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  • 英文题名:Stay on the Calligraphy Critical Terminology of Xuan He Shu Pu
  • 作者:马静婷
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:历史文献学
  • 学位年度:2004
  • 导师:丛文俊
  • 学科代码:060104
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2004-04-01
Since the Northern Song Dynasty, calligraphy was not one item
    in the examination for official election any longer. The intellectual
    was thus absorbed into the articles and poems. Therefore, the
    literary circles flourished while the calligraphy became unpopular.
    Those literati and officialdom took the calligraphy as a kind of
    gracious liking and then through it cultivated their moral character.
    In addition, owing to the special political system of civil servants
    in the Northern Song Dynasty, colluded and jostled for their own
    interests. In this situation, they admired for the freedom of the
    literati and officialdom in Wei and Jin Dynasty, who released
    themselves from the thirsty of money and power, liked reading and
    gained super talent. On the other hand, they looked down upon those
    who wasted their learning and seeked for high official positions and
    riches. This kind of thought was reflected in the calligraphy as
    follows. One is that they liked Xiaosan and Jianyuan in the
    calligraphy of Wei and Jin Dynasty and its Qiyun from human
    temperament and graceful manner. The other is that they realized the
    lack in knowledge and quality of the literati and officialdom in their
    times. Therefore, it was inevitable that they valued the calligraphy
    upon the moral standard beyond the artistic valuation. The study of
    this paper concentrates on XuanHeShuPu. This paper analyzed some
    terms valuing the calligraphy, set up a vocabulary pedigree with
    Quality, Yun, Qing and Shen as a core and thus the fashion of the
    calligraphy in the Northern Song Dynasty was illustrated.
     Through the analysis on Xinhua, Xiongci and Shujuanqi in the
    XuanHeShuPu, Chapter I showed the appreciation standard beyond
    artistic valuation added to the calligraphy critics in the Northern
    Song Dynasty. It directed connected the thoughts and morality of the
    calligraphers with the calligraphy to make an evaluation and then
    constructed a theory that the handwriting mirrors the calligrapher
    in the Song Dynasty. It was not important for the calligraphy to be
    fine or not. It had become the symbol of human morality and quality.
    Chapter I is the key part of the paper since the fashion of valuing
    the calligraphy according to calligrapher,s quality of the Song
    Dynasty appeared frequently in the calligraphy appreciation and thus
    influencing other calligraphy evaluating terms.
     Chapter II takes Yun as kernel word and a series of terms, Fengyun,
    Qiyun, Yunsheng, Yuanyun, Bingyun and Suyun are subsequently created.
    During the appreciation of the calligraphy of Wei and Jin Dynasty,
    Yun, Fengyun and Qiyun are applied, from which it is reflected that
    the literati and officialdom in the Song Dynasty had the liking of
    the calligraphy in Jin Dynasty and praised their vitality. At the
    same time, since the knowledge and quality of the literati and
    officialdom in the Song Dynasty were not as good as those in Jin
    Dynasty, moral, ethical and learning factors were infused into a
    series of evaluation terms of Yun which were thus enriched.
    Chapter III created a series of terms with Qing as the core, whose
    meanings were more comprehensive. Qinqu meant delicate form of the
    character. Qinjin showed vigorious and forceful calligraphy.
    Qingxian meant free form of the character. Qingyuan meant learning
    the calligraphy from the predecessors. Qingzhi and Qingyue reflected
    noble character of the calligrapher. Qing was closely related not
    only with the calligraphy, but also with the human character.
     In Chapter IV a vocabulary pedigree with Shen as a core was set
    up from which it could be concluded that the Song Dynasty was a turning
    point in the history of calligraphy. Before Tang Dynasty, Shen was
    in a remote and mysterious state.
    A phrase for," absolute being" is establish Ci Qun Pu Xi(词群谱系)
    and can make the on behalf of Sung been clear at a glance in the
    calligraphy the twist on the history position .Before Tang, the "
    absolute being" ha
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