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布鲁菌(Brucella)是布鲁菌病(Brucellosis)的病原体。现已发现布鲁菌有7个生物种:羊布鲁菌(B.melitensis)、牛布鲁菌(B.abortus)、猪布鲁菌(B. suis)、犬布鲁菌(B. canis)、绵羊布鲁菌(B. ovis)、鼠布鲁菌(B.neotomae)和海洋哺乳动物布鲁菌(B.maris)。各种间具有高度的同源性,但在毒力、生物学性状以及感染人类或畜类后的临床表现和流行特征等方面存在差异。其中既可以感染畜类也可以感染人类的生物种有羊、牛、猪和犬布鲁菌。在我国流行的主要有羊、牛和猪布鲁菌三种,且以羊布鲁菌最为常见,其致病力也最强。
     布鲁菌是一种细胞内寄生的革兰阴性菌,感染后可以诱导机体产生保护性体液免疫和细胞免疫反应。细胞免疫可清除细胞内布鲁菌,在抗布鲁菌感染免疫中占主要地位。现有的布鲁菌疫苗为灭活疫苗和减毒活疫苗,在一定程度上对于疫情的预防和控制起到积极作用,但是也存在一些问题:(1)灭活疫苗虽然可以起到一定的保护作用,但是免疫效果比较有限,不能引起足够的细胞免疫应答;( 2)减毒活疫苗由于毒力恢复反弹而感染动物或人类,其应用受到限制;(3)在疫区筛查检测时,常用的血清学方法如试管凝集试验等无法区分传统疫苗免疫的动物和受到布鲁菌感染的动物,这对于隔离病畜,进而防治疫情扩散起到制约作用。因此,国内外均在进行布鲁菌新型疫苗包括DNA疫苗的研究。目前,已经发现了一些具有保护作用的布鲁菌抗原基因,如编码L7/L12、BCSP31和OMP31等抗原的基因。单独的保护抗原基因虽然可以诱导一定的免疫反应,起到一定的保护作用,但是存在保护效果较差,保护时间较短等缺陷。因此,研制联合多个保护性抗原基因的DNA疫苗是布鲁菌疫苗研究的热点之一。
     构建了几种布鲁菌外膜蛋白基因的原核表达载体,并将其分别命名为pGEX-4T-1-omp31、pGEX-4T-1-omp22、pGEX-4T-1-omp25d、pGEX-4T-1-omp2b。将这些质粒分别转化至大肠埃希菌并诱导表达,采用GST亲和层析纯化的方法,分别获得纯化的布鲁菌OMP31、OMP22、OMP25d和OMP2b蛋白。用纯化的蛋白检测布鲁菌全菌免疫的BALB/c小鼠血清,取高效价的小鼠脾细胞与骨髓瘤Sp2/0细胞融合,ELISA间接法筛选阳性克隆,3次克隆化后建立杂交瘤细胞系。采用小鼠腹腔接种杂交瘤细胞制备腹水,正辛酸-硫酸铵法纯化mAb。采用Western blot和ELISA等方法鉴定mAb特性。
     ROB组重组DNA免疫小鼠在末次免疫后4周的抗体水平最高,平均抗体滴度为1 : 1280(P<0.01);所产生的Th1型细胞因子如TNF-α和IFN-γ等均比M5株对照组高出2倍以上(P<0.05);所诱导的脾淋巴细胞增殖能力明显强于M5株对照组(P<0.05);并具有更强的细胞杀伤能力(P<0.05),提示获得的ROB重组DNA在细胞免疫水平方面要强于M5疫苗株。
     布鲁菌omp22组和omp2b组均刺激了较高的体液免疫水平(均大于1:1000,P<0.05);在检测IgG2a/IgG1比值方面,omp22组和omp2b组均优于M5组( P<0.05); omp2b组诱导的TNF-α和IFN-γ水平高于M5组( P<0.05); pcDNA3.1-omp2b免疫动物的脾细胞经特异性抗原刺激后,所产生的IFN-γ的细胞数目约是M5组的4倍(P<0.05); CTL杀伤实验表明,在效靶比为100时,omp2b组的杀伤能力明显强于M5组(P<0.05)。omp22组的各项指标也明显好于M5组,且具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
     Ⅱ4组所诱导的特异性IgG为1:1280(P<0.05);IgG2a/IgG1比值是2.8(P<0.05)。在细胞免疫方面,Ⅱ4组诱导的TNF-α和IFN-γ高于M5组(P<0.05);Ⅱ4组免疫小鼠的脾细胞经特异性抗原刺激后能产生IFN-γ的细胞数目为64±3.4,高于M5组(P<0.05); CTL杀伤实验表明,在效靶比为100时,Ⅱ4组的杀伤效果优于M5组(P<0.05)。
Brucella is the pathogen of brucellosis. There have been found sevenBrucellaspecies:B.melitensis,B.abortus,B.suis,B.canis,B.ovis,B.neotomaeandB.maris.Thespeciesarehigh in homology, buttherearedifferent fromtoxicity,biologicalcharacteristics,clinicalmanifestationsandepidemicfeaturesinhumansandanimals.Inallthespecies,onlyB.melitensis,B.abortus,B.suisandB.caniscaninfectbothanimalsandhumans.InChina,themainbrucellaspeciesareB.melitensis,B.abortusandB.suis,andthemostprevalentisB.melitensiswhichisalsoasthemostvirulent.
