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     本文的主要创新之处在于将及时培训(Just-in-Time Training)的理念引入国内,并与中小学教师教育技术能力培训相结合,构建了面向教师需求的JiTT校本培训模型,并在实践中加以验证。不足之处在于样本数量的不足可能会影响研究结果的客观性。因此,为了进一步验证此模型的有效性,应当扩大研究范围,增加样本数量和提高个人对评价工具的驾驭能力。
The NETA training for elementary and middle school teachers has entered the middle stage. As one necessary element of teachers’ability structure in infomationization age, the educational technology ability has an indispensable important training value and research significance. Undoubtedly, this is to promote education technical ability idea thorough all over the country, lift educational technology ability level for all the primary and middle school teachers, and has significant contribution for the "National Training Plan".
     On the other hand, this project cannot be satisfied by everyone to some extent: many literatures showed that it unified and ignored regional differences nationally. While for a particular area, some training departed the theories learning to practice, and these trainings cannot build the relationship with teaching practice and so on. How to overcome the above conditions is the mission for this study.
     This dissertation argues that one of the reasons that the ETAT is not satisfying is ignoring the subjective status in a certain areas. And the teachers are always planned as one part of training. In addition, some training personnel don't know the conditions of elementary schools. In order to solve this problem, this research proposes a new training model facing teachers’demands——JiTT Model. This model can be divided into five parts: teaching practice--analyzing requirements, after-school communication--determining theme, the micro-standard teaching -- case training, class reflection-- training reflection and evaluation. Each part involves teachers’participation, and it can make the training plans according to these teachers’actual demands.
     This dissertation refers to (1) Literature methodology; (2) Interview; (3) Class observation, including qualitative and quantitative research ;(4) Questionnaire; (5) Case study.
     The chapter 1 briefly introduced the research background, the research questions, as well as the research methods. The chapter 2 discussed the theoretical basis. The adult learning theory, context learning theory and Mazar-e Reno target classification theory as the cognitive learning theory; the study of Dewey "learning by doing" pragmatism philosophy as a research action theory; the migration theory as a research ability effect validation theory. The third chapter analyzed present situation, and proposed the new concept of training educational technology ability to ensure the effective implementation. The fourth chapter constructed the school-based model of JiTT, and how to use it. Chapter 5 induced strategies of JiTT model. Mainly from "constructing training culture " and "training implementation" two aspects. Chapter 6 is JiTT school-based training model effect analysis. Through the self-developed "classroom teaching design observing scale" judge teachers teaching design capability development; Through the questionnaire and interview, understanding of training teachers attitude. Chapter 7 is the conclusion of this study, and it summarizes the innovations, and the future perspective of the research.
     The main innovation of this dissertation lies in bringing the idea of JiTT into China, and combining it with ETA for elementary and middle school teachers. And it constructs a school-based training model facing the teachers’demands, and validates it in practice. The defect of this research is that the sample sizes are not big enough. Therefore, in order to further verify the validity of the model, I should expand research scope, increase sample size and improving personal control ability to evaluation tools.
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