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Objective:Acute cerebral infarction is a serious threat to human life and health of one of the diseases, a serious impact on quality of life. The study of risk factors for acute cerebral infarction during hospitalization period of medical observation and inpatient treatment targets for the prevention of acute cerebral infarction and therapy. Methods: Retrospective analysis of survey methodology in 1999 and 2009, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, acute cerebral infarction data, using statistical package for statistical analysis SPSS 13.0, proportion compared using X2 test, P<0.05 statistically significant. Results:(1) acute cerebral infarction in 1999 and 2009 was no significant difference in age composition ratio (P>0.05); the two groups weresignificantly different than the gender composition (P<0.05). (2) 1999 and 2009 the ethnic composition of patients with acute cerebral infarction than those without significant difference (P> 0.05). (3) 2009,1999 and previous hypertension in patients with acute cerebral infarction, diabetes, heart disease, history of drinking constitutes a significant difference compared (P <0.05), previous stroke, and smoking history was no significant difference (P>0.05). (4) 2009 Fibrinogen, fasting glucose, lipids, liver function, renal function, electrocardiogram, chest radiograph, blood pressure, electrocardiogram, cardiac ultrasound, neck ultrasound, TCD, MRI, DSA, immunity, patients with abdominal ultrasound constitute ratio higher than in 1999 (P<0.05). Not detected in 1999, D-dimer, CRP, homocysteine, CTA, MRA. Not detected in 2009 blood viscosity, erythrocyte sedimentation rate. (5) 2009, use of aspirin to prevent stress ulcers, prevention of infection, coagulation, dehydration reduce intracranial pressure, blood pressure, lipid, lower blood sugar in patients with proportions higher than in 1999 (P<0.05). Conclusions:(1) the major risk factors for acute cerebral infarction plasma fibrinogen increased, hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking, blood sugar, blood abnormalities, history of drinking and so on.2009, screening for risk factors has increased compared to 1999. (2) detection of indicators of medical observation in 2009 compared to 1999 increased, but there are still part of the observed defect detection index, should strengthen the CRP, homocysteine, and neck vascular ultrasound testing, attention atherosclerosis screening. (3) 2009, aspirin, clopidogrel tablets use of stress ulcer prevention, prevention of infection and other complications of treatment and early rehabilitation therapy significantly improved over 1999, but also help the quality of life of patients improvement.
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