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With the economy’s developing, the population’s aging, the rural family-structure’downsizing and the young people’ thoughts’ changing, the traditional family support isdecaying gradually. The supply of resources for aging people has been becoming a majorserious problem in China. Although the family is still the main support in current ruralcommunity, the instability of supply is uncoordinated with the objectives and requirements ofbuilding harmonious society and the rural economic and social development. Therefore,building a scientific and rational rural supply subject and supply system of resources is anurgent need for social development. Based on this background, this article deeply carries outresearch on rural resources supply, which starts with the analysis of the current status ofsupply and need. Specific contents can be summarized as the following three aspects.
     First of all, it is the definition and the analysis on supply's status and problems of theresources. In the second and third chapter, the resources for rural aging people are defined asall existing and to be developed material and spiritual resources that can meet the needs whenthe people is aging. With the social network theory and hierarchy need, the resources will beclassified the various sorts: strong or weak tie resources, survival and development resourcesand so on, which makes it clear that supply subjects are family and society. Then the articleinvestigate the current supply status according to economic support, life care and spiritualsupport, and the result is:(1)the current supply is still family-oriented, society plays anincreasingly important role.(2)the supply of resources is still faced with many problemswhich includes the huge demand, heavy burden, single supply subject, limited supplycapacity.
     Secondly, it consists of the analysis on supply capacity and effect. Based on thecollection of the indicators about resource supply and investigation of Taibai County inShaaxi, this part does some descriptive statistics and factor analysis of resources’ supply. Inchapter4, the24indicators are chose and analyzed, which include the gross value of regionalagricultural life, financial revenue and expenditure, fixed agricultural production investment,rural social security and so on. In Chapter5, with the multiple sort choice model,3dependentand15independent variables are chose to analyze, which include economic support, life careand spiritual support and elderly parent’s economy,health status, adult offspring’s education background, economy status et. In Chapter6, The ELES model is used to stratify what is theresources demand for aging people in rural areas. The results are:(1) There are seriousdifferences on resources supply between different regions, which make a considerable numberof poor rural elderly live in unsafe situations.(2)The satisfaction of economic, life care andspiritual support is affected significantly by these variables such as the balance of the elderly’smonthly income and expenditure, who live with, their own health status, their offspring’seducational background, marital status and economic conditions et.(3) The resources demandfor rural aging people is divided into “survive, living, and development” three levels.
     Thirdly, it orientates the role of the resource supply subject and builds the supply system.In chapter7, it introduces the experience of the security mode in Australia and Japan, whichbuild public social service centers and strengthen basic health services for rural elderly projectis considered to be successful and meaningful. In chapter8, it orientates the roles andresponsibilities of the three main supply subjects of the resources, which is family, communityand society. Generally, the main roles are as follows: the society will take on moreresponsibility, which is not only to provide financial resources, but also life care and spiritualsupport. The rural communities exert the social advantage to provide life care and spiritualresources for aging, and family will gradually shift its role from the main part of economic,life, and spiritual support to that one which is mainly spiritual support, supplemented byeconomic resources and life care support, which the intergenerational relationships willchange through adhesive-loose-independent. In chapter9, according to the three-levelresources need and the role orientation in chapter6and8, the three-level resource supplysystem for aging people will be build:(1)Support for survival: Build a “society dominated”,non-contributory pension supply system.(2)Support for living: Build a “society and person”mainly supply system, supplemented by families and communities.(3)Support fordevelopment: Build a “self-supplied” supply system, supplemented by families, communities,and society. In the end, some proposals will be put forward.
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