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The Cold War period is the developing and prosperity period of AmericanSovietology. A number of famous institutions of Soviet studies such as RussianInstitute of Columbia University, Russian Research Center of Harvard University,Center for Slavic and East European Studies of University of California at Berkeleyand so on were set up during this period; some projects on Soviet Studies such as“Harvard Project on the Soviet Social System (HPSSS)” and “Soviet InterviewProject (SIP)” played an important role in government policymaking in this period;the academic style of American Sovietology which emphasized collecting andanalyzing the information, using the multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary theoriesand methods to expand research also took shape during this period.
     The Dissertation is divided into three parts including introduction, main bodyand conclusion.
     The introduction mainly elaborated on the major issues of the topic, significanceof the topic, research status, research methods and key materials.
     Chapter1reviewed the training of Sovietologists as the beginning of AmericanSovietology during the Cold War. At the end of19thcentury, individual universities inthe United States began to set up some curriculums about Russia, but the overalldevelopment of Russian studies was somewhat slow. When after the establishment of American-Soviet diplomatic relations in1933, American academia launched anexperiment which achieved an improvement of teaching methods of Russian language,and simultaneously high-level personnel training work was also gradually expanded.After the outbreak of World War II, many wartime projects of universities andmilitary such as “Intensive Language Program” etc. were set up in succession, Sovietstudies occupied large amount among them and acquired some fruits. In1944, theRockefeller Foundation began to advocate area studies in the field of Sovietology.Although initially there were a few failures, finally the Russian Institute of ColumbiaUniversity which was established in1946successfully trained a considerable numberof Soviet experts for academia and government. Thence American Sovietology of theCold War rose.
     Chapter2introduced “Harvard Project on the Soviet Social System”. In the earlypostwar period, American people of various circles involved in the Cold War more orless because of the guidance of Anti-Communism; social science circles especiallySovietologists played a key role in formulation and implementation of the Cold Warstrategy. The Russian Research Center of Harvard University which was establishedin February1948tried to provide views about the Soviet Union by means of thetheories of social psychology, cultural anthropology and sociology; the Cold Warcharacteristics of American Sovietology which was produced by the cooperationbetween the Center and military or government also emerged in this period. HarvardProject on the Soviet Social System (1950-1954) was precisely an important productof the cooperation between the Russian Research Center and the USAF. This projectderived from the idea of interviewing Soviet refugees. Though there were manyproblems in operation process, basing on a large number of interview information the project made a series of achievements ultimately. Thereafter academia and politicshad combined around the National Security.
     Chapter3discussed the developments and effects of American Sovietologyduring the Cold War. During1950s to1960s, the American Sovietology experienced agreat reform and a fast development. On one hand, it was attributed to thedevelopment law of scholarship itself; on the other hand, a strong policy orientationconferred by the Cold War also demanded that Sovietology expand to an enormousacademic profession in the United States. During this period, because of the NationalSecurity State and the Cold War strategic objectives, to know the enemy more deeply,the funding to the Sovietology of the federal government and private foundations wasenlarged on the scope and increased on the amount; taking this as a juncture, relevantacademic institutions of this area were established in many universities throughoutthe United States, the number of Soviet experts that government might absorb andutilize grew exponentially, additionally the American Association for theAdvancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) embraced nearly all the AmericanSovietologists by reorganizing. As a result, in the developing process of AmericanSovietology during this period, the disparity of different academic institutions of thisfield had gradually narrowed, the academia-government symbiotic relationship hadconstantly enhanced, the mobilization of scholars to involved in the Cold War by statepower had continuously reinforced, simultaneously more and more Sovietologistsaccepted official requirements as main orientation of their research, and all of thisreflected the close relationship of scholarship and politics which cannot becompletely separated.
     Chapter4discussed the crises of American Sovietology and its countermeasures during the Cold War. In1970s, the field of American Sovietology fell into a financialcrisis, successively suffered oversupply and shortage in personnel aspect, and theacademic research was in the state of stagnation and silence, even many outstandingSovietologists had completely left the field. To1980s, with the continuous evolutionand change of international situation, the US government, private foundations andacademic organizations attached importance to Sovietology once again and tookmany measures of response for the crises, so that the field basically got rid of thecrises and made a number of achievements and progress. The funding status ofAmerican Sovietology of this period reflects cyclical characteristics whichchronically existed in this field, and clearly related to US-Soviet relations and Sovietbehaviors.
     Chapter5introduced “Soviet Interview Project” which was in later period ofCold War. In1970s, affected by many factors such as the international situation, therehad been an Immigration boom which was dominated by Jewish people in the SovietUnion, and more than245,000soviet citizens went to Western countries such as theUnited States during the decade. These former soviet citizens provided a largenumber of samples available for study to American Sovietology, so that scholars triedto expand some practical research about soviet social conditions by investigating theimmigrants; and the results of the project were significantly valuable and meaningfulfor both academia and government to learn more about the latest dynamic informationof the Soviet Union. Therefore, in August1979, the proposal which was proposed byJames Millar to study recent soviet immigrants was adopted, thus “Soviet InterviewProject” was established. Soon after the special processes including questionnaireprogramming, sampling, interviewer recruiting and training, field work, the project was gradually expanded. Lots of information collected by survey built a materialfoundation for expert group to writing reports for government as the funder andpublish papers and monographs themselves; the fruits which the project achievedwere able to verify some related hypothesis proposed by scholars in the past, alsoobtained many quantified conclusions which involved in all areas of soviet society,simultaneously provided strong basis for the US government to make policy towardthe Soviet Union more directly.
     Chapter6studied the relationship between American Sovietology andpolicymaking during the Cold War. During the Cold War, it was a significantAmerican political cultural phenomenon that scholars entered political circles.Because of the politicization of academia, Sovietologists was faced the possibility ofacademic and political dual career choice, and thus established a relation betweenAmerican Sovietology and policymaking. This relation mainly reflected in someaspects such as being the highest policy advisors, participating activities of theCongress, dealing with specific affairs or providing advisory services for the federaladministrative agencies involving foreign and defense, and so on. For the effects ofSovietology on policymaking and the politicization of the discipline itself, the“academic&political” dual professional role of American Sovietologists played animportant part in that process.
     Chapter7reviewed American historiography on Russia during the Cold War.American historiography on Russia had absorbed and integrated the theories andmethods of the tradition of Western historiography and Russian historiography sinceits beginning of birth, therefore it formed the disciplinary characteristic withAmerican style and laid a foundation for the field to develop a more mature discipline when after the World War II. During the Cold War, with the changes of internationalpolitical situation and the growth of knowledge itself, American historians hadadopted totalitarianism and modernization theory as the mainstream paradigms tostudy Russian history. By doing research on some important issues of Imperial Russiaand the Soviet Union, they achieved many fruits which deserved academic attention.
     The conclusion concluded that significant demand for expertise on the SovietUnion from the political aspects of the United States is to promote the development ofthe Sovietology during the Cold War; ideological factors played a major role in thedevelopment of American Sovietology during the Cold War. Furthermore,experienced the development of the Cold War period, the scholar team of AmericanSovietology happened a structural change which was from dominated by Russian andEast European immigrant scholars to dominated by Native American scholars, thephenomenon reflected a development strategy that American academia consciouslytook advantage of immigrant scholars but limited their scale and impact, ultimatelywas able to basically get rid of their dependence and review Russia and the SovietUnion byAmericans’own perspective.
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    ①Jesse J. Dossick, Doctoral Research on Russia and Soviet Union, New York: NewYorkUniversity Press,1960.
    ②Jesse J. Dossick, Doctoral Research on Russia and Soviet Union,1960-1975, New York:Garland,1976.
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    ①John N. Hazard, Recollections of a Pioneering Sovietologist, New York: OceanaPublications,1984.
    ②Raymond L. Garthoff, A Journey through the Cold War: A Memoir of Containment andCoexistence, Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press,2001.
    ①Ralph T. Fisher Jr.,“TheAmericanAssociation for theAdvancement of Slavic Studies:From Its Origins to1969”,August1970, inAAASS Records.
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    ③S. Frederick Starr and J. Bruce Boisture,“Russian and Soviet Studies in the United States:AReview”, May1972.
    ①W. Sherman Edwards,“Interviewer training for the Soviet Interview Project GeneralSurvey”, May1983; BarbaraA.Anderson and Brain D. Silver,“Descriptive Statics for theSampling Frame Population: The Eligible Population for the Soviet Interview Project GeneralSurvey”, January1986; Donna Bahry,“Methodological report on the recording of the HarvardProject life history interviews”,August1988.
    ①Philip E. Mosely,“The Growth of Russian Studies”, in Harold H. Fisher, ed., AmericanResearch on Russia, Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1959, p.4.
    ①Leonard Bloomfield, Language, New York: Henry Holt,1933, pp.503-505.
    ②G. R. Noyes,“George Zinobei Patrick”, American Slavic and East European Review, Vol.5, No.1/2(May1946), pp.225-227.
