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Compared with the modern residential buildings, Chinese traditional residential building is an organic product of adaptation to the local climate and other natural conditions. Its generation and development is resulted from the long-term adaptation to the natural environment. The philosophy of dependence on the natural circle to solve the natural problems in the Chinese traditional residential buildings has made considerable progress of human health.Different from the protection and cultivation the features of regional architectural culture by the simple copy, the significance of research on the Chinese traditional residential buildings lies in the protection for the regional culture and development of traditional building technology. With the spread of ecology from west to east, it is inevitable to study the regeneration of Chinese traditional residential buildings and creation of regional buildings by the western ecological theory. Research on the features of Chinese traditional residential building in the field of how to deal with the relationship between human beings and environment, resources, especially of how to protect its plain senses of ecological architecture and technological experiences, has become a new research area.Based on the review of philosophy of various building patterns in Chinese traditional residential buildings, this thesis has analyzed the natural influence factors of various
    building patterns and the relationship of basic constitution. The viewpoint of "experiences" characteristics of the generation, propagation and inheritance of Chinese traditional residential buildings has been proposed. Based on this viewpoint, the author has creatively obtained that the ecological experiences of Chinese traditional residential buildings had mixed with their varied building patterns and reflected in the particular building pattern by the way of "experiences"; and that to carry forward and draw lesson from the Chinese traditional residential buildings in essence lies in to summarize and refine these ecological architectural experiences and to transform and reconstruct these experiences by combination with modern science and technology to meet the needs of modern civilization.Because of the variety of Chinese traditional residential buildings, it's necessary to undertake the topography study on the building patterns to summarize systemically the ecological architectural experiences in the Chinese traditional residential buildings. Inspired by the topography study, this thesis has undertaken the prototype analysis on the development and evolution of Chinese traditional residential buildings. Proceed from two miniatures of Chinese traditional residential buildings; this paper has creatively constituted the climate conditioning technology prototype of Chinese traditional residential buildings. Based on these studies, Chinese traditional residential buildings have been divided two types, i.e. envelope-insulation type and shading-ventilation type. After comprehensively probed the influence of natural environment and culture changes on topography of traditional residential buildings, this thesis has proposed six main building patterns from two types of Chinese traditional residential buildings, i.e. the He-Yuan module, Yao-Ju pattern, Qiong-Long pattern, Gao-Tai pattern, Ting-Jing pattern and Gan-Lan pattern.The ecological architectural experiences in the Chinese traditional residential buildings are not only the experiences of buildings structure and construction, but also those of space and patterns. In accordance with the relationship between the cold resistant priority envelope-insulation type, hot resistant priority the shading-ventilation type and climate, region, with their features of climate conditioning technology, this paper has analyzed firstly and systemically the He-Yuan pattern, Yao-Ju pattern, Qiong-Long pattern, Gao-Tai pattern, Ting-Jing pattern and Gan-Lan pattern, respectively, in the light of history
    background, society culture and natural condition. The distribution area, topography, constr
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