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Based on hydrology and environmental geology works, the dissertation mainly discussed pollution ways and mechanism. The study site is in southwest of the oilfield, 3.7km wide and 6.8km long, totally is 25.1km~2, one quarter of the whole oilfield, and Bajiazi village is its center.
    Quantou formation of Cretaceous was oil reservoir, for the continually surging lift activities from Cretaceous to Quaternary, neotectonic activities denuded the upper of the Cretaceous, the whole Paleogene and Neogene, which made the Quaternary overlaid oil layers directly. Groundwater mainly was in Quaternary, lower-mid Pleistocene porous tiny pressure aquifer and mid-upper Pleistocene porous pressure aquifer. Chemical property of the upper aquifer mainly was HCO_3-NaCa, except HCO_3CL-Na. In this aquifer, chloride, oil and iodide were main polluting detection index. In the next place were SO_4~(2-), NO_2~- -N and total hardness. The lower aquifer was HCO_3-Ca chemical property, different from HCO_3-NaCa of areal groundwater. Heavy contaminant indexes were oil, iodide and NO_3~- -N, chloride was less. Compared with indexes of the upper aquifer, numbers of contaminant indexes were less and polluted to less extent except for oil. In both aquifers, oil and nitride were main pollutants.
    Combined with special geological environment and human activities in the oilfield, we mainly found three ways by which pollutant to groundwater: infiltrating pollution, penetrating pollution and accidental pollution. Infiltrating pollution sources came from Seepage Pit, earthy oil ponds and spilled oil. Ways of pollutants contaminating groundwater by fractures were penetrating pollution. Two types of geofractures which affected the groundwater most usually were sorted on the base of factors inducing their formation, one was subsidence geofractures consisted on extracting extensive groundwater and inducing uneven depression, the other was structural geofracture based on geological structure activities. Structural geofractures in study site included surface fractures and buried faults. On the ground, all kind of pollutants arrived in aquifer by channels and geofractures, at the same time, crude oil moved into Quaternary aquifer along the buried active fractures and fissures. Accidental pollution usually caused by old producing oil facilites leakage and it polluted groundwater heavily when workers were reckless of examining and repairing oil pipes on time.
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