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    ①Philip E. Mosely,“The Growth of Russian Studies”, in Harold H. Fisher, ed., AmericanResearch on Russia, Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1959, p.3.
    ②Wendell Clark Bennett, The Ethnogeographic Board, Washington D.C.: SmithsonianInstitution,1947, p.30.
    ③Philip E. Mosely,“The Growth of Russian Studies”, in Harold H. Fisher, ed., AmericanResearch on Russia, Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1959, pp.5-6.
    ①Graves to Stevens,1February1944, in Rockefeller Foundation Records,1.1/200R/225/2688, RockefellerArchive Center.
    ②Mortimer Graves and J. M. Cowan, Report of the FirstYear’s Operation of the IntensiveLanguage Program of the ACLS,1941-1942, Washington D.C.:American Council of LearnedSocieties,1942, pp.20-21.
    ①Paul F.Angiolillo, Armed Forces’Foreign Language Teaching: Critical Evaluation andImplications, New York: S.F. Vanni,1947, p.145.
    ②Schuyler C. Wallace,“The Naval School of Military Government andAdministration”,Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol.231(January1944), pp.29-33.
    ③“History of NSMGA”,1944, in Bureau of Naval Personnel Records, RG24/entry470/box6, U.S. NationalArchives.
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    ⑤Frederick B.Agard et al., A Survey of Language Classes in the Army Specialized TrainingProgram),New York: Commission on Trends in Education,1944, p.5.
    ①Charles S. Hyneman,“The WartimeArea and Language Courses”, Bulletin of theAmerican Association of University Professors, Vol.31, No.3(Autumn1945), pp.434-447.
    ②Charles S. Hyneman,“TheArmy's CivilAffairs Training Program”, The AmericanPolitical Science Review, Vol.38, No.2(April1944), pp.342-353.
    ③Robert Redfield,“Social Science Considerations: The Planning of Regional Specializationin Higher Education and Research,”10March1944, in Rockefeller Foundation Records,3.2/900/31/165, RockefellerArchive Center.
    ①Rockefeller Foundation, Conference on Area and Language Programs in AmericanUniversities, Philadelphia:1944, p.35.
    ②Rockefeller Foundation, Conference on Area and Language Programs in AmericanUniversities, Philadelphia:1944, p.4.
    ③Willits to Mosely,25April1944, in Rockefeller Foundation Records,1.1/200R/229/2721,RockefellerArchive Center.
    ④Simmons,“Study of Russian at the General Education Level”,14April1943, in CornellCollege ofArts and Sciences Records, box13, Cornell UniversityArchives.
    ①Ernest J. Simmons, Final Report: Intensive Study of Contemporary Russian Civilization,Ithaca: Cornell University1943, pp.17-19; Edmund E. Day,“So Cornell’s Going Bolshevist!”,Saturday Review,4March1944, pp.12-13.
    ②G. R. Noyes,“George Zinobei Patrick”, American Slavic and East European Review, Vol.5, No.1/2(May1946), pp.225-227.
    ③Fahs memo,11January1949, in Rockefeller Foundation Records,1.2/205R/10/67,RockefellerArchive Center.
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    ③H. H. Fisher,“Henry Lanz”, American Slavic and East European Review, Vol.5, No.1/2(May1946), p.222.
    ④Peter Duignan, The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford: HooverInstitution,1985, pp.1-2.
    ①George H. Nash, Herbert Hoover and Stanford University, Stanford: Hoover InstitutionPress,1988, p.141.
    ①Horatio Smith,“Preliminary Report of a Committee onArea Studies”,13July1943, inCUCF(Columbia University Central Files)/Smith, Columbia UniversityArchives.
    ②Marx paper, in Geroid Tanquary Robinson Papers/box17, Columbia University Library.
    ③Geroid T. Robinson,“The Decentralization of Russian History”, Political ScienceQuarterly, Vol.36, No.3(September1921), pp.454-468.
    ④Geroid Tanquary Robinson, Rural Russia under the Old Regime, New York: Longmans,Green and Company,1932, p.245.
    ⑤John S. Curtiss,“Geroid T. Robinson”, in John S. Curtiss, ed., Essays in Russian andSoviet history: In Honor of Geroid Tanquary Robinson, New York: Columbia University Press,1963, p. xx.
    ①BettyAbrahamsen Dessants,“TheAmericanAcademic Community and UnitedStates–Soviet Union Relations: The Research andAnalysis Branch and Its Legacy,1941–1947”,Ph. D dissertation, University of California, Berkeley,1995, pp.29-33.
    ②Barry M. Katz, Foreign intelligence: Research and Analysis in the Ofce of StrategicServices,1942–1945, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1989, p.154.
    ③Robinson toAustin Evans,24May1944, in Geroid Tanquary Robinson Papers/box50,Columbia University Library.着重号为原文所有。
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    ②Robinson, appendix to SIAProposal, in CUCF(Columbia University CentralFiles)/Wallace, Columbia UniversityArchives.
    ③Geroid T. Robinson,“Dr. Robinson Cites Vital Need for Understanding of Russians”, NewYork Herald-Tribune,4November,1945.
    ④Robinson to Willits,25July1946, in Rockefeller Foundation Records,2/1946200/332/2245, RockefellerArchive Center.
    ①PaulA. Samuelson,“Abram Bergson1914-2003”, Biographical Memoirs, Vol.84(2004),pp.22-34.
    ②Alexander Dallin,“Philip E. Mosely,1905-1972”, Russian Review, Vol.31, No.2(April1972), pp.209-211.
    ③John N. Hazard, Recollections of a Pioneering Sovietologist, New York: OceanaPublications,1984, pp.117-119.
    ④Rufus W. Mathewson,“Ernest J. Simmons,1903-1972”, Russian Review, Vol.31, No.4(October1972), pp.437-439.
    ⑤Robinson to Bergson,21November1945, in Geroid Tanquary Robinson Papers/box50,Columbia University Library.
    ⑥Simmons to Robinson,8October1945, in Geroid Tanquary Robinson Papers/box50,Columbia University Library.
    ①Cleon Swayzee (FF) discussions with JCSS,9–10October1953, inACLS Records, boxE-87, Library of Congress.
    ②“Report of the [Student] Committee on the Institute,”3May1949, in Geroid TanquaryRobinson Papers/box51, Columbia University Library.
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    ①RichardA. Melanson, American Foreign Policy since the Vietnam War: The Search forConsensus from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush,Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharp,2005, pp.6-12.
    ②又称“难民采访项目”(Refugee Interview Project, RIP)。哈佛大学图书馆已于2007年完成了对该项目有关资料(包括705份采访记录及7部手册和指南)的数字化处理,浏览方式分为扫描版及文字版两种,支持全文检索,检索页面为http://hcl.harvard.edu/collections/hpsss/index.html.
    ①Alexander H. Leighton, Human Relations in a Changing World: Observations on the Usesof the Social Sciences, NewYork: E.P. Dutton,1949, pp.43-44.
    ②依照帕森斯的观点,“新社会科学”(new social science)包括社会学、文化人类学、社会心理学等与研究人的行为规律有关的诸学科,区别于以政治学和经济学为代表的“旧社会科学”(old social science)。参见Howard Brick,“Talcott Parsons’s ‘ShiftAway fromEconomics,’1937-1946”, The Journal of American History, Vol.87, No.2(September2000), pp.490-514.
    ③Talcott Parsons,“Some Problems Confronting Sociology as a Profession”, AmericanSociological Review, Vol.24, No.4(August1959), pp.547-559.
    ④Talcott Parsons,“Graduate Training in Social Relations at Harvard”, The Journal ofGeneral Education, Vol.5, No.2(January1951), pp.149-157.
    ⑤Talcott Parsons and EdwardA. Shils, Toward a General Theory of Action: TheoreticalFoundations for the Social Sciences, New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers,2001, pp.3-4.
    ①Jerome S. Bruner, Jacqueline J. Goodnow, and GeorgeA.Austin, A Study of Thinking,New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers,1986, pp. xix-xx.
    ②Richard D. McKinzie, Oral History Interview with Frederick Osborn,http://www.trumanlibrary.org/oralhist/osbornf.htm.
    ③Public Broadcasting Service, John Gardner: Uncommon American,http://www.pbs.org/johngardner/index.html.
    ④John Gardner,“Russian Studies”, July15,1947, in RRC Correspondence, Series UAV
    759.10, box1, Harvard UniversityArchives.
    ①Roger L. Geiger, Research&Relevant Knowledge: American Research Universities sinceWorld War II, New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers,2008, p.50.
    ②No WriterAttributed,“Kluckhohn to Quit Lectures For Research”, The Harvard Crimson,2February1948.
    ③中心成立约一年之后,才吸纳列昂季耶夫进入执委会并聘请卡尔波维奇担任总顾问。参见Clyde Kluckhohn,“Russian Research at Harvard”, World Politics, Vol.1, No.2(January1949), pp.266-271.
