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     对比研究了UASB和EGSB反应器对城市生活垃圾焚烧厂渗沥液的处理效果。实验结果表明,EGSB反应器具有更高的处理效率,更适用于渗沥液的处理。当渗沥液COD为72000mg/L左右时,UASB反应器的最大有机容积负荷(Organic loading rate,OLR)为12.5kgCOD/(m~3·d),此时COD去除率为82.4%,所需的水力停留时间(Hydraulic retention time,HRT)为5.8d。而EGSB在OLR约为18.2kgCOD/(m~3·d)、液体上升流速(Velocity liquid,V_(up))为2m/h和HRT为4d的条件下,COD平均去除率达90.3%,且呈酸性的渗沥液可以不经pH调节直接进入反应器。EGSB反应器在OLR≤18.2kgCOD/(m~3·d)的条件下稳定运行时,去除的COD中有85.7%转化成了甲烷,颗粒污泥中的古菌菌群主要为属于甲烷鬃毛菌属、甲烷杆菌属和甲烷螺菌属的产甲烷菌。高浓度的渗沥液具有厌氧抑制性,采用Haldane模型对厌氧污泥降解渗沥液时的基质抑制动力学进行了模拟,拟合结果表明,最大比基质反应速率q_(max)为3.45gCOD/(gVSS·d),半饱和常数K_s和基质抑制系数K_i分别为19.265g/L和130.996g/L。
Waste incineration for power generation is an effective technology for itsadvantages in reducing the volume and mass of municipal solid waste (MSW),detoxification and energy production. However, a considerable amount ofleachate can be generated during the period of MSW stored in the storage bunkerbefore incineration. The leachate contains various contaminants such as organics,refractory compounds, ammonia nitrogen (NH_4~+-N), etc. It is a difficulty and afocus of wastewater treatment to treat the leachate from MSW incineration plant. Inthis dissertation, a new anaerobic-aerobic combined process was adopted andoptimized for treating the leachate from an incineration plant in Beijing and thecharacteristics of the organics in the leachate degraded by the combined processwas discussed.
     The treatment efficiencies of the leachate from MSW incineration plant by theup-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor and the expanded granular sludgebed (EGSB) reactor were compared. The results showed that the EGSB reactor hadhigher operation loading and higher COD removal efficiency than the UASB reactor.When the influent COD concentration was around72000mg/L, the maximumorganic loading rate (OLR) of the UASB reactor was12.5kgCOD/(m~3·d), and thecorresponding COD removal efficiency and hydraulic retention time (HRT) were82.4%and5.8d, respectively. With HRT of4d and velocity liquid (V_(up)) of2m/h,OLR of the EGSB reactor reached18.2kgCOD/(m~3·d), and the COD removalefficiency reached90.3%. Furthermore, the leachate could be treated by the EGSBreactor without pH adjustment. When OLR≤18.2kgCOD/(m~3·d),85.7%of theremoved COD was converted to methane in the EGSB reactor. Methanogens in thegranular sludge mainly included Methanosaeta sp., Methanobacterium sp. andMethanosarcina sp. The anaerobic degradation kinetic of the leachate was studied,and the results indicated that the leachate was inhibitive to the anaerobicbiodegradation. The maximal specific degrading rate (q_(max)) of organics reckoned bythe Haldane model was3.45gCOD/(gVSS·d), and the half-saturation constant(K_s)and the substrate inhibition coefficient (K_i) were19.265g/L and130.996g/L, respectively.
     The effluents from EGSB reactor need to be further treated as it contains highconcentrations of ammonia nitrogen. A system comprised of anoxic moving bedbiofilm reactor (MBBR) and two-stage aerobic MBBR was used to treat theanaerobic effluents. NH_4~+-N removal and total nitrogen (TN) removal efficiencieswere84.1%and69.8%with total HRT of3.75d, influent NH_4~+-N concentration of850mg/L, reflux ratio of300%and DO of above3mg/L. However, when theinfluent NH_4~+-N concentration increased to1000mg/L, the NH_4~+-N removalefficiency declined to around70%even though total HRT was extended to4.8d.Therefore, an anoxic/two-stage aerobic MBBR-MBR system was proposed andadopted to treat the anaerobic effluents of the leachate. The results showed that theanoxic/two-stage aerobic MBBR-MBR system was effective for nitrogen removal.Under the following conditions as influent pH of about7, total HRT of6.8d andtotal reflux ratio of400%, the removal efficiencies of COD, NH_4~+-N and TNreached around80%,99%and81%, respectively, even though the influent NH_4~+-Nconcentration increased to around1650mg/L and the influent COD concentrationwas around6500mg/L. However, the influent COD concentration should be <8000mg/L to avoid being detrimental to nitrification. Furthermore, short-cut nitrificationwith about90%and80%of nitrite accumulation efficiency took place in the secondstage of aerobic MBBR and MBR. The most probable number (MPN) measurementshowed that the amount of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria was much more than that ofthe nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in the second stage aerobic MBBR and MBR. And thehigh pH and high concentration of free ammonia in the reactors were critical forshort-cut nitrification. q_(max)of denitrification for the sludge in the anoxic MBBRfitted by Haldane model was2062mgNO_2--N/(gVSS·d), K_sand K_iwere140.2mg/Land836.3mg/L, respectively. And q_(max)of nitrification for the sludge in the firststage aerobic MBBR, the second stage aerobic MBBR and MBR were172.8mgNH_4~+-N/(gVSS·d),261.8mgNH_4~+-N/(gVSS·d) and782.6mgNH_4~+-N/(gVSS·d), respectively; K_swere57.9mg/L,82.3mg/L and148.9mg/L, respectively; and K_iwere339.7mg/L,600.7mg/L and601.4mg/L,respectively.
     The organic pollutants in the leachate from MSW incineration plant could be effectively removed by EGSB-anoxic/two-stage aerobic MBBR-MBR combinedprocess. The removal efficiencies of COD, BOD_5, NH_4~+-N, TN and TP were98.4%,99.7%,98.9%,81.8%and91.8%, respectively. Most organic pollutants wereremoved in EGSB reactor. COD and BOD_5removal by the EGSB reactor took91.5%and95.6%of each of their total removal by the combined process,respectively. NH_4~+-N and TN were mainly removed in the anoxic/two-stage aerobicMBBR-MBR system as NH_4~+-N and TN removal by the system took100%and84.3%of each of their total removal by the combined process, respectively. Besides,experimental results showed that after treated by the combined process, thebiological toxicity of the leachate decreased. The dissolved organic matter (DOM)was effectively removed by the combined process. TOC removal efficienciesreached to100%,100%,96.88%,98.90%and98.67%, corresponding to DOM withmolecular weight of>100kDa,50k-100kDa,10k-50kDa,4k-10kDa and <4kDa,respectively. Protein, amino acid, carboxylic acids compounds and aliphaticcompounds were obviously removed. However, fulvic acid substrates was generatedafter the leachate treated by the combined process, which lead to the increase ofaromatic degree.
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