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     首先,利用平面波赝势密度泛函理论计算了ZrB_2的基本性质参数,包括晶格常数a和c、体弹模量B0、体弹模量对压强的一阶导数B0′,这些参数值分别为3.167A、3.544A、238.55 GPa、2.32,我们还计算了五个独立的弹性常数C_(11)、C_(12)、C_(13)、C_(33)、C_(44)。晶格常数的值与实验及其它理论值相符得比较好,很遗憾的是,弹性常数尚无实验值及其它理论值可比较。由弹性常数,我们推导出在零压、温度300 K时的德拜温度为908.787 K,这个结果与Wiley D.E.等人的结果ΘD= 910K比较接近。
     其次,我们通过准谐德拜模型(Quasi-harmonic Debye Model)研究了ZrB_2热力学性质,给出了不同压强和不同温度下的热容和德拜温度的计算值,发现热容随着压强增加而减小,德拜温度随压强增加而增加。我们还拟合了不同压强(0 GPa、20 GPa、40 GPa)下热容和温度的关系,当温度低于1500 K时,热容随温度的增加而增加,但当温度高于1500 K时,热容几乎接近所有固体在高温条件下所要遵循的Dulong-Petit值,即9NA kB (≈74.85 J mol~(-1) K~(-1))。
     最后,我们通过能带理论,利用CASTEP软件包,讨论了ZrB2在不同压强下的总体态密度,分态密度。我们注意到各部分态密度的相对强度都是随着压强的增加略有减小。而且,随着压强的逐渐增大,处于价带与导带部分的态密度都是向高能方向漂移(蓝移),导带和价带宽度略有增加。另外,我们还计算了电荷转移、键长、布局数。我们发现电荷转移随着压强的增大而增大,当压强从O GPa增加到40 GPa,电荷转移从1.16增加到1.27,键长分别从1.82847 A和2.54618A减少到1.75457A和2.43610A,电子云布局数分别从2.43和0.12变化到2.62和-0.26。随着压强的增加,它的导带和价带都展宽,而且都有向高能方向漂移的趋势,但导带漂移的幅度比价带明显要大,因此,导带和价带之间可能会出现带隙,极有可能从导体过渡到半导体。但是压强增大后,它的导带和价带间并没有出现带隙,这说明在我们所考虑到的压强范围内二硼化锆的电子结构和导电性并没有受到多大影响,这样也同样验证了二硼化锆能在一定的高温高压下保持良好的导电性。
Transition-metal borides ZrB_2 has several unique properties. For example, both metallic and ceramic property, high melting point 3245oC, high hardness, fine conductivity and thermal conduction, chemical stability and so on .They are excellent refractory ceramics material with chemical inertness for molten metal. Recently, because of its unique high strength, temperature, conductivity, stability, and other fine properties, it has demonstrated the formidable vitality.under the environment of high temperature. Especially it plays an unique role in many fields which metal and ceramics can not play.
     Despite the technological developments of ZrB_2, some behaviors of ZrB_2 under the high pressure have not been paid enough attention. Many fundamental problems for ZrB_2 under high pressure condition, such as the structural, electronic and bonding mechanisms, has not been solved. The main contents studied in this thesis are divided into 3 parts, which are summarized below:
     Firstly, we have employed ab initio plane-wave pseudopotential density functional theory to calculate the equilibrium lattice parameters, and the lattice constant a and c . The five independent elastic constants, the bulk modulus B0 and the first order pressure derivative of bulk modulus B0′has been obtained. The equilibrium lattice parameters obtained have been shown to be in good agreement with available experimental data and other theoretical results. No theoretical or experimental data for elastic constants are yet available for our comparison. At T=300K, P=0, using the single-crystal elastic constants of ZrB_2, we obtainΘ_D= 908.787K, which agrees well with the valueΘ_D= 910K by Wiley D.E.et al.
     Secondly, the thermodynamic properties of the ZrB_2 have been obtained through the quasi-harmonic Debye model. We have calculated the heat capacities and the Debye temperatures at different temperatures and different pressures, it is found that as pressure increases, the heat capacity CV decreases and the Debye temperatureΘ_D increases. It is shown that when T < 1500 K, the heat capacity C_V is dependent on both the temperature T and the pressure P. However, at higher pressures and/or higher temperatures, the harmonic effect on C_V is suppressed, the calculated C_V is very close to the Dulong-Petit limit 9NA kB (≈74.85 J mol~(-1) K~(-1)), which is obeyed by to all solids at high temperature.
     Finally, we have use the CASTEP package of Materials Studio to discuss total, valence band, and conduction band density of state of ZrB_2 at different pressures based on band theory. It has been noted that relative intensity of density of state on each section has a slight decrease when the pressure increases. Moreover, as pressure increases gradually, density of state of valence bands and conduction bands shift towards the high energy, the width of valence bands and conduction bands increase slightly. Furthermore, we have calculated Charge Transfer, Bond Length, Bond Population. We find that as pressure increases, the charge transfer increases, but the bond length decreases , and population has also changed .
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