    ④Talcott Parsons,“Clyde Kluckhohn and the Integration of the Social Sciences”, in WalterW. Taylor et al. eds., Culture and Life: Essays in Memory of Clyde Kluckhohn, Carbondale:Southern Illinois University Press,1973, p.35.
    ①Kluckhohn to Gardner, July23,1947, in RRC Correspondence, Series UAV759.10, box1,Harvard UniversityArchives.
    ②Donald C. McKay to Kluckhohn, November18,1947, in RRC Correspondence, SeriesUAV759.10, box2, Harvard UniversityArchives.
    ③Brophy to James Webb, January30,1951, in State Department Records, lot52-283,1:2,U.S. NationalArchives.
    ④AllanA. Needell,“‘Truth Is Our Weapon’: Project TROY, Political Warfare, andGovernment-Academic Relations in the National Security State”, Diplomatic History, Vol.17,No.3(Summer1993), pp.399-420.
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    ②RaymondA. Bauer,Alex Inkeles, and Clyde Kluckhohn, How the Soviet System Works:Cultural, Psychological, and Social Themes, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1956,p.3.
    ①Кодин Е.В. Гарвардский проект, Москва: Российская политическая энциклопедия(РОССПЭН),2003, Глава5.
    ②“AnAnalysis of Soviet Society”, Part I,1949, in ISR (Institute for Social Research)Records, box5, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan.
    ①Delbert C. Miller and Nahum Z. Medalia,“Efficiency, Leadership, and Morale in SmallMilitary Organizations”, The Sociological Review, Vol.3, No.1(July1955), pp.93-107.
    ②Raymond S. Sleeper,“Cybernetics in the Service of Communism”, Air University Review,March-April,1967,http://www.airpower.au.af.mil/airchronicles/aureview/1967/mar-apr/sleeper.html.
    ③Uta Gerhardt, Talcott Parsons: An Intellectual Biography, Cambridge, UK: CambridgeUniversity Press,2002, pp.179-180.
    ④Merle Fainsod,“Controls and Tensions in the Soviet System”, The American PoliticalScience Review, Vol.44, No.2(June1950), pp.266-282.
    ⑤Дж. Ю. У. Фишер Две страсти, В поисках истины. Пути и судьбы второйэмиграции: Сб. статей и документов./Сост. Карпов В.С., Попов А.В., Троицкий Н.А.,Москва: ИАИ РГГУ,1997, С.201.
    ①George W. Croker,“Some Principles Regarding the Utilization of Social Science Researchwithin the Military”, in Charles Y. Glock ed., Case Studies in Bringing Behavioral Science intoUse, Stanford: Institute for Communication Research,1961, pp.122-123.
    ②Kluckhohn to Sleeper, May29,1950, in RRC Correspondence, Series UAV759.10, box10, Harvard UniversityArchives.
    ③Sleeper to Kluckhohn, October25,1948, in RRC Correspondence, Series UAV759.10,box6, Harvard UniversityArchives.
    ④David C. Engerman,“The Rise and Fall of Wartime Social Science”, in Mark Solovey andHamilton Cravens eds., Cold War Social Science: Knowledge Production, Liberal Democracy,and Human Nature, New York: Palgrave Macmillan,2012, p.36.
    ①Harvard Project on the Soviet Social System Digital Collection: Interviews and Manuals:A Finding Aid, http://oasis.lib.harvard.edu/oasis/deliver/~fun00001.
    ②有关文章及出版物的题目,参见Alex Inkeles and RaymondA. Bauer, The Soviet Citizen:Daily Life in a Totalitarian Society, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1959,Appendix22.
    ①Merle Fainsod,“Controls and Tensions in the Soviet System”, The American PoliticalScience Review, Vol.44, No.2(June1950), pp.266-282.
    ②RaymondA. Bauer,Alex Inkeles, and Clyde Kluckhohn, How the Soviet System Works:Cultural, Psychological, and Social Themes, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1956,p.12.
    ①Kluckhohn to Croker, February14,1954, in RRC Correspondence, Series UAV759.10,box23, Harvard UniversityArchives.
    ②Gloria Donen Sosin, Red letter year: Munich1950-51, White Plains, N.Y.: Kalita Press,2004, p.135.
    ③Bauer,“Notes onAnalysis Plan”, in RRC Correspondence, Series UAV759.175, box2,Harvard UniversityArchives.
    ④“RRC Report for President’s Review Committee”, January1952, in Fainsod Papers, SeriesHUG4382.8, box4, Harvard UniversityArchives.
    ⑤Paul Hencke,“What Russia Will Do Next”, Nation’s Business, Vol.43, No.3(March1955),pp.27-28.
    ①RaymondA. Bauer,Alex Inkeles, and Clyde Kluckhohn, How the Soviet System Works:Cultural, Psychological, and Social Themes, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1956,p.9.
    ②Joseph S. Berliner, Factory and Manager in the USSR, Cambridge, Mass.: HarvardUniversity Press,1957.
    ①Barrington Moore Jr., Terror and Progress: some sources of change and stability in theSoviet dictatorship, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1954.
    ②George Fischer, Soviet Opposition to Stalin, A Case Study in World War II, Cambridge,Mass.: Harvard University Press,1952.
    ③Alexander Dallin, German Rule in Russia,1941-1945: A Study of Occupation Politics,London: Macmillan,1957.
    ④RaymondA. Bauer,Alex Inkeles, and Clyde Kluckhohn, How the Soviet System Works:Cultural, Psychological, and Social Themes, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1956,pp.252-258.
    ⑤RaymondA. Bauer,Alex Inkeles, and Clyde Kluckhohn, How The Soviet System Works:Cultural, Psychological, and Social Themes, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1956.
    ①Clyde Kluckhohn, RaymondA. Bauer, andAlex Inkeles,“Strategic Psychological andSociological Strengths and Vulnerabilities of the Soviet Social System”, Final Report to theAirForce, October,1954, in RIP Reports, Series UAV759.175.75, box5, Harvard UniversityArchives; RaymondA. Bauer,Alex Inkeles, and Clyde Kluckhohn, How the Soviet System Works:Cultural, Psychological, and Social Themes, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1956,pp.58-59,181-185,217-219,221,226.
    ①Joseph S. Berliner,“TheAmericanAssociation for theAdvancement of Slavic Studies”,Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue Canadienne des Slavistes, Vol.7(1965), pp.13-17.
    ①仅以研究生培养状况为例:据斯拉夫研究联席委员会1957年调查的数据,在1946到1956年间美国各知名高校培养的苏联学相关专业研究生中,硕士生共404名,哥伦比亚大学(277名)和哈佛大学(99名)合计所占比例达93%;博士生共82名,哥伦比亚大学(38名)和哈佛大学(23名)合计所占比例达74%。参见Cyril E. Black and John M. Thompson,“Graduate Study of Russia”, in Cyril E. Black and John M. Thompson eds., American Teachingabout Russia, Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1959, p.63.
    ①David Jablonsky,“The State of the National Security State”, Parameters, Vol.32, No.4(Winter2002), pp.4-5.
    ①该调查小组由社会科学研究协会历史学家约翰·M.汤普森(John M. Thompson)担任行政助理,其他成员分别为:印第安纳大学历史学家罗伯特·F.伯恩斯(Robert F. Byrnes)、加州大学伯克利分校历史学家查尔斯·耶拉维奇(Charles Jelavich)、哥伦比亚大学历史学家亨利·L.罗伯茨(Henry L. Roberts)、图书馆资源理事会情报学家梅尔维尔·J.拉格尔斯
    (Melville J. Ruggles)、哈佛大学政治学家马歇尔·D.舒尔曼(Marshall D. Shulman)、华盛顿大学历史学家唐纳德·W.特雷德戈尔德(Donald W. Treadgold)。参见Ralph T. Fisher Jr.,“TheAmericanAssociation for theAdvancement of Slavic Studies: From Its Origins to1969”,August1970, p.7, inAAASS Records.
    ②其中图书资料方面的调查工作另由研究图书馆协会(Association of Research Libraries)下属的斯拉夫与东欧研究委员会具体负责。参见Melville J. Ruggles and Vaclav Mostecky,Russian and East European Publications in the Libraries of the United States, New York:Columbia University Press,1960, p. vi.
    ③这些文献主要有:Cyril E. Black and John M. Thompson eds., American Teaching aboutRussia, Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1959; Harold H. Fisher ed., American Researchon Russia, Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1959; Cyril E. Black, et al.,“AnAppraisal ofRussian Studies in the United States”, American Slavic and East European Review, Vol.18, No.3
    (October1959), pp.417-441; Cyril E. Black and John M. Thompson,“Graduate Education inRussian Studies: a Progress Report”, The Journal of Higher Education, Vol.30, No.5(May1959),pp.246-254; Robert F. Byrnes and John M. Thompson,“Undergraduate study of Russia and theNon-Western World”, Liberal Education, Vol.45, No.2(Summer1959), pp.68-83.
