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Along with the technical development in human science, the automotive brake system develops from the mechanical and fluid drive to the electronic control. But the increment of the electric appliances in the vehicle makes the wiring harness occupy too much the automotive room, making it difficult to assemble and maintain, increasing the whole vehicle costs, hindering the dependability. With the information technology developing more and more deeply, the vehicle network becomes the inevitable tendency.
    The development of the vehicle network changes the automotive control methods revolutionarily. Currently, several automotive manufacturers invest a lot of funds to develop the X-by-wire technique based on the vehicle network, and in the future, this will be an important technique in vehicles. This kind of system comes from the airplane control system, but the maturity of the technique and the descent of the cost lead to the vehicle application at last, becoming drive-by-wire, applying to the brake system is brake-by-wire.
    In this article, after presenting the kinds and the development process of the vehicle network, as well as comparing several kinds of the vehicle network function, the TTP/C protocol is used as the network the brake-by-wire system is based on. In whole design and implementation process, the main work is as following:
    First, the TTP/C is analyzed briefly. TTP/C protocol network is composed of nodes and two channels that are redundant with each other, and the CNI and MEDL in the nodes is the most important part. The protocol also can be divided into several different logical levels; these levels are functions of the TTP/C controller. There are two kinds of frames defined in the protocol: the initialization frame and the normal frame. The frames are transmitted in the TDMA mode. All nodes, according to different circumstances, can operate in several modes, therefore the data delivered in the normal frame may be different, the information is stored in the MEDL. The construction makes TTP/C protocol to have the better performance in the dependablity. The protocol uses the bus guardian to protect the communication channel from babbling-idiot failure thoroughly, which is unavoidable in the event triggered protocol, combining the membership algorithm, the failure in the value domain and the time domain can be detected in onr TDMA round. These characters make this network protocol suite to apply to the system requesting very high dependablity.
    In the next place, the function of the protocol is cut, and the model is implemented, but it does not affect the brake-by-wire simulating system. The data structure, algorithm and bus guardian are all simulating objects.
    To the constant parameters in the data structure, some are defined in the protocol, the others are needed to be set up, such as the speed of the channel transmission and the length in the frame data area etc. The CNI data structure includes the state area, the control area and the message area. Because the whole data structure is very complicated, so it is wise first to define each fields of the area, then to synthesize in each area inside, and finally to become the CNI data structure. In defining the cut fields, some are defined but not to be used, the others are not defined at all. For the data structure in the MEDL, the irrelevant parameter are not defined at all; some data structures of the mode address entrance have not been given, in this model, these parameters are added to the entrance.
    To realize membership algorithm, the state machine is established in the model. For the bus guardian, the state machine is also used to realize the simulation.
    The physical channel is designed to be a bus format; this means that each node has its own bus guardian. Because of no code and decode function and clock drift since the bus is only a data structure, the virtual clock drift is needed to be set to realize clock synchronization algorithm.
    Thirdly, it is time to design the brake system. The pedal node is designed to be redundant; two pedal nodes are
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