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     社会发展和人类活动对生态环境的需求主要表现为将生态环境作为生产要素和污染排放场所的功能性消耗,导致生态资源产品日益稀缺。传统的“高投入、高消耗、高污染、低效益”的粗放式经济发展模式,给资源环境系统带来巨大的压力,自然资源日益减少、环境污染不断加剧,资源环境系统遭到严重破坏。自然界正以各种方式向人类提出警告:气候反常频现、自然灾害频发、新型疾病频出,唤醒人们保护资源环境的意识,促使人类对自身发展的行为方式重新进行审视。环境保护思想自20世纪五、六十年代逐渐步入人类关注的视野,相继通过《寂静的春天》(1962)、《增长的极限》(1972)等得到高度重视,世界环境与发展委员会在《我们共同的未来》(1987)报告中提出可持续发展的概念。20世纪60年代美国经济学家肯尼思·E.鲍尔丁(Kenneth E.Boulding)首先提出了“循环型经济”概念。自20世纪90年代起,循环经济作为践行可持续发展的途径,成为发展的潮流和趋势,主旨在于通过运用各种学科理论和技术方法解决社会经济发展过程中资源枯竭和环境污染问题,通过资源的循环再利用和节约,实现以最小的资源消耗、最小的环境污染获取最大的发展效益,促进人类、社会、经济和环境的和谐协调发展。
The game between the finite ecologic environment and the infinite demand of social and economic development has gradually become a main contradiction in china and even in the whole world. Ecologic environment is now facing a dual burden within the social and economic development. On the one hand, it plays the role as factor of production, providing its ecologic resources for the sectors of production and consumption. On the other hand, it plays the role as container, loading and decomposing the waste. Under the double pressures, the environmental capacity becomes small, and the bearing capacity of ecologic environment is declining rapidly. The ecologic environment is now facing a serious crisis of been deteriorated and exhausted. The crisis from ecologic environment is bound to hinder the pace of social development, and even influence human lives and breeds. Therefore, in order to keep the sustainable development of ecologic environment, social economy and human development, a new feasible development scenario need to be proposed urgently for reconciling this main contradiction.
     The demand of social development and human activities on ecologic environment is mainly manifested as functional consumption of its production factor provider and waste container. That leads the products of ecologic resources to become scarcer. The traditional extensive pattern of economic development is "high input, high consumption, high pollution and low efficiency", and brings great pressure on the system of resources and environment. Nowadays, the natural resources become dwindling, the environmental pollution is deteriorated, the system of resources and environment has been severely damaged. The nature shows warnings to human beings by various ways, for example, anomalous climate, natural disasters, new type of diseases and so on. All of these abnormal phenomena of nature are happened frequently. It awakes humans’environmental awareness, and impels people to resurvey their own behaviors of development. Since the 1950s, the idea of environmental protection has gradually gone into human’s sight, and been highly approved through from the publication of the books of "Silent Spring" (1962) and "The Limits to Growth" (1972). The concept of sustainable development was proposed by WCED (World Commission on Environment and Development) in the report named“Our Common Future "(1987). In the 1960s, Kenneth E. Boulding, American economist, proposed“recycling economy”originally. From 1990s, recycle economy becomes a way of practice on sustainable development, and is viewed as a new trend of development pattern. The leitmotiv of recycle economy is solving the problems of resource exhaustion and environment pollution which caused by the social and economic development activities by using various theories and technology, achieving the maximal benefits by costing the minimum resource depletion and environment pollution through recycling and reusing the resource, then promoting the harmonious development of human, social, economy and environment.