    ①Cyril E. Black, et al.,“AnAppraisal of Russian Studies in the United States”, AmericanSlavic and East European Review, Vol.18, No.3(October1959), p.418.
    ①Cyril E. Black, et al.,“AnAppraisal of Russian Studies in the United States”, AmericanSlavic and East European Review, Vol.18, No.3(October1959), pp.421,427.
    ②Harold H. Fisher,“Preface”, in Harold H. Fisher ed., American Research on Russia,Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1959, p. viii;Arthur S. Baron,“Social Relations”, inHarold H. Fisher ed., American Research on Russia, Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1959,pp.77-81.
    ①Cyril E. Black and John M. Thompson,“Graduate Study of Russia”, in Cyril E. Black andJohn M. Thompson eds., American Teaching about Russia, Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1959, pp.62-65.
    ②Cyril E. Black, et al.,“AnAppraisal of Russian Studies in the United States”, AmericanSlavic and East European Review, Vol.18, No.3(October1959), p.421.
    ③Robert F. Byrnes,“TheAcademic Labor Market: Where Do We Go From Here?”, SlavicReview, Vol.36, No.2(June1977), p.290.
    ①Cyril E. Black, et al.,“AnAppraisal of Russian Studies in the United States”, AmericanSlavic and East European Review, Vol.18, No.3(October1959), p.433.
    ②Harold H. Fisher,“Growing Pains of Slavic and East EuropeanArea Training”,AmericanSlavic and East European Review, Vol.17, No.3(October1958), pp.348-349.
    ③这11所高校分别为:华盛顿大学、加州大学伯克利分校、斯坦福大学、加州大学洛杉矶分校、芝加哥大学、明尼苏达大学、印第安纳大学、圣母大学、密歇根大学、韦恩州立大学及雪城大学。参见John M. Thompson,“The State of Russian Studies outside the East:Impressions of Visits to a Dozen Universities”, September1957, in SSRC Records,1/1/24/256/1502, RockefellerArchive Center.
    ④John M. Thompson,“The State of Russian Studies outside the East: Impressions of Visits toa Dozen Universities”, September1957, in SSRC Records,1/1/24/256/1502, RockefellerArchiveCenter.
    ①在20世纪50年代末的斯拉夫研究联席委员会12位成员中,有9位与哥伦比亚大学或哈佛大学存在渊源关系。参见Ralph T. Fisher Jr.,“The American Association for theAdvancement of Slavic Studies: From Its Origins to1969”, August1970, p.10, in AAASSRecords.
    ②Ralph T. Fisher Jr.,“The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies:From Its Origins to1969”, August1970, p.7, in AAASS Records.
    ③Cyril E. Black, et al.,“AnAppraisal of Russian Studies in the United States”, AmericanSlavic and East European Review, Vol.18, No.3(October1959), p.422.
    ①Ford Foundation Study Committee, Report of the Study for the Ford Foundation on Policyand Program, New York: Ford Foundation,1950, pp.26,47.
    ②《福特基金会1952年年度报告》,第21-24页。该奖学金于1955年改称“国外区域培养奖学金”(ForeignArea Training Fellowship),参见《福特基金会1955年年度报告》,第113页。
    ①Richard Layman, American Decades:1950-1959, Detroit: Gale Research,2001, pp.129-130.
    ②据1958年美国学术团体协会受美国卫生、教育及福利部委托所做的评估,俄语被列为“首要优先”发展的六种外国语之一,其他五种分别为汉语、日语、阿拉伯语、印地-乌尔都语及葡萄牙语。Jacob Ornstein,“New Frontiers in Language Learning”, The ModernLanguage Journal, Vol.46, No.3(March1962), pp.110-115.
    ③United States Statutes at Large, Vol.72, Washington D.C.: United States GovernmentPrinting Office,1959, p.1593.
    ②期间有8所高校的有关苏联学的学术机构获得福特基金会所提供的资助,具体数额分别为:加州大学伯克利分校斯拉夫与东欧研究中心300万美元,哥伦比亚大学东中欧研究所与俄国研究所300万美元,印第安纳大学俄国与东欧研究所230万美元,堪萨斯大学斯拉夫与苏联区域研究所50万美元,密歇根大学俄国研究中心25万美元,圣母大学苏联、东欧及共产主义研究所26.5万美元,威斯康星大学俄国区域研究所120万美元,耶鲁大学俄国与东欧研究所300万美元。参见Language and Area Study Programs in American Universities,Washington D.C.: United States Department of State, External Research Staff,1964, pp.100,102,
    ③Theodora E. Carlson, Guide to the National Defense Education Act of1958, WashingtonD.C.: United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education,1959, p.3.
    ④期间有14个依据《国防教育法案》设立的有关苏联学的高校外语教学与区域研究项目获得美国联邦政府所提供的资助,具体数额分别为:加州大学伯克利分校东欧语言与区域中心196041美元、科罗拉多大学斯拉夫与东欧研究中心129132美元、哥伦比亚大学苏联-东欧语言与区域中心163919美元、哥伦比亚大学乌拉尔-阿尔泰语言与区域中心227271美元、福坦莫大学俄国语言与区域中心113198美元、哈佛大学斯拉夫语言与区域中心168460美元、伊利诺伊大学俄国语言与区域研究中心205124美元、印第安纳大学斯拉夫语言与区域中心226823美元、印第安纳大学乌拉尔-阿尔泰语言与区域中心33497美元、密歇根大学斯拉夫语言与区域中心356277美元、宾夕法尼亚大学斯拉夫语言与区域中心179880美元、南加州大学苏联-亚洲研究中心117464美元、范德堡大学俄国语言与区域中心121375美元、华盛顿大学远东-俄国语言与区域中心311280美元。参见Donald N. Bigelow and Lyman H.Legters, NDEA Language and Area Centers: A Report on the First Five Years, Washington D.C.:United States Government Printing Office,1964, pp.114-117.
    ①Donald N. Bigelow and Lyman H. Legters, NDEA Language and Area Centers: A Reporton the First FiveYears, Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office,1964, p.
    ①Russian and East European Institute at Indiana University,“Celebrating50Years:1958–2008”,http://www.indiana.edu/~reeiweb/newsletter/REEI_Commemorative2008.pdf.
    ②Ralph T. Fisher Jr.,“Swimming with the Current”, Russian History/Histoire Russe, Vol.21,No.2(Summer1994), pp.157-160.
    ③Language and Area Study Programs in American Universities. Washington D.C.: UnitedStates Department of State, External Research Staff,1964, pp.99-124; Area Study Programs inAmerican Universities. Washington D.C.: Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence andResearch, External Research Division,1959, pp.75-90.
    ①有关数据系通过对《关于俄国和苏联的博士论文》(Jesse J. Dossick, Doctoral Researchon Russia and Soviet Union, New York: New York University Press,1960)和《关于俄国和苏联的博士论文,1960-1975》(Jesse J. Dossick, Doctoral Research on Russia and Soviet Union,1960-1975, New York: Garland,1976)所收录的博士学位论文信息进行分析统计后得出。
    ①“Earned Degrees in Foreign Languages,” ADFL Bulletin, Vol.1, No.1(September1969), pp.20-23.
    ②OlegA. Maslenikov,“Slavic Studies inAmerica,1939-1946,” The Slavonic and EastEuropean Review, Vol.25, No.65(April1947), p.530.
    ①据《纽约时报》估计,本科生中学习俄语的人数在1954年减少了约5000,下降幅度约为30%。参见Benjamin Fine,“Study of Russian Falls Off in U.S.,” New York Times,28November,1954.
    ②J. Thomas Shaw,“AATSEEL: The First FiftyYears,” The Slavic and East EuropeanJournal, Vol.35,AATSEELGolden Jubilee Issue (1991), p.147.
    ③Richard D. Lambert, Language and Area Studies Review, Philadelphia: TheAmericanAcademy of Political and Social Science,1973, pp.1-2.
    ①Ralph T. Fisher Jr.,“The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies:From Its Origins to1969”, August1970, p.4, in AAASS Records.
    ②Robert T. Huber,“LaunchingAAASS:AConversation with Ralph Fisher,” Problems ofPost-Communism, Vol.55, No.3(May/June2008), p.59.
    ③Ralph T. Fisher Jr.,“The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies:From Its Origins to1969”, August1970, p.8, in AAASS Records.
    ①筹备委员会成员除原三人小组外,还包括雪城大学经济学家约瑟夫·S.伯利纳(JosephS. Berliner)、华盛顿大学文学评论家维克多·埃尔利赫(Victor Erlich)、加州大学伯克利分校经济学家格雷戈里·格罗斯曼(Gregory Grossman)、芝加哥大学地理学家昌西·D.哈里斯(Chauncy D. Harris)、哥伦比亚大学法学家约翰·N.哈泽德(John N. Hazard)、圣母大学政治学家斯蒂芬·B.凯尔泰斯(Stephen B. Kertesz)、哥伦比亚大学历史学家菲利普·E.莫斯利(Philip E. Mosely),印第安纳大学历史学家约翰·M.汤普森(此人即前述俄国研究调查小组行政助理,在1959年结束其调查工作后离开社会科学研究协会,被印第安纳大学聘任为历史学教授)。参见Ralph T. Fisher Jr.,“The American Association for the Advancement ofSlavic Studies: From Its Origins to1969”, August1970, pp.8-9, in AAASS Records.