     Brucella is an intracellular parasitic Gram-negative bacterium. InfectionwithBrucellacan induceprotective humoral immunityandcellular immunity.Cellular immunity can clear brucella in cells, and plays an important role inanti-infection immunity of Brucella. Brucella vaccines are available for theinactivatedvaccinesandliveattenuatedvaccines.Toacertainextent,theyareuseful,buttherearemanyproblems:(1)inactivatedvaccinesaresoineffectivetocauseadequatecellularimmuneresponses(2)liveattenuatedvaccinesarelikelytocauseanimaldiseaseandinfecthumans(3)theycannotdistinguishbetweenimmunized animals and infected animals, which are important for epidemiccontrolandeconomy.Therefore,theresearcherslooktoinvestinnewvaccinessuchasDNA vaccines.Sofar,some antigens withprotectiveeffecthas beenfound,suchastheL7/L12,BCSP31andOMP31,whichcaninduceaprotectiveimmune response, but the protection of individual antigens is not effectiveenough cause the protection time is short and other defects. Therefore, thedevelopmentofmultivalentvaccine,highlevelsofexpressionofDNAvaccineshasbecomeimperative.
     On the basis of the previous studies, this item was focused on theimmunological analysis ofBrucella rp1L, omp31, bcsp31, omp22 and omp2bgenes:preparationofmonoclonalantibodiesaccordinglytofilteroutthebestcombination, various combinations of multivalent recombinant DNAs wereanalyzed.
     1 Cloning, expression ans purification of several Brucellaantigen genesandpreparationofthemonoclonalantibodies
     TheplasmidspGEX-4T-1-omp31,pGEX-4T-1-omp22,pGEX-4T-1-omp25d,pGEX-4T-1-omp2b were transformed into E. coli and induced by IPTG. ThecorrespondingproteinswerepurifiedbyGSTaffinitychromatographymethod.
     After using whole bacteria to immune mice, antibody was screened by purified proteins. The immunized mouse spleen cells were infused with myeloma Sp2/0 cell, some steps as followed: hybridoma selection and cloning preparation of hybridoma ascites purification of mAb identification of mAb characteristics.
     There were 2 anti-OMP31 mAbs, 2 anti-OMP22 mAbs, 2 anti-OMP25d mAbs and 1 anti-OMP2b mAb. These seven mAbs were with high specificity and sensitivity. They did not cross-react with Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Bacillus aeruginosus.
     2 Preparation of recombinant DNAs and immunizing animals
     pcDNA3.1-rp1L, pcDNA3.1-omp31, pcDNA3.1-bcsp31, pcDNA3.1-omp22 and pcDNA3.1-omp2b vectors were constructed and measured their transient expression in CHO cells by serum from Brucella infected rabbit. Then a large number of the plasmids were extracted and purified. Immunization was performed in several ways as followed. Some immunological tests were performed. M5 and saline were as controls
     (1) pcDNA3.1-rp1L, pcDNA3.1-omp31 and pcDNA3.1-bcsp31 equally were combined as trivalent DNAs to immunize C57BL/6 mice. This group was named as ROB.
     (2) We immunized C57BL/6 mice by pcDNA3.1-omp22 or pcDNA3.1-omp2b separately.
     (3) Three groups as ROB and pcDNA3.1-omp22 (Ⅰ4 ) ROB and pcDNA3.1-omp2b (Ⅱ4 ) ROB and pcDNA3.1-omp22, pcDNA3.1-omp2b (Ⅲ5) were performed to immunize C57BL / 6.
     3 Evaluation of recombinant DNAs
     4 weeks after the last immunization, ROB group were on the highest specific antibody level (1: 1280, P <0.01) Th1-type cytokines such as TNF-αand IFN-γ of ROB were more than 2 times higher than M5 group (P <0.05) ROB had higher ability in CTL test. The level of cellular immunity that ROB obtained was stronger than the vaccine strain M5.
     Brucella omp22 group and omp2b group were at a high level of humoral immunity (greater than 1:1000, P <0.05) the ratio of IgG2a/IgG1 were better than the M5 group (P <0.05) TNF-αand IFN-γlevels of omp2b group were higher than M5 group (P <0.05) IFN-γproduced by the the number of cells of omp2b group was about 4 times more than M5 group (P <0.05) CTL test showed that at e/t ratio of 100, omp2b group were strongler than M5 group (P <0.05). omp22 group was significantly better than M5 group (P <0.05).
     pecific IgG ofⅡ4 group was 1:1280 (P <0.05) IgG2a/IgG1 ratio was 2.8 (P <0.05). In terms of cellular immunity,Ⅱ4 group induced higher levels of TNF-αand IFN-γthan M5 group (P <0.05) Cells ofⅡ4 group mice spleen cells stimulated by specific antigen to produce IFN-γwere 64±3.4, higher than M5 group (P <0.05) CTL test showed that when e/t ratio was at 100,Ⅱ4 group was better than M5 group (P <0.05).
     Ⅱ4 ROB group was better than all the other groups including M5, ROB and others. we calledⅡ4 as ROBO.
     In summary, the levels of cell immune response of recombinant DNA were higher than the traditional vaccine. The results of this study are a good theoretical foundation and physical infrastructure for researching in performing a new DNA vaccine against brucellosis.
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