pollution sources, the total quantity of wastewater andfour types of pollutant emissions came first, and thus cause pollution of SonghuaLake watershed. The reason for the lowest rate of point source contribution inRedstone segment was the pollution of rural life lightest where the rural populationwas smallest. Chemical fertilizers and loss of volume was concentrated in theSonghua Lake interval, in which the nitrogen fertilizer was applied frequently.
     Secondly, based on the memory of the Songhua Lake watershed in varyingdegrees of soil erosion, accelerated summer rainfall pesticides, fertilizers, manureand other pollutants into rivers affecting water quality.3S technology for monitoringsoil erosion and use of the Chinese Water Erosion Prediction model RKLSGCPSonghua Lake watershed soil erosion calculation, calculation of the loss of soilnutrients according to soil erosion modulus, and comparative analysis of the Districtof N, P loss reasons to determine the The influencing factors of soil nutrient loss.The results show that the Songhua Lake watershed soil erosion showing a gradualincrease from southeast to northwest trend, the lightest of the Songhua River, the source, the intensity of erosion is concentrated in the central region of HuifaEstuaries. The majority of the whole basin slightly eroded, the intensity of theerosion area of small and focused, the Songhua River Basin soil erosion in the range-192~5561.14t/(hm2h a) the. In the region of erosion, soil erosion to slightlyeroded and slight erosion-based, the area accounted for65.72%and33.83%of theSonghua Lake watershed; the amount of soil erosion is slightly eroded, and slighterosion were accounted for erosion of the total15.90%and81.87%moderateerosion accounted for2.15%, while the intensity of erosion accounted for only0.07%. From the watershed of each river system partition angle comparison analysis,the Songhua River, the source and Huifa River District of the N and P loss are veryhigh, this result makes the range of White Lake and the mouth of the Huifa theupper reaches of the Songhua Lake N-P content increased, exacerbate eutrophicationrisk.
     Again, select a reasonable the eutrophication inversion model to collect theSonghua Lake watershed2001to2010, ETM/TM image data using the ENVI, theArcGIS software inversion nearly10years of eutrophication in Songhua Lakewatershed factors (chlorophyll, total nitrogen, of COD, total phosphorus,transparency), from the perspective of the Songhua Lake interval analysis, due toHuifa River into more pollutants, causing the upper reaches of the Songhua Lakewater quality is inferior to the downstream, the more the better downstream waterquality, water quality in the best of the fullness of the reservoir.
     Finally, the main control from the total amount of pollutants, strengthen urbanand rural sewage and garbage disposal, prevention and control of agriculturalnonpoint source pollution, improve monitoring and enforcement system of fourpoint source pollution of the Songhua Lake watershed improvement measures.
     In this paper, multi-source spatial information, the use of RS and GIStechniques, digital environment model of tectonic units of raster data, thecombination of soil erosion assessment based on space technology andeutrophication assessment based on monitoring data, the study lakes and water ecology of the surrounding watershed, the study methods and study area certainlyinnovative. In this study reflect the Songhua Lake watershed soil erosion status, lakeeutrophication status is important to provide a scientific basis for the scientificmanagement of the Songhua Lake watershed eutrophication.
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