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Service industry is the industry growing fastest in the word in recent years, which is known as the "glue" in the development of industry and the market. As one of the important signs to measure if the regional economy is prosperous or not, service industry's development gets the world's attention gradually, especially after entering the21st century, on a global scale, with the rapid growth of foreign direct investment in service industry(refered to "SFDI"), the foreign direct investment with SFDI as the core,are gradually growing to the important force to adjust and upgrade the industrial structure and to promote regional economic prosperity for our country's and the world's economic system,and they are becoming more and more profound to change the world'development pattern for economy, industry and technology.
     China's actual use of foreign capital amount is$111.72billion in2012, and China has been the top of the utilization of foreign capital for20years in developing countries. Because of long-term adherence to the introduction of foreign capital, our country gradually realized the change from agricultural country to industrial powerhouse.For a long period, manufacturing FDI had been the focus in the field of foreign investment in our country. With entering into the World Trade Organization (WTO) formally in2001, our country opened the service market gradually, SFDI began to grow up quickly, and became an important part of the FDI in our country, the amount of SFDI was increasing gradually, from around$11.9billion in the1997to$57.2billion in2012, which grew almost5times in15years. In2011,our country's SFDI proportion accounted for more than50%of the total amount of the actual use of the foreign capital, the proportion of SFDI as a whole was more than in manufacturing for the first time.At the same time, with the reform and opening-up for more than30years, China's economic development had made remarkable achievements, achieving double-digit number development after many years, people's living standards improved greatly, the gross domestic product in2013reached56.9trillion, total import and export trade reached$4trillion, the world's first. But the amount of glory does not cover the growing imbalance of economic structure, traditional resource consumption of high energy and low yield is still not completely changed, as a developing country, China has entered into the middle of industrialization, but there is still a large population stranded from traditional agriculture in the country; Industrial development, while it's total is outstanding, but the internal structure is still relatively single, technological content relative to the western developed countries also has certain disparity; In the field of burgeoning service industry, due to a late start, as the rising labor costs and demographic dividend rapid decline at present, only to realize the upgrading and the change of domestic industrial structure, and only completely adjust the pattern of economic development, our country can achieve the future sustainable growth. Because foreign capital usually have advanced experience and technology, and capital advantage, FDI inflows make it possible to promote the upgrading of the industrial structure in our country. As one of the world's most important developing countries, in our country, as the quickening pace of opening to the outside world and the rapid development of domestic economy, how to make use of foreign capital, and achieve the upgrading and the change of industrial structure in the international industry shift wave in our country is currently a looming problem. In fact, our country also rose this thought to the policy level. In2011,《the foreign investment industrial guidance catalogue (2011revision)》 jointly issued by the national development and reform commission and the ministry of commerce put forward "to improve and upgrade the industrial structure, introduce relevant foreign capital reasonably by looking accelerate the transformation of the mode of production as the theme, in the process of opening to the outside, to do overall consideration between inside and outside, use foreign capital to optimize the industrial structure in our country, and strive to promote foreign investment in promoting our country's level of science and technology, promoting the industry transformation play a major role for the first time.China's "12th five-year" plans writes,"in the opening to the outside world to introduce foreign capital, to further enhance the level of the use of foreign capital and promote inside and outside, gradually optimize the industrial structure of our country development mode, and win the power of the remark in a higher level of international competition and cooperation in the future, get a industry leading position." It can be expected that, in the background that the service sector accounts for the proportion of the whole national economy increasingly improves, accounts for the vast majority of foreign direct investment's share of the SFDI is bound to play a major role for China's industrial structure upgrade. So this text set about from the service industry, and researching the impact that the SFDI to our country industrial structure's upgrade is of great significance.
     This paper is divided into six chapters:
     Chapter1is the introduction. This chapter is not only a general program but also a statement of this article for a deep understanding of the research intention, structure and content. Basically it includes the background and significance of topic selecting, the definition of key concepts, research contents, research methods, possible innovations and the deficiency of research.
     Chapter2is about theoretical foundation and literature review. In this chapter, the author combs the applicability of the theory of SFDI, the upgrading of industrial structure theory, theory of the relationship between foreign direct investment and industrial structure upgrading, in addition summarizes the main achievements and defective of domestic and overseas researches related to the economic effect, welfare effect, technological progress effect and the effects of industrial structure effect of SFDI.