    ②Ralph T. Fisher Jr.,“The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies:From Its Origins to1969”, August1970, pp.9-10, in AAASS Records.
    ①Ralph T. Fisher Jr.,“The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies:From Its Origins to1969”, August1970, pp.15-16, in AAASS Records.
    ②Ralph T. Fisher Jr.,“The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies:From Its Origins to1969”, August1970, pp.18-21, in AAASS Records.
    ①Zbigniew Brzezinski,“The Nature of the Soviet System,” Slavic Review, Vol.20, No.3(October1961), pp.351-368.
    ②Cyril E. Black,“The Nature of Imperial Russian Society,” Slavic Review, Vol.20, No.4(December1961), pp.565-582.
    ③Georges Florovsky,“The Problem of Old Russian Culture,” Slavic Review, Vol.21, No.1(March1962), pp.1-15.
    ④Gregory Grossman,“The Structure and Organization of the Soviet Economy,” SlavicReview, Vol.21, No.2(June1962), pp.203-222.
    ①Leopold Haimson,“The Problem of Social Stability in Urban Russia,1905-1917(PartOne),” Slavic Review, Vol.23, No.4(December1964), pp.619-642; Leopold Haimson,“TheProblem of Social Stability in Urban Russia,1905-1917(Part Two),” Slavic Review, Vol.24, No.1(March1965), pp.1-22.
    ①Stephen F. Cohen, Rethinking the Soviet Experience: Politics and History since1917, NewYork: Oxford University Press,1985, pp.3-4.
    ②Bertil Nygren, American Sovietology and Knowledge Utilization in the Formulation of U.S.Soviet Policy, Stockholm: University of Stockholm,1992, p.55.
    ①Robert F. Byrnes,“USA: Work at the Universities,” Survey: A Journal of Soviet and EastEuropean Studies, No.50(January1964), p.67.
    ②United States Statutes at Large, Vol.80. Washington D.C.: United States GovernmentPrinting Office,1967, pp.1066-1073.
    ①例如,相关行政部门曾建议国会在1971财政年度为《国防教育法案》第六条的拨款仅为1970财政年度的1/3即可,还曾建议在1974财政年度不再为此拨款。参见Sue E.Berryman et al., Foreign Language and International Studies Specialists: The Marketplace andNational Policy, Santa Monica: RAND,1979, p.8.
    ②Sue E. Berryman et al., Foreign Language and International Studies Specialists: TheMarketplace and National Policy, Santa Monica: RAND,1979, pp.40-43.
    ③David C. Engerman, Know Your Enemy: The Rise and Fall of America’s Soviet Expert,New York: Oxford University Press,2009, p.237.
    ④Sue E. Berryman et al., Foreign Language and International Studies Specialists: TheMarketplace and National Policy, Santa Monica: RAND,1979, p.40; Stephen F. Cohen,Rethinking the Soviet Experience: Politics and History since1917, New York: Oxford UniversityPress,1985, p.4.
    ①在70年代,来自个人的对苏联学的资助增加了两倍,来自企业的则增加了一倍。参见David C. Engerman, Know Your Enemy: The Rise and Fall of America’s Soviet Expert, NewYork: Oxford University Press,2009, pp.237-238.
    ①Sue E. Berryman et al., Foreign Language and International Studies Specialists: TheMarketplace and National Policy, Santa Monica: RAND,1979, p.87.
    ②Bertil Nygren, American Sovietology and Knowledge Utilization in the Formulation of U.S.Soviet Policy, Stockholm: University of Stockholm,1992, p.59.
    ③Meeting minutes of13November1973, Harvard UniversityArchives, RRC ExecutiveCommittee Minutes, series UAV759.5, box3.
    ⑤J. Thomas Shaw,“AATSEEL: The First FiftyYears,” The Slavic and East EuropeanJournal, Vol.35,AATSEELGolden Jubilee Issue (1991), p.147.
    ①Theodore Shabad,“Columbia and HarvardAsk Funds to Save Centers for Soviet Study,”NewYork Times,24November,1976.
    ①Herbert E. Meyer,“Why Business Has a Stake in Keeping SovietologyAlive,” Fortune,Vol.92, No.3(September1975), p.156.
    ②Neil Ulman,“When the State Department Wants to Find Out More about Russia, It OftenHeads to Harvard,” Wall Street Journal,1March,1977.
    ③Bertil Nygren, American Sovietology and Knowledge Utilization in the Formulation of U.S.Soviet Policy, Stockholm: University of Stockholm,1992, p.61.
    ①如普林斯顿大学国际研究中心主任西里尔·布莱克(Cyril Black)、哈佛大学俄国研究中心主任亚当·乌拉姆、美国陆军情报助理参谋长威廉·奥多姆(William Odom)、苏联与东欧研究全国委员会执行理事弗拉基米尔·图马诺夫等等。
    ②该法案是作为国务院、美国新闻署等一系列机构1984和1985财政年度拨款法案的第八条在第98届国会通过的,因此在相关英文文献中一般被称作“第八条”(Title VIII),如“第八条资助”、“第八条项目”等等。
    ①United States Statutes at Large, Vol.97. Washington D.C.: United States GovernmentPrinting Office,1985, pp.1047-1048.
    ②“Title VIII Support Strengthened for1991,” AAASS Newsletter, Vol.31, No.1(January1991), p.1.
    ③关于《苏联-东欧研究与培训法案》资助的去向和用途,这里我们也有必要做一大致的了解。以1987财政年度为例,预算详情如下:向美国俄语教师协会拨款9.5万美元,为在苏联从事俄语研究的人员提供奖学金;向斯坦福大学胡佛研究所拨款20万美元,为从事苏联与东欧研究项目的学者提供博士后奖学金和暑期补助;向伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校拨款14万美元,用于资助斯拉夫学参考文献服务和关于俄国与东欧的暑期研讨会;向国际研究与交流委员会拨款79.5万美元,用于资助高级学者到苏联和东欧访学、美苏合作项目以及联合培养计划等;向东欧联席委员会拨款46万美元,用于资助高年级研究生及青年教师的研究工作以及刊物《东欧政治与社会》的出版;向苏联研究联席委员会拨款78万美元,用于资助高年级研究生及青年教师的研究工作、奖励高校设置新的教学岗位以及促进相关机构展开苏联各民族语言的培训;向苏联与东欧研究全国委员会拨款129万美元,用于从全美范围的高校和研究中心征集课题;向威尔逊中心拨款78万美元,其中50.5万用于资助凯南俄国问题高级研究所的学者和政府专家,27.5万用于资助东欧研究项目。参见“TitleVIII,” AAASS Newsletter, Vol.27, No.2(March1987), p.16.
    ④Bertil Nygren, American Sovietology and Knowledge Utilization in the Formulation of U.S.Soviet Policy, Stockholm: University of Stockholm,1992, p.63.
    ①Bertil Nygren, American Sovietology and Knowledge Utilization in the Formulation of U.S.Soviet Policy, Stockholm: University of Stockholm,1992, p.60.
    ①Bertil Nygren, American Sovietology and Knowledge Utilization in the Formulation of U.S.Soviet Policy, Stockholm: University of Stockholm,1992, p.62.
    ①与该项目相关的全部档案文献现收藏于伊利诺伊大学档案馆,该项目的数据资料由政治与社会研究校际联盟(Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research)完成数字化处理,导出格式分为扫描版、“统计产品与服务解决方案”(SPSS)及“统计分析系统”(SAS)三种,参见http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/ICPSR/studies/08694。
    ①该项目所取得的成果构成了其“工作报告系列”(working paper series),总数达51篇/部(不包括利用项目数据所取得、但未正式纳入“工作报告系列”的成果);其中一部分以专著或论文的形式公开发表,如James R. Millar ed., Politics, Work, and Daily Life in theUSSR: A Survey of Former Soviet Citizens, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1987; Paul R.Gregory, Restructuring the Soviet economic bureaucracy, Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1990; Rasma Karklins,“Soviet Elections Revisited: VoterAbstention in NoncompetitiveVoting”, The American Political Science Review, Vol.80, No.2, pp.449-470; Peter H. Solomon,Jr.,“The Case of the VanishingAcquittal: Informal Norms and the Practice of Soviet CriminalJustice”, Soviet Studies, Vol.39, No.4, pp.531-555; Paul R. Gregory&Irwin L. Collier, Jr.,“Unemployment in the Soviet Union: Evidence from the Soviet Interview Project”, The AmericanEconomic Review, Vol.78, No.4, pp.613-632等;未公开发表的则被保存在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校图书馆并向读者开放,如W. Sherman Edwards,“Interviewer training for the SovietInterview Project General Survey”; James R. Millar,“Emigrants as sources of information aboutthe mother country: the Soviet Interview project”; James R. Millar&Peter Donhowe,“Anoverview of the first findings of the Soviet Interview Project”; James R. Millar,“The finished andunfinished business of the Soviet Interview Project”; BarbaraA.Anderson&Brian D. Silver,“The Sample for the SIP General Survey II”等。鉴于文章篇幅有限,笔者在此仅列举了一些相对重要的文献题目,至于全部成果详情,参见Michael Swafford et al. eds., Soviet InterviewProject General Surveys Codebook, Nashville: Data Management Center at Vanderbilt University,1988, Part. Working Paper Series.
