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云与辐射的相互作用对于全球的天气和气候变化过程有着重要的影响,不同高度的云有着不同的辐射强迫,获得云体高度及其在时空上的变化对于研究全球气候变化有着重要意义。云卫星(CloudSat)是世界上首颗专门用于研究云的卫星,首次从太空中对全球云层的垂直结构和云层的微物理特性进行观测,研究全球云层随季节和地理位置的变化,评估云层参数化在全球模式中的作用,从而有助于改进天气预报,解决气候及云与气候反馈作用中存在的问题。云卫星的主要载荷是天底观测的94GHz云廓线雷达(CPR),其横轨分辨率为1.4km,沿轨分辨率为2.5 km,垂直分辨率为500 m。
Cloud-radiation interaction has a large impact on the Earth's weather and climate change, and clouds with different heights cause different radiative forcing. Thus, the information on the statistics of cloud height and its variation in space and time is very important to global climate change studies. CloudSat will provide