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Oolong tea, with green tea and black tea, are listed as the world's three largest teaclasses. World’s oolong tea producing area are mainly concentrated in Fujian,Guangdong and Taiwan provinces of China, in2011, the Chinese oolong teaproduction reached199700tons, thereinto Fujian province reached157000tons,accounting for78.84%of the total Chinese oolong tea production. Varieties of oolongtea sales mainly to the domestic market, started from species competition stage tobrand competition stage. According to the network market research of website9soso,In the tea brand consumption,52%of consumers said notice. At present, the oolongtea enterprises already have the brand awareness, a certain scale of tea enterprisesgenerally have their own brand. however, Oolong tea enterprises’ small overall size,the lack of brand strength, brand construction lag,the low brand added value, lack ofinternational famous brand and the low consumer brand loyalty are the bottlenecksto oolong tea enterprises to be bigger and stronger. In order to make Chinese oolongtea brand bigger and stronger, pay attention to cultivating and sustaining consumerloyalty of their brands is essential. Therefore, it is necessary to study the formationmechanism of oolong tea’s consumers brand loyalty.
     Under the condition of experience economy development and products becomeincreasingly homogeneous, consumer experience become the main factor of decidingenterprise competitiveness. In the process of specific consumer, oolong tea’s sensoryfeelings by consumers themselves, tea culture,need hierarchy, as well as the consumercognitive level affect the oolong tea consumption.Therefore, by discussing roles andfunctions of oolong tea consumer features in brand loyalty formation process that isregulatory effect of consumer characteristics, make the oolong tea enterprises moretargeted to carry out the marketing work, better cultivate and maintain its loyalconsumers, improve its brand loyalty, thus improve brand competitiveness of oolongtea enterprises.
     Therefore, this study has three goals: one is under the guidance of the stimulus-the body-response theory, building the oolong tea brand loyalty basic drive modelbased on the experience visual angle, put forward the theoretical hypothesis andempirical test, enrich the theory of brand loyalty. The second is to use kotler behavior choice model theory, discusses regulation effect of the oolong tea consumerscharacteristics to the brand loyalty basic drive model, classified the differentconsumer characteristics samples, and verified the regulating effect of oolong teaconsumers characteristics in the consumer experience’s relationship with customersatisfaction and switching costs. Three is on the basis of the empirical researchconclusion, to explores the countermeasures of improving oolong tea consumersbrand loyalty, provides the theory reference for oolong tea enterprise to consumersegmentation and provide differentiated services.
     This study content a total of eight chapters:chapter1introduces the background,significance, content, method, target of the research;Chapter2reviewed the literatureresearching for oolong tea brand loyalty, as the theoretical foundation of this study;Chapter3analysis the oolong tea product market consumption characteristics, to laythe foundation of practice for the research hypotheses and questionnaire design nextstep; Chapter4using S-O-R theory and kotler behavior choice model, buildresearch model of oolong tea brand loyalty fundamental driving model under theperspective of consumer experience and research model of the adjustment effect ofconsumer features to the oolong tea brand loyalty basic drive model,and puts forwardthe research hypotheses of this study. Chapter5design empirical research scheme,make the questionnaire validity and reliability test through preliminary investigationdata..In interview700oolong tea consumer survey, collect523valid questionnaireresponses received. Chapter6in the effective questionnaire descriptive statisticsanalysis, validity and reliability test, on the basis of using the structural equationmodel analysis, factor analysis method to oolong tea brand loyalty based on theperspective of consumer experience basic drive model to carry on the empiricalanalysis; Chapter7multiple group analysis and hierarchical regression analysis isused to study consumer characteristics of oolong tea brand loyalty basic drive modelof the adjustment effect; Chapter8summarizes the main conclusions of this study,according to consumer experience under the perspective of oolong tea brand loyaltydriving factors in the process of formation, regulating the relationship betweenvariables and path oolong tea consumers brand loyalty countermeasures andSuggestions are put forward.
     It can draw the following conclusions through the empirical studies:
     (1) The three dimensions of oolong tea consumers’s experience have significantand positive effects on consumers’ satisfaction, as well as its switching costs; and bothoolong tea consumers’ satisfaction and switching costs have significant and positiveeffect on their attitudinal and behavioral loyalty, but oolong tea consumers’ attitudinalloyalty has no significant effects on its behavioral loyalty.