    ②国内学术界目前仅见高宏久、袁胜育:《新与旧的角力——略论转型时期俄罗斯政治文化》(《国际观察》2004年第5期,第29-35页)一篇论文提及该项目,但主要是对项目成果中有关苏联政治文化阐述的引用。美国学术界除前已述及的项目“工作报告系列”成果之外,还陆续出现了很多利用项目数据所取得的其他成果,如Ellen Carnaghan&Donna Bahry,“PoliticalAttitudes and the Gender Gap in the USSR”, Comparative Politics, Vol.22, No.4, pp.379-399; Donna Bahry&Brian D. Silver,“Soviet Citizen Participation on the Eve ofDemocratization”, The American Political Science Review, Vol.84, No.3, pp.821-847; Susan J.Linz,“Gender Differences in the Russian Labor Market”, Journal of Economic Issues, Vol.30, No.1, pp.161-185; Ira N. Gang&Robert C. Stuart,“Urban to urban migration: Soviet patterns andpost-Soviet implications”, Comparative Economic Studies, Vol.38, No.1, pp.21-36等,但这些成果绝大多数仍是以社会科学的理论与方法探讨苏联及俄罗斯的具体问题,并未见到以项目运作过程本身为研究对象的论文或专著。此外,一些当时参与项目的专家在与笔者的通信中也多少表达了“苏联访谈项目”尚未被历史学家所关注的看法。
    ①Yaacov Ro'I, The struggle for Soviet Jewish emigration1948-1967, Cambridge, Mass.:Cambridge University Press,1991, pp.150,335.
    ②该修正案由参议员亨利·杰克逊(Henry Jackson)和众议员查尔斯·瓦尼克(CharlesVanik)针对苏联于1972年8月3日颁布的向有意移民者按其受教育程度征收“公共教育开支补偿款”(西方称之为“文凭税”)的法令而提出,于1975年1月3日由时任总统福特签署生效,规定拒绝给予限制移民自由的非市场经济国家正常贸易关系、信贷计划、信用担保、投资担保、商业协议。参见US Code, Title19, Chapter12, Subchapter IV, Part1,§2432:Freedom of emigration in East-West trade.
    ①James R. Millar ed., Politics, Work, and Daily Life in the USSR: A Survey of Former SovietCitizens, Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press,1987, p.4.
    ①Gur Ofer&Aaron Vinokur, The Soviet Household under the Old Regime: EconomicConditions and Behaviour in the1970s, Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press,1992, pp.xv-xviii.
    ②Gregory Grossman,“The Second Economy in the USSR and Eastern Europe:ABibliography”, Berkeley-Duke Occasional Paper on the Second Economy in the USSR No.1,1985, pp. i-ii.
    ①James R. Millar,“The Soviet Interview Project: History, Method, and the Problem of Bias”,SIP Working Paper#22,1986, pp.3-4.
    ②David C. Engerman, Know Your Enemy: The Rise and Fall of America’s Soviet Expert,New York: Oxford University Press,2009, p.254.
    ③Herbert J. Ellison,“Proposal for a NewApproach to Research in Slavic Studies”, in SSRCRecords,1/1/24/256/1504, RockefellerArchive Center.
    ①Marshall D. Shulman,“The Future of Soviet Studies in the United States”, Slavic Review,Vol.29, No.3(September1970), pp.582-588.
    ②David C. Engerman, Know Your Enemy: The Rise and Fall of America’s Soviet Expert,New York: Oxford University Press,2009, pp.249-250.
    ③Edward Keenan and Vladimir Toumanof,“First Interim Report for Department of NetAssessment”, in RRC Executive Committee, series UAV759.5, box3, Harvard UniversityArchives.
    ①David C. Engerman, Know Your Enemy: The Rise and Fall of America’s Soviet Expert,New York: Oxford University Press,2009, pp.251-252.
    ②David C. Engerman, Know Your Enemy: The Rise and Fall of America’s Soviet Expert,New York: Oxford University Press,2009, p.253.
    ③Edward Keenan and Vladimir Toumanof,“First Interim Report for Department of NetAssessment”, in RRC Executive Committee, series UAV759.5, box3, Harvard UniversityArchives.
    ①除提议者詹姆斯·米勒及会议主持者凯南研究所秘书、历史学家S.弗雷德里克斯塔尔(S. Frederick Starr)外,其他与会者分别为:芝加哥大学斯拉夫区域研究委员会主席、政治学家杰里米·R.阿兹雷尔(Jeremy R.Azrael),斯坦福大学俄国与东欧研究中心主任、政治学家亚历山大·达林(Alexander Dallin),伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校斯拉夫语言文学系主任莫里斯·弗里德伯格(Maurice Friedberg),加州大学伯克利分校斯拉夫与东欧研究中心主任、经济学家格雷戈里·格罗斯曼,SPSS软件开发者、芝加哥大学政治学家诺曼·H.尼(Norman H. Nie),密歇根大学俄国与东欧研究中心主任、政治学家威廉·齐默尔曼(WilliamZimmerman),苏联与东欧研究全国委员会主席弗拉基米尔·图马诺夫,国务院苏联政治问题专家保罗·K.库克(Paul K. Cook),国防部官员弗雷德里克·W.吉斯勒(Frederick W.Giessler)和威廉·曼托珀(William Manthorpe)。参见James R. Millar,“The Soviet InterviewProject: History, Method, and the Problem of Bias”, SIPWorking Paper#22,1986, pp.46-47.
    ①Meeting minutes of3August1979, in Soviet Interview Project Files,1979-88,24/2/50box1, University of IllinoisArchives.
    ②Meeting minutes of3August1979, in Soviet Interview Project Files,1979-88,24/2/50Box1, University of Illinois Archives.
    ①James R. Millar,“The Soviet Interview Project: History, Method, and the Problem of Bias”,SIP Working Paper#22,1986, pp.6-7.
    ②James R. Millar,“The Soviet Interview Project: History, Method, and the Problem of Bias”,SIP Working Paper#22,1986, pp.8-11.
    ①关于历次研讨会主题及参加者的详细情况,参见Michael Swafford et al. eds., SovietInterview Project General Surveys Codebook, Nashville: Data Management Center at VanderbiltUniversity,1988, Exhibit3-A: Participants in Substantive and Methodological Seminar.
    ②Meeting minutes of16June1980, in Soviet Interview Project Files,1979-88,24/2/50Box1, University of IllinoisArchives.
    ③除项目负责人詹姆斯·米勒外,专家组其他成员分别为:密歇根大学人口学家芭芭拉·安德森(BarbaraAnderson)、纽约大学政治学家唐娜·巴里(Donna Bahry)、休斯顿大学经济学家保罗·R.格雷戈里(Paul R. Gregory)、伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校政治学家拉斯马·卡克林斯(Rasma Karklins)、芝加哥大学政治学家诺曼·H.尼、密歇根州立大学政治学家布赖恩·D.西尔弗(Brian D. Silver)、范德堡大学社会学家迈克尔·斯瓦福德(MichaelSwafford)、以色列海法大学社会学家阿龙·维诺库尔、密歇根大学政治学家威廉·齐默尔曼。参见Michael Swafford et al. eds., Soviet Interview Project General Surveys Codebook,Nashville: Data Management Center at Vanderbilt University,1988, Part. Research Team.
    ①James R. Millar,“The Soviet Interview Project: History, Method, and the Problem of Bias”,SIP Working Paper#22,1986, pp.11.
    ②James R. Millar,“The Soviet Interview Project: History, Method, and the Problem of Bias”,SIP Working Paper#22,1986, pp.12-13.
    ①Michael Swafford et al. eds., Soviet Interview Project General Surveys Codebook,Nashville: Data Management Center at Vanderbilt University,1988, Section3.1: QuestionnaireDevelopment.
    ②Michael Swafford et al. eds., Soviet Interview Project General Surveys Codebook,Nashville: Data Management Center at Vanderbilt University,1988, Exhibit3-D: DisciplinaryStructure of the First General Questionnaire.
    ③James R. Millar,“The Soviet Interview Project: History, Method, and the Problem of Bias”,SIP Working Paper#22,1986, pp.13-14.
    ①November28-December1,1982-NORC, New York City, Special Editing Committee:Back Transaction, in Soviet Interview Project Files,1979-88,24/2/50Box1, University of IllinoisArchives.