     Since 1990s, the recycle economy has attracted much attention from domestic and foreign decision-makers and scholars. Many experts and scholars have done a lot of researches and practices on recycle economy development from the level of macro-theory and micro-application. And through their effort, the recycle economy development pattern has gained a better environmental, economic and social benefit. By analyzing the current related research at home and abroad, we found that much more research come from the macro and micro perspective, for instance, research on the system and methodology of building recycling society and recycling enterprise are quite much. But research on the regional and industrial recycle economy development from the perspective of middle scale are less. It is noteworthy that, with the rise of regional economics, industrial ecology and endogenous growth theory, the recycling development model of region and industry, and the endogenous variables which influence the recycle economy development gradually become the focus of research. At present, the recycle economy development still faces many problems need to be solved. The sustainable development ability of regional economy is relatively weak. The problem of unbalanced development between regions is serious. The new development pattern of each industry is just beginning to take shape. The specific and operable scheme of industry structure adjustment need to be further implemented and innovated. The achievement path of recycle economic development is not clear. And so on. Firstly, the gap of economic development between regions in China is very large. If the path dependence of recycling economic development model is strong, the disparity between regions would be widened. How to unify the recycling economic development and regional economic development? Secondly, industrial development in China is facing a big reform of structure adjustment. How to inject the idea of recycle economic development into industrial reform? Thirdly, with the rise of endogenous growth theory, it become necessary to explore the endogenous factors which influence recycle economic development. Which endogenous paths will impact the recycle economic development? How to promote the development of recycle economy by applying the endogenous path? All of these questions show that the recycle economic development is facing both opportunities and challenges. To better solve the above problems, this paper proposes regional and industrial models for the development of recycle economy, and lays out specifically the realization paths through empirical research on endogenous variables. The path study plays a role of screening and filtrating to the policies of recycle economic development. This paper provides theoretical evidence and policy orientation for macro-control and micro-integration of recycle economic development in the future.
     The regional structure of Shandong province is very similar to the nation’s, and the basic condition for the recycle economy development is mature, such as economy, natural environment, social infrastructure, technological advances, institutional arrangements and public awareness and other factors. Therefore, this paper takes Shandong province as a case. It is typical, reasonable and prospective to have a study on the development model and achievement path of recycle economy in Shandong province. The paper takes recycle economic development as a goal, and uses various analysis methods, including integration analysis, comparative analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis, inductive and deductive method, GIS technique, empirical analysis, and path analysis. Based on the condition of natural resource, ecologic environment, economy, society, institution, technique and ideology in Shandong province, we divide Shandong province into different regional types by the level of recycle economic development, propose an phase planning for inter-industry recycle economic development, make a case study on each industry for its recycling development. At the same time, we conduct a comprehensive analysis on the development of recycle economy from space and time path. Through investigating the variables of middle paths, including Investment (I), the Level of Urbanization (URB), the Level of Industrialization (IND), International Trade (IT), the Level of Consumption (XF), Education Level (EDU), Technology Progress (T), Marketization (M), Basic Construction (BC) and Environmental Management (EM), we seek the achievement path for recycle economic development deeply. This paper gives a consideration on policy establishment of national macro-economy, makes a great contribution on balancing the environmental protection and economic development, and provides a good referrence for fiscal policies.
     By using the grade framework, the research content of this paper goes deep into chapters one by one. In chapter one, we analyze the value and feasibility of the research content and methods, review the current study situation at both home and abroad. In chapter two, we extract the theory groundwork for recycle economy. In chapter three, we evaluate the basic status of Shandong province for the development of recycle economy. In chapter four, we estimate and classify the regional level of recycle economy development in Shandong province, and propose regional recycling economic development model for each region. At the same time, we analyze the industrial recycling economic development model, put forward a phase-path for the development of recycle economy inter industry, and make a case study on the main industry for its development model of recycle economy. In chapter five, we make an empirical analysis on the achievement path of recycle economic development, analyze the transmission mechanism of recycle economy development in space and time, and provide a path filtration for policy establishment in the future. In chapter six, we give the main conclusions and future outlook for readers. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows:
     First, establish an integrated and deliberate theoretical basis for the recycle economic development. The paper extracts the foundation theories of recycle economic development, including economics, ecology, industrial ecology, and sustainable development, and makes a systematic integration on the foundation theories. Take economic theory as its "Developing System", ecological theory as "Surviving System", industrial ecological theory as "simulating system", the theory of sustainable development as "coordinating system". All these mature theories together constitute an important supporting system and theoretical kernel for recycle economic development. Only full grasping the theories of economics, ecology, industrial ecology, sustainable development and recycling economy development, we can build the recycle economic development model more systematically and effectively, then promote the achievement path of recycle economy development becoming true better and faster.