     (2) Three dimensions of the oolong tea consumer experience have just an indirect,not direct, impact on the oolong consumers’ attitudinal and behavioral loyalty. Onlythrough the intermediary role of consumers’ satisfaction and the switching costs canthe three dimensions of consumers experience indirectly affect oolong tea consumers’attitudinal and behavioral loyalty.
     (3) In the three dimensions which oolong tea consumers experience, the oolongtea consumers’ service experience have the biggest effects on both oolong teaconsumers’ satisfaction and switching costs.
     (4) In the five factors that affect the oolong tea consumers’ attitudinal andbehavioral loyalty, the effect of oolong tea consumers’ satisfaction is the largest,followed by oolong tea consumer service experience, then consumers’ switchingcosts, fourth is the brand experience, and the minimum is oolong tea consumers’relationship experience.
     (5) The24original assumptions in the research model named adjustment effectof the basic drive model which is consumer’s characteristics to the brand loyalty ofoolong tea, only10go through the significance test. The result are as follows: Firstly,the gender characteristics of oolong tea consumers have significant and positivemoderating effects on three paths relation, which are the relation between the serviceexperience and consumers’ satisfaction, the relation between brand experience andswitching costs, and the relation between relationship experience and consumers’satisfaction. Secondly, the age characteristics of Oolong tea consumers have asignificant and positive moderating effect on the relations between relationshipexperience and consumers’ satisfaction.
     Thirdly, the income characteristics of oolong tea consumers have a significantand positive moderating effect on the relation between the service experience and consumers’ satisfaction, and the relations between relationship experience and theswitching costs. Lastly, the tea service life characteristics of oolong consumers havesignificant and positive moderating effects on four paths relation, such as therelationship between the service experience and consumers’ satisfaction, serviceexperience and switching costs, brand experience and switching costs, and the relationbetween relationship experience and the switching cost.
     Based on the above research conclusion, the combination of Chinese oolong teaindustry development present situation, put forward the following sevencountermeasures to increase oolong tea consumer brand loyalty.(1) to understandconsumer expectations of oolong tea consumption, provide high value-added serviceof process, strengthen the management of after-sales service and improve customersatisfaction is the most important way for oolong tea enterprises to enhance its brandloyalty.(2) to provide high quality products, create good shopping environment,cultivate a high-quality staff team and improve customer service experience is oolongtea enterprises enhance the brand loyalty sub-optimal choice.(3) to improve oolongtea the added value of products and services and increase the switching costs ofconsumers is oolong tea enterprises enhance the brand loyalty in the third importantway.(4) to create brand differentiation value, implement brand satisfaction, brandtrust and brand commitment to marketing and improve the added value of brandexperience is oolong tea enterprises fourth important way to enhance its brand loyalty.(5)to create oolong tea consumers member club, make effective member caremechanism, cultivate employees with good interpersonal skills and create a greatrelationship experience for target consumers is oolong tea enterprises enhance thebrand loyalty is a important way.(6) according to consumer demographics influenceon experience, for the choice of target consumption group.(7)Oolong tea enterpriseshould pay more attention to the high attitude loyalty of potential consumers groups,establish database of potential customers, implement differential marketing price andeffectively convert high attitude loyalty of potential consumer groups into highbehavioral loyalty groups.
     Due to the current research from the angle of consumers experience about the teabrand loyalty of the accumulation is rarely, however, consumer brand loyalty is the enterprise to obtain competitive advantage, the key to increase profits, therefore, thisstudy has certain innovative perspective and content.
     Also, this study developed a measurement scale which has a good reliability andvalidity of oolong tea consumer experience, customer satisfaction, switching costs,and brand loyalty; Find the experience under the perspective of fundamental drivingfactor of formation of oolong tea consumer brand loyalty, and found that the differentcharacteristics of consumers have different regulation effect to the specific path ofoolong tea brand loyalty formation process, study conclusion has certain innovativeand practical application value. In addition, according to the existing literature, interms of tea brand, the research methods of this study has a certain applicationinnovation.
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