    ②“Final”All-Russian Questionnaire, January28,1983, Comments&Changes, in SovietInterview Project Files,1979-88,24/2/50Box15, University of Illinois Archives.
    ①James R. Millar&Peter Donhowe,“Life, Work, and Politics in Soviet Cities: Results ofthe Soviet Interview Project”, SIP Working Paper#30,1987, p.4.
    ②Meeting minutes of3August1979, in Soviet Interview Project Files,1979-88,24/2/50Box1, University of Illinois Archives.
    ①BarbaraA.Anderson&Brian D. Silver,"The SIP General Survey Sample", SIP WorkingPaper#21,1986, p.1.
    ②Michael Swafford et al. eds., Soviet Interview Project General Surveys Codebook,Nashville: Data Management Center at Vanderbilt University,1988, Section3.3: G1SamplingProcedures.
    ①亚美尼亚人在美国的苏联移民中占有一定比例,但是却被排除在了抽样框架之外。这主要是由于相关信息显示在美国的亚美尼亚人移民中有六成以上出生于苏联以外(主要是中东和地中海地区)并于二战之后被遣送回苏联,其余则多为此类人员的亲属。鉴于他们在苏联的生活经历可能相对具有非典型性,因而未被列入抽样框架。参见BarbaraA.Anderson&Brian D. Silver,"The SIP General Survey Sample", SIP Working Paper#21,1986, p.3.
    ②Barbara A. Anderson&Brian D. Silver,"The SIP General Survey Sample", SIP WorkingPaper#21,1986, p.8.
    ①Barbara A. Anderson&Brian D. Silver,"The SIP General Survey Sample", SIP WorkingPaper#21,1986, p.9.
    ①Michael Swafford et al. eds., Soviet Interview Project General Surveys Codebook,Nashville: Data Management Center at Vanderbilt University,1988, Exhibit3-G: Distribution ofG1Sample by four Characteristics.
    ②W. Sherman Edwards,“Interviewer training for the Soviet Interview Project GeneralSurvey”, SIP Working Paper#3,1983, pp.2-3.
    ①James R. Millar,“The Soviet Interview Project: History, Method, and the Problem ofBias”, SIP Working Paper#22,1986, p.19.
    ②Michael Swafford et al. eds., Soviet Interview Project General Surveys Codebook,Nashville: Data Management Center at Vanderbilt University,1988, Section3.2: Recruiting andTraining G1Interviewers, Exhibit3-E: Attributes of G1Interviewers.
    ③W. Sherman Edwards,“Interviewer training for the Soviet Interview Project GeneralSurvey”, SIP Working Paper#3,1983, p.3.
    ①Michael Swafford et al. eds., Soviet Interview Project General Surveys Codebook,Nashville: Data Management Center at Vanderbilt University,1988, Section3.2: Recruiting andTraining G1Interviewers.
    ①W. Sherman Edwards,“Interviewer training for the Soviet Interview Project GeneralSurvey”, SIP Working Paper#3,1983, pp.6-7.
    ②W. Sherman Edwards,“Interviewer training for the Soviet Interview Project GeneralSurvey”, SIP Working Paper#3,1983, pp.10-12.
    ①Michael Swafford et al. eds., Soviet Interview Project General Surveys Codebook,Nashville: Data Management Center at Vanderbilt University,1988, Exhibit3-H: Text of LetterSent to Members of the G1Sample.
    ②James R. Millar,“The Soviet Interview Project: History, Method, and the Problem ofBias”, SIP Working Paper#22,1986, p.22.
    ①Michael Swafford et al. eds., Soviet Interview Project General Surveys Codebook,Nashville: Data Management Center at Vanderbilt University,1988, Section3.7: Confidentiality.
    ②James R. Millar,“The Soviet Interview Project: History, Method, and the Problem ofBias”, SIP Working Paper#22, pp.10-11.
    ③James R. Millar,“The Soviet Interview Project: History, Method, and the Problem ofBias”, SIP Working Paper#22, p.25.
    ①Michael Swafford et al. eds., Soviet Interview Project General Surveys Codebook,Nashville: Data Management Center at Vanderbilt University,1988, Section3.4: G1Field Work.
    ②Gur Ofer,Aaron Vinokur, and Yechiel Bar-Chaim,"Family Budget Survey of SovietEmigrants in the Soviet Union", Rand Paper P-6015, Santa Monica: Rand Corporation,1979, pp.1-2.
    ③James R. Millar,“The Soviet Interview Project: History, Method, and the Problem ofBias”, SIP Working Paper#22, p..23
    ①Michael Swafford et al. eds., Soviet Interview Project General Surveys Codebook,Nashville: Data Management Center at Vanderbilt University,1988, Section3.4: G1Field Work.
    ②Michael Swafford et al. eds., Soviet Interview Project General Surveys Codebook,Nashville: Data Management Center at Vanderbilt University,1988, Section3.11: G2Field Work.
    ①Airlie House Conference,1985, in Soviet Interview Project Files,1979-88,24/2/50box6,University of Illinois Archives.
    ②James R. Millar,“The Soviet Interview Project: History, Method, and the Problem ofBias”, SIP Working Paper#22, p.37.
    ①Michael Swafford,“Perceptions of Social Status in the USSR”, SIP Working Paper#12,1986, pp.1-3.
    ②Aron Vinokur&Gur Ofer,“Inequality of earnings, household income, and wealth in theSoviet Union in the1970s”, SIP Working Paper#25,1986, pp.16,24-25.
    ③Paul R. Gregory&Janet Kohlhase,“The Earnings of Soviet Workers: Evidence from theSoviet Interview Project”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.70, No.1(February1988),p.31.
    ④Aron Vinokur&Gur Ofer,“Inequality of earnings, household income, and wealth in theSoviet Union in the1970s”, SIP Working Paper#25,1986, pp.7-8.
    ①Rasma Karklins,“The Dissent/Coercion Nexus in the USSR”, SIPWorking Paper#36,1987, pp.25-29.
    ②Paul R. Gregory&Janet Kohlhase,“The Earnings of Soviet Workers: Evidence from theSoviet Interview Project”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.70, No.1(February1988),pp.28.
    ①Donna Bahry&Brian D. Silver,“The Intimidation Factor in Soviet Politics: The SymbolicUses of Terror”, SIP Working Paper#31,1987, pp.1-3.
    ②James R. Millar&Elizabeth Clayton,“Quality of Life: Subjective Measure of RelativeSatisfaction”, SIP Working Paper#9,1986, pp.21-22.
    ③William Zimmerman,“Mobilized Participation and the Nature of the Soviet Dictatorship”,SIP Working Paper#19,1986, pp.12,15.
    ①James R. Millar&Elizabeth Clayton,“Quality of Life: Subjective Measure of RelativeSatisfaction”, SIP Working Paper#9,1986, pp.2-4.
    ②Brian D. Silver,“Political Beliefs of the Soviet Citizen: Source of Support for RegimeNorms”, SIP Working Paper#6,1985, p.14.
    ③Paul Gregory,“James R. Millar,1936-2008”, Slavic Review, Vol.68, No.2(Summer2009), pp.471-472.
    ①NSDD75on "U.S. Relations with the USSR", Doc No/ESDN:CIA-RDP97M00248R000401070001-8,http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/nsdd/nsdd-75.pdf.
    ①Joseph Berliner,“The Harvard Project and the Soviet Interview Project”, in Frederic J.Fleron, Jr.&Erik P. Hoffmann eds., Post-Communist Studies&Political Science: Methodologyand Empirical Theory in Sovietology, Boulder: Westview Press,1993, p.178.
    ①Bertil Nygren, American Sovietology and Knowledge Utilization in the Formulation of U.S.Soviet Policy, Stockholm: University of Stockholm,1992, pp.74-75.
    ②例如,俄国史专家理查德·派普斯就提出要从俄国历史本身去寻找所谓苏联极权主义的根源。他在一部关于俄国政治制度史的著作中认为,俄国社会一直无法对政治权力施加有效的约束,苏联政权对所有国家资源予以全盘控制,正是沿袭了俄国历史上长期存在的、不区分统治权与财产权的“家长式统治”。参见Richard Pipes, Russia under the Old Regime, NewYork: Charles. Scribner's Sons,1974, pp. xxi-xxii.
    ①David C. Engerman, Know Your Enemy: The Rise and Fall of America’s Soviet Expert,New York: Oxford University Press,2009, p.261.
    ②Bertil Nygren, American Sovietology and Knowledge Utilization in the Formulation of U.S.Soviet Policy, Stockholm: University of Stockholm,1992, p.78.
    ①据一项由卡内基公司组织的针对约60000名美国高校教师的调查显示,被归为“极其自由主义”和“自由主义”类别的占41%,其中多为社会科学家。就自由主义者在各专业领域中所占的比例来看,社会学家中为72%,人类学家中为64%,政治学家中为61%,经济学家中为57%;工学、商学、农学等专业领域的人士则多为保守主义者。参见Carol H. Weiss,“Introduction”, in Carol H. Weiss ed., Using Social Research in Public Policy Making, Lexington:Lexington Books,1977, p.8.