     Second, do research on the regional development model of recycle economy in Shandong province. In this paper, we establish an index system for estimating the recycle economic development level, including natural resource endowment, population development, economic development, industrial layout, environmental condition and comprehensive treatment, and the externality of recycle economy. The six indices together form a comprehensive index of recycle economy development. This paper assesses the regional condition of the six indices respectively and comprehensively. Through empirical analysis and experience judgment, using the modern GIS technique, according to the level of recycle economy development, we divide the 17 cities in Shandong province into three types, the pilot area, the growth area and the introduction area. Different type of area is embedded different function and development planning. In order to promote balanced development among different regions, the departments have vertical relationship need to be allocated with different tasks and cooperating together, the departments have horizontal relationship should join together for a great success.
     Third, do research on the industrial development model of recycle economy in Shandong province. According to the characteristics of industrial development in Shandong province, this paper proposes industrial model of recycle economic development. We design out a phase development strategy for the inter-industry development model of recycle economy, including the initial stage, the growth stage, and the mature stage. As for the intra-industry development model of recycle economy, we put forward specific development schemes and make an empirical test, then draw a conclusion as follow. It should fully advance the agricultural recycle economic development model, establish and improve the industrial recycle economic development model, and positively guide the service industrial recycle economic development model.
     Fourth, do research on the realization path of recycle economy development from the view of space and time in Shandong province.①From the perspective of space, this paper makes an empirical test on the transmission mechanism of recycle economic development in Shandong province, and does a qualitative analysis on the achievement path by which the fiscal expenditure will have an influence on the recycle economic development. As the results, we can see that the variables, including Investment (I), Industrial Added Value (IAV), International Trade (IT), R & D Expenditure (RD) and Basic Construction (BC), are all have a positive correlation with the comprehensive index of recycle economy development. The more the variable increasing, the better the recycle economic development of Shandong province will be.②From the perspective of time, this paper chooses time series data from 1984 to 2009, and makes an empirical test on the transmission mechanism of the dynamic development of recycle economy in Shandong province. By integrating the macro-path and micro-path, considering the opposition and uniformity between economic development and environmental protection, we get the conclusion that the quality of economic development is paid more attention in the recycle economy development. The variables of Technological Progress (T) and Urbanization (URB) have significant positive effect on the recycle economy development. It reflects that the recycle economy development emphasize the quality of economic development and environment protection.
     Fifth, establish a quadrant sketch map for the apace-time path of recycle economy development. Based on different requirements and aims of development in space and time, there has great difference on the space-time path of the recycle economic development. This paper builds a quadrant sketch map for the space-time path of recycle economic development. We choose the variables in the intersection which have strong positive effect on the recycle economic development, and find that Technological Progress (T) and Basic Construction (BC) have strong positive effect on the recycle economic development both in space and time. So the two variables can be considered as the most important paths for the fiscal expenditure in the future.
    ①Mikael Skou Andersen(2007),‘An Introductory Note on the Environmental Economics of the Circular Ecnnomic’, Sustain Sci (2007)2:133-140
    ②Subhas K. Sikdar (2009),‘Sustainability and recycle-reuse in process systems’, Clean Techn Environ Policy (2007)9:167-174
    ④A.J.D. Lambert, H.M.Boelaarts and M.A.M. Splinter (2004),‘Optimal Recycling System Design: With an Application to Sophisticated Packaging Tools’, Environmental and Resource Economics 28, 273–299
    ⑤Eric Brouillat (2009),‘Recycling and extending product-life: an evolutionary modelling’, J Evol Econ (2009)19:437-461
    ①Macro A. Janssen and Wander Jager (2002),‘Stimulating Diffusion of Green Products Co-evolution between Firm and Consumers’, Journal of Evolutionary Economics (2002)12:238-306
    ②Ada Ferrer-i-Carbonell and Jeroen C.J.M. Van Den Bergh (2004),‘A Micro-Econometric Analysis of Determinants of Unsustainable Consumption in The Netherlands’, Environmental and Resource Economics 27, 367–389
    ③Gorm. Kipperberg (2007),‘A Comparison of Household Recycling Behaviors in Norway and the United States’, Environmental and Resource Economics 36, 215–235
    ④Vijaya G. Duggal, Cynthia Saltzman, and Mary L.Williams (1991),‘Recycling: An Economic Analysis’, Eastern Economic Journal 3, 351–358
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