     Chapter3is about the situation of SFDI. This chapter first analyzes the overall status and development trend of the global SFDI, then analyzes the overview of China's use of SFDI..
     Chapter4is about analysis of present situation and industrial structure upgrade effect of SFDI, through the systematic analysis, this paper finds the outstanding problems existing in the current industrial structure. Firstly, the imbalance of industrial structure. Secondly, the imbalance of the industry internals. Thirdly, the unbalanced development of the regional industrial structure.Meanwhile,this chapter summaries the upgrade mechanism of SFDI on industrial structure includes the effect of technologe spillover and management demonstration,"hidden"effect,environment effectd as well as conduction effect.
     Chapter5is the quantitative study including the economic linkage effect and the shock effect research of SFDI to the industrial structure adjustment in China. In this chapter, we apply the grey correlation analysis method using the added value of three industrial outputs as a reference index to analyze the economic linkage effects of SFDI on the three industrial output value structure transition..In the meanwhile,we use multi-index comprehensive analysis method to reveal the shock effect of SFDI to the respective output, employment, and total labor productivity of each industry Specifically, the empirical methods we use in this part include co-integration test, granger causality test and auto-regression model (VAR), the response function and variance decomposition methods.
     Chapter6is about conclusion and suggestion. Through the empirical study of the former two chapters, we can derive the following conclusions:1. The SFDI made contributions to every industrial output growth unequally in China, and the first and third industry are superior to the second industry;2. The SFDI in our country promoted the optimization of employment structure;3. The SFDI promoted the increase of total factor productivity in China significantly;4.The short-term impact of FDI in service industry on the upgrading of industrial structure is more obvious compared with that of longer-term;5. The impact of SFDI on industrial structure transformation does not have reverse conduction in China. Accordingly,we put forward the following countermeasures and suggestions:1. Promote the marketization of service industry and explore the circulated transmission mechanism of SFDI;2. Transform and upgrade traditional service industry, actively explore the China model for service industry development;3.Reasonably guide SFDI to the services industry mating the second industry;4.1mprove the intellectual capital input and the infrastructure construction, enhance the long-term benefits of FDI;5.,Adjust measures to local conditions, and choose the SFDI based on the national industrial policy.
     In this paper, the main innovation points embody in research perspective, research contents and research methods:
     In the aspect of the research perspective, this paper combines with the actual development in China, the whole research category limits in the service sector, it has a certain pertinence. By reviewing the related literature, the author finds that the research of academic circles on the effects of traditional foreign direct investment mainly concentrated in the manufacturing field, but the attention of SFDI is relatively less. The development experience of developed countries shows that a mature economy, service industry is the highest in three industries and the most potential industry, and in terms of our country, since2011,in the total amount of the actual use of foreign investment, SFDI has accounted for more than manufacturing, therefore, the research object of this paper focuses on services,and researches the interaction relationship between SFDI and industrial structure adjustment and upgrading in China and its influence, it is a relatively new perspective.
     In the aspect of the research content, this paper combines macroscopic analysis with microscopic argument, and highlights the microscopic characteristics of the study. In the previous related literature of relationship between SFDI and industry structure, the researchers focused on analyzing the growth of SFDI and macro economy, and the change of SFDI and industry structure, and other fields, they ignored the effects of SFDI on internal microstructure changes of each industry. Based on this, the research content of this paper plays down the macro analysis of SFDI, and puts more ink on the analysis of the effect of SFDI on the micro-level of the three times industrial structure. Therefore, after combining the micro and macro analysis, we can reflect industrial structure effect of SFDI of our country more stereoscopically.
     In the aspect of the research methods, this paper focuses on interaction analysis, and highlights the adverse impact characteristics of the index. In the literature on the study of the relationship between FDI and industry structure, most scholars only analyzed the influence of FDI on industrial structure transfer, but neglected the analysis of the influence of industrial structure transfer for FDI, so this paper applies the method of grey correlation and vector auto-regression method, and analyzes the influence of the relevant variables change of industrial structure on the change of SFDI of our country. Based on this, this paper thoroughly discusses that in the course of using SFDI in our country, how to implement the situation that SFDI and industrial structure upgrade have an influence each other, mutually reinforcing, coevolution, and utility maximization.
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