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节能与环保问题一直都是人类社会可持续发展的所不可回避的两大问题,汇集串并联式混合动力汽车所有优势的EVT(Electrical Variable Transmission)型混联式混合动力汽车作为解决问题的最切实可行的方法将毋庸置疑。
From the 20th century to the 21st century, and now the United Nations Climate Conference in Copenhagen, energy saving and environmental protection have always been the two main themes for sustainable development of human society. HEV(Hybrid Electric Vehicle) as one of the most practical way to solve the two problems has been widely accepted, especially for the Power-split HEV which is a collection of all the advantages of series and parallel hybrid electric vehicle, also, with the EVT (Electric Variable Transmission) , will make the hybrid vehicles more efficient and environment more friendly.
     Same problems also caused by the application of EVT techniques in power-split hybrid electric vehicle power train system have the complex configurations , the large number of programs to the powertrain parameters design and optimization of the nonlinear multi.objective optimization for solving complex problems, but also result in more complex parameter optimization for hybrid energy management control strategies. Therefore, as lack of domestic power-split hybrid electric vehicle research, the power-split hybrid electric vehicle powertrain and powertrain configuration parameter matching were studied in this thesis. The main research contents:
     (1) Study on power-split hybrid electric vehicle powertrain configuration. It is included a fast mathematical modeling program and validation of configuration feasibility for the powertrain system configuration, and the dynamic characteristics of hybrid power system analysis by employing the lever analogy theory.
     (2) Presented the principles and methods for hybrid powertrain hybrid cars parameter design.in detail, the power train parameters design methods for the single mode of the power-split hybrid electric vehicle (Toyota Prius II for example) and dual.mode power-split hybrid electric vehicle (Prius II + Allision Hybrid Syetem for example) , got the main power .train parameters or a certain range, which is as part of the powertrain to provide optimal design parameters of the specific preparation。
     (3) Based on Matlab / Simulink platform, complete single.mode and dual.mode hybrid vehicle models which were for simulation and optimization.
     (4) Based on Matlab / Simulink platform, a rule.based logic threshold control strategy, optimal control algorithm Dynamic Programming and Deterministic Dynamic Programming control algorithm were established. Based on the vehicle simulation model for the power-split hybrid electric vehicle, control parameters of the rule.based logic control stratety are optimized and using DDP in former power train parameters got the final optimal control parameters.
     (5) By simulation analysis based on driving cycle and comparing simulation results with power performance of the actual vehicle, the dynamic vehicle model established and the control strategy in this thesis is validated to be correct.By constrasting the vehicle specifications of Prius II with the actual vehicle parameters to validate that the powertrain parameters design method proposed in chapter 3 and the results of global optimization in chapter 5, and then verified that the power-split hybrid powertrain perameter design methiod is correct.
     Research content of this thesis, focus on filling the domestic gap , lay a foundation for power-split hybrid vehicles design and control parameters research which are important steps to form own development by one of the key technologies, and these are with the important significance.
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