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     于是我们按照这个方法,把渐进平坦的黑Dp膜放到一个腔中,在正则系综下来研究它们的热力学相结构。不带荷的情况,有发生类似于霍金-佩吉(D.N.Page)相变的黑膜-热平坦空间相变。对带荷的情况,当Dp膜的维数p<5时,就可能出现类似范德瓦尔斯(J.D.van der Waals)-麦克斯韦(J.C.Maxwell)气液相变的大小黑膜之间的相变:当荷低于临界值,相图在一定温度范围内表现为可能发生类似上述气液相变的一级相变;当荷刚好达到临界值时,相图就表现为可能发生二级相变,出现二级相变点,也就是所谓的临界点。带荷的黑D5膜和D6膜都不会出现临界现象,也就不会发生大小黑膜间类似气液相变的相变,不过它们的情况也不尽相同。
Since the pioneering work by J. D. Bekenstein and S. W. Hawking in the early1970s, black hole thermodynamics has been one of active research topics in theoretical physics, for it leads to issues of quantum mechanical unitarity as well as information puzzle and to the nature of quantum gravity. This is because on one hand. Hawking radiation is a featureless thermal one while the objects have all their respective peculiar features before they fall into the black hole and on the other hand, black hole being a macroscopic gravitational system, its entropy and temperature are both in essence quantum mechanical, implying that the corresponding thermodynamics are also quantum mechanical in nature. Hence black holes are ideal systems for us to address the above raised issues.
     Black branes in string/M-theory can be considered as a higher dimensional generalization of black holes. So. understanding the thermodynamics and phase structure of black D-branes or the corresponding double black D-brane system-s, can be also considered as a higher dimensional generalization of black hole ones, while at the same time we expect to learn lessons about non-perturbative information for M-theory.
     Asymptotically flat black holes are thermodynamically unstable due to the Hawking radiation. To properly study the thermodynamics and phase structure of a spherically symmetric black hole, we need first to stabilize such a system. The standard approach for this is to place such a system in a finite concentric spherical cavity with its surface temperature fixed. In other words, a thermodynamical ensemble is considered which can be either canonical or grand canonical, depend-ing on whether the charge inside the cavity or the potential at the surface of the cavity is fixed. We focus in this thesis on the canonical ensemble, i.e., the charge inside the cavity is fixed.
     With this approach, the thermodynamics and phase structure of the simple asymptotically flat D=10black p-braues were studied in canonical ensemble. For the uncharged case. there is always a Hawking-Page-like phase transition between the black p-brane and the corresponding "hot empty space. When the charge is non-zero. the phase structure contains a van der Waals-Maxwell liquid-gas type phase transition when p <5with a line ot first-order phase transition ending at a second order pliase transit ion (critical) point. However, for p=5or6. we do not have such a phase structure.
     We then seek means which can be used lo modify the phase structure of p=5or6case to the expected one. For this, we consider specifically to add the lower dimensional D-branes to the Do or D6system, deloealized along their respective worldvolume directions. In particular, we consider a charged black D(p-2)/Dpor D(p-1)/Dp or D0/D6system for which the delocalized lower dimensional branes are D(p-2) or D(p-4) or DO. respectively. It turns out that tin's can occur only for the D1/D5or D0/D6system.
     We calculate the critical exponents at the respective critical point for the relevant system under consideration. We discuss the underlying physical reason which gives rise to the dramatic change of phase structure of D5or D6when the deloealized D1or D0are added, and find out that this may be due to the nature of interaction between D1and D5or between DO and D6.
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