    ②David C. Engerman, Know Your Enemy: The Rise and Fall of America’s Soviet Expert,New York: Oxford University Press,2009, p.262.
    ③Patrick G. Vaughan,“Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Political andAcademic Life of a Cold WarVisionary”, Ph. D dissertation, West Virginia University,2003, pp.17,58-60.
    ①Peter Wagner et al.,“The policy orientation: legacy and promise”, in Peter Wagner et al.eds., Social Sciences and Modern States: National Experiences and Theoretical Crossroads, NewYork: Cambridge University Press,1991, pp.5-6.
    ①Stephen F. Cohen, Rethinking the Soviet Experience: Politics and History Since1917, NewYork: Oxford University Press,1985, pp.10-11.
    ②Robert R. Bowie,“The President and the Executive Branch”, in Joseph S. Nye, Jr. ed., TheMaking of America's Soviet Policy, New Haven: Yale University Press,1984, p.65.
    ③Alexander Dallin,“Bias and Blunders inAmerican Studies on the USSR”, Slavic Review,Vol.32, No.3(September1973), p.560.
    ④Bertil Nygren, American Sovietology and Knowledge Utilization in the Formulation of U.S.Soviet Policy, Stockholm: University of Stockholm,1992, p.99.
    ②Richard P. Nathan, Social Science in Government: Uses and Misuses, New York: BasicBooks,1988, p.3.
    ③Walter C. Clemens Jr.,“Intellectual Foundations of Reagan's Soviet Policy: TheThreadbare Emperor”, in Bernard Rubin ed., When Information Counts: Grading the Media,Lexington: Lexington Books,1985, p.158.
    ①Pio D. Uliassi,“Research and Foreign Policy:AView from Foggy Bottom”, in Carol H.Weiss ed., Using Social Research in Public Policy Making, Lexington: Lexington Books,1977, pp.87-88.
    ②Bertil Nygren, American Sovietology and Knowledge Utilization in the Formulation of U.S.Soviet Policy, Stockholm: University of Stockholm,1992, p.118.
    ③Loch K. Johnson,“Cloaks and Gowns: The CIAin the Groves ofAcademe”, in Stephen J.Cimbala ed., Intelligence and Intelligence Policy in a Democratic Society, Dobbs Ferry:Transnational Publishers,1987, p.101.
    ①Sue E. Berryman et al., Foreign Language and International Studies Specialists: TheMarketplace and National Policy, Santa Monica: RAND,1979, pp.82-83.
    ①Bertil Nygren, American Sovietology and Knowledge Utilization in the Formulation of U.S.Soviet Policy, Stockholm: University of Stockholm,1992, p.110.
    ②Richard Pipes,“Historian's Reflections”, Vital Speeches of the Day, Vol.36, No.23(September1970), pp.729-732.
    ①Bertil Nygren, American Sovietology and Knowledge Utilization in the Formulation of U.S.Soviet Policy, Stockholm: University of Stockholm,1992, p.97.
    ①George Kennan, Tent Life in Siberia, New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons,1877; GeorgeKennan, Siberia and the Exile System,2volumes, New York: The Century Co.,1891.
    ①Archibald Cary Coolidge,“APlea for the Study of the History of Northern Europe”, TheAmerican Historical Review, Vol.2, No.1(October1896), pp.34-39.
    ②FrankAlfred Golder, Russian Expansion on the Pacific,1641-1850, Cleveland: TheArthurH. Clark Company,1914.
    ③Robert Joseph Kerner, Slavic Europe: A Selected Bibliography in the Western EuropeanLanguages, Comprising History, Languages and Literatures, Cambridge, Mass.: HarvardUniversity Press,1918.
    ④Robert F. Byrnes,“Archibald Cary Coolidge:AFounder of Russian Studies in the UnitedStates”, Slavic Review, Vol.37, No.4(December1978), p.651.
    ⑤PaulA. Goble,“Samuel N. Harper and the Study of Russia: His Career and Collection”,Cahiers du Monde russe et soviétique, Vol.14, No.4(October-December1973), pp.610-611.
    ①Albert Jeremiah Beveridge, The Russian Advance, NewYork: Harper&BrothersPublishers,1903, Preface.
    ②John Reed, Ten Days that Shook the World, New York: Boni and Liveright,1919.
    ④Louis Fischer, Oil Imperialism: The International Struggle for Petroleum, New York:International,1926; Louis Fischer, The Soviets in World Affairs,2volumes, London: JonathanCape,1930.
    ⑤William Henry Chamberlin, Soviet Russia: A Living Record and a History, Boston: Little,Brown, and Company,1930; William Henry Chamberlin, The Russian Revolution,1917-1921,2volumes, New York: Macmillan,1935.Geroid Tanquary Robinson, Rural Russia Under the Old Regime, New York: Longmans,Green and Company,1932;Alfred Levin, The Second Duma: A Study of the Social-democraticParty and the Russian Constitutional Experiment, New Haven: Yale University Press,1940; JohnShelton Curtiss, Church and State in Russia: The LastYears of the Empire,1900-1917, New York:Columbia University Press,1940; Raymond Henry Fisher, The Russian Fur Trade,1550-1700,Berkeley: University of California Press,1943; William Leonard Langer, The Franco-RussianAlliance,1890-1894, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1929; Vernon John Puryear,England, Russia and the Straits Question,1844-1856, Berkeley: University of California Press,1931.
    ②Harold Henry Fisher, The Famine in Soviet Russia,1919-1923, New York: Macmillan,1927; Walter Russel Batsell, Soviet Rule in Russia, New York: Macmillan,1929; Calvin BryceHoover, The Economic Life of Soviet Russia, New York: Macmillan,1931; Dimitri Fedotoff White,The Growth of the Red Army, Princeton: Princeton University Press,1941.
    ③David C. Engerman, Modernization from the Other Shore: American Intellectuals and theRomance of Russian Development, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,2003, p.19.
    ①David C. Engerman, op cit., p.27.
    ①ClarenceA. Manning, A History of Slavic Studies in the United States, Milwaukee, Wis.:Marquette University Press,1957, p.52.
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    ②Mark Von Hagen,“Empires, Borderlands, and Diasporas: Eurasia asAnti-Paradigm for thePost-Soviet Era”, The American Historical Review, Vol.109, No.2(April2004), p.449.
    ①KarlAugust Wittfogel, Oriental Despotism: a Comparative Study of Total Power, YaleUniversity Press,1957.
    ①KarlA. Wittfogel,“Russia and the East:AComparison and Contrast”, Slavic Review, Vol.22, No.4(December1963), pp.627-643.
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    ①Nicholas V. Riasanovsky,“‘Oriental Despotism’and Russia”, Slavic Review, Vol.22, No.4(December1963), pp.644-649.
    ②Henry L. Roberts,“Russia and the West:AComparison and Contrast”, Slavic Review, Vol.23, No.1(March1964), pp.1-12; Marc Raeff,“Russia's Perception of Her Relationship with theWest”, Slavic Review, Vol.23, No.1(March1964), pp.13-19; Marc Szeftel,“The HistoricalLimits of the Question of Russia and the West”, Slavic Review, Vol.23, No.1(March1964),pp.20-27.
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    ①Cyril E. Black, Dynamics of Modernization: A Study in Comparative History, New York:Harper&Row,1966; Marion J. Levy, Modernization and the Structure of Societies: A Setting forInternational Affairs,2volumes, Princeton: Princeton University Press,1966; Shmuel N.Eisenstadt, Modernization: Protest and Change, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall,1966; Cyril E.Black et al., Modernization of Japan and Russia: A Comparative Study, New York: Free Press,1975.
    ②Cyril E. Black ed., The Transformation of Russian Society: Aspects of Social Change since1861, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,1960.
    ①Cyril E. Black,“Conclusion”, in Cyril E. Black ed., The Transformation of Russian Society:Aspects of Social Change since1861, pp.661-667.
    ②Большакова О.В. Власть и политика в России XIX-начала XX века: американскаяисториография. С.57.
    ①Alexander Gerschenkron,“Problems and Patterns of Russian Economic Development”, inCyril E. Black ed., The Transformation of Russian Society: Aspects of Social Change since1861,pp.52-54.
    ②Cyril E. Black,“The Nature of Imperial Russian Society”, Slavic Review, Vol.20, No.4(December1961), pp.565-582; Hugh Seton-Watson,“Russia and Modernization”, Slavic Review,Vol.20, No.4(December1961), pp.583-588; Nicholas V. Riasanovsky,“The Russian Empire asan Underdeveloped Country”, Slavic Review, Vol.20, No.4(December1961), pp.589-593.
    ①Stephen F. Cohen, Rethinking the Soviet Experience: Politics and History since1917, NewYork: Oxford University Press,1985, pp.9-10.
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