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    口蹄疫(Foot and Mouth Disease)是一种高发性流行传染病,常在国际间大规模爆发,目前尚无治愈本病的药物,现在使用较广泛的是酵母源性疫苗。因为酵母源性疫苗生产成本较高,贮运过程中需要低温,注射接种需要特定设备而限制了它的应用。利用转基因植物生产植物源性的口蹄疫疫苗前景广阔。目前,口蹄疫病毒基因(FMDV)已经导入马铃薯、烟草和苜蓿等植物,有关口蹄疫病毒基因导入大豆中的研究未见报道。
    根据口蹄疫病毒基因序列FP1(包括FVP1,实验操作与FP1相同)设计引物,同时引入酶切位点BamHI 和SaLI。通过PCR 反应从pGEM-FP1载体上扩增FP1基因,并插入pUCM-T 载体构建成pUCM-FP1中间载体。PCR和酶切鉴定正确的克隆进行测序,序列分析结果表明,插入目标序列完全正确。用BamHI 和SaLI同时酶切pUCM-FP1中间载体和植物组成型表达载体pBin438,构建成植物表达载体pBin-FP1。热激法转化大肠杆菌JM109。经过PCR和酶切鉴定正确的克隆转化根癌农杆菌GV3101,成功构建了2个载体,分别命名为pBin-FP1、pBin-FVP1。用携带此表达载体的根癌农杆菌GV3101侵染大豆。
    通过农杆菌介导的大豆子叶节再生体系转化大豆。采用从发芽5-7d的大豆无菌苗切取子叶节外植体,经农杆菌浸染和3d的共培养后, 转移到芽诱导培养基上,10d后从子叶节处诱导出丛生芽。在含50μg/ml卡那霉素的伸长培养基上培养2周后,抗性芽转入生根培养基进行培养,共得到51株卡那抗性植株。28株移栽成活的T0代植株已正常开花和结荚,经PCR检测获得目的基因的阳性植株15株。初步验证了目的基因已整合到大豆基因组中。
Much attention has been focused on the plant-derived oral vaccine production. Compared with the traditional vaccines, the plant-derived oral vaccines are safe, stable, efficient and low-costed. Plant as the delivery vehicle for vaccine can express antigen in edible tissue such as seeds and tubers. The plant-derived vaccine can induce protective mucosal immune response when the transgenic plants are provided as food or feed. With the advances of plant biotechnology, plant bioreactor may become an available approach and will be an alternative means for vaccine production in the future.
    Foot and Mouth Disease(FMD) is a highly contagious viral disease, leading to widespread outbreaks in the world. So far there is still none medicine to cure this disease, and the commercial yeast-derived vaccines are widely used. But the high produce cost, cold requirement during store and carry, and requiring specialties when inoculating restrict the utilization of the vaccine. Transgenic plant as plant-derived vaccine is prospect in the production of FMD vaccine. The antigen of FMDV has been transformed into tobacco, potato, and alfalfa et al. but there is no report in soybean yet.
    Primers of FMDV-P1(FP1) gene (including FVP1, the procedure same as FP1 gene) were designed according to the nucleotide sequence with the endonuclease recognition site BamHI and SaLI. The FP1 gene was amplified from pGEM-FP1 vector by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and inserted into the pUCM-T vector constructed to pUCM-FP1. The DNA sequence analysis results showed that the amplified target fragment was correct completely. The pUCM-FP1 vector and plant expression vector pBin438 were digested with corresponding restriction endonuclease and constructed to pBin-FP1. The recombinant plant expression vector was transferred into E.coll JM109. After identification by restriction enzymes and PCR, the correct clone was transferred into Agrobacterium tumefaciens GV3101 by electrotransformation. we constructed two plant expression vectors successfully, named pBin-FP1 and pBin-FVP1. GV3101 which contained the pBin-FP1 and pBin-FVP1 plant expression vectors was used to infect soybean.
    The FMDV gene was introduced into soybean with Agrobacterium-cotyledonary node transformation. cotyledonary node explants were prepared from 5-7 day old seedings, infected and co-cultivated with GV3101. Adventitious buds emerged after 10 days on shoot induction medium. the buds were transferred onto elongation medium and selected with 50μg/ml Kanamycine. The shoots were cut off and transferred onto rooting medium when the shoots grew to 3-4 cm high. We abtained 51 kanamycine resistant plants. 27 of them
    had already flowered and seeded normally, 15 of which were PCR positive. PCR analysis proved that foreign gene was transferred into soybean genome.
     Candidate: Zhu Huiying
    Speciality: Botany
    Supervisor: Hu Baozhong
     Han Tianfu
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