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A new category that studies as political science that politics isharmonious, is not merely a coordination state of the social member's interests relation,and has contained every aspect of the social political life, it is the political just stateunder social pluralistic trend and pattern, under such political just state, various politicalsubjects and social member's interests conflicts between each other are relaxedrelatively, interests disparity dwindles gradually, politics admits convergently thatidentical, the social political life is coordinated, steady, I think, politics includes threerespect contents of harmony of the harmonious, political atmosphere of the harmonious,political order of the political relation harmoniously specifically.
     The harmonious political relation is the important content of the harmoniouspolitics, the harmonious political relation not merely means a kind of benigninterdynamic relation that the power main body and power object demonstrate in poweroperation in political system, include the coordination of the relation between politicalsystem and social other systems at the same time, it is if political system meet and notpromote economy, culture, etc, benign development stability states ordered that comeout appeareds systematics socials other; Harmonious political order show as in ordernature, in order nature, validity that democratic rights ensure that country control thatdemocratic politics participate in; The harmonious political atmosphere mainly meansthe government official of the person who exercises political rights must have goodpolitical caliber and personality quality, cooperation with the people of person whoexercises regime.
     This text make politics harmonious as one new analysis visual angle, basiccharacteristic harmonious to politics do simple analysis too, by regarding fairly asprimary value choice; Regard socialist political culture and social public spirit as itscultural foundation, turn its guarantee of system with political legal system
     After doing basic analysis to politics harmoniously, this text has also combed thebasic conception of power and power relation, attempt to make the power relation ofanalysis in the analysis visual angle with harmonious politics. This text analyzes andplays chess and analyzes from the value analysis, structure of the power relation threeaspects describe the power relation dynamically. Analyze the aspect in value, has described the existing way of the power relation from the military force, handled andchanged into persuading, authority, course of this transition forms the course of "pluralgood preface" too, under such plural good preface, the power relation demonstratesharmony, altogether right characteristic; The form of value of the power relation, isshown as power disposes, operates and carries on equality of the interests coordination,democratic, justice; The legitimacy foundation that the power relation reflects, ischanged into recognizing the regulatory legitimacy as foundation with value from theexperience legitimacy based on power will.
     Analyze the aspect in the structure, has introduced the meaning, type of power withstructural relation, meanwhile, arrive present power relation development of structurecomb before the foundation of the state our country, point out the modernity of makingpower with structural relation of political harmonious visual field is reconstructed—Thedualization of power with structural relation reconstructs. Like this new power relationmode, it is determined that the relation structure of power must demonstrate the newcharacteristic, focus on and launch the argumentation from respects such as structurallevel and combining, "edge change", "two-way" of the power relation,etc, in thearticle.
     Play chess and analyze the aspect dynamically, this text has mainly done the simpleintroduction to the theory of playing chess, have proved meaning, "game theory" andrelation problem with harmonious politics in which "game theory" studies aboutpolitical science. By the look of "game theory", this angle, power relation demonstrateone from zero and play chess to play chess trend transformed, under this trend, the mainobject of the power relation changes correspondingly too, mainly shown as and carriedout the transition from single subject to the pluralistic subject, this text has mainlychosen the country and two pairs of relations between society, central authorities andlocality, analyze to the main object change of power relation that proves, on the basis ofthis, sum up universal law that power play chess briefly, until "whether zero with playchess" to "play chess", from "one-way one dimension" transition in "interdynamicmultidimension", finally, article analyze from "zero and play chess," move towards"and play chess" this politics harmonious basic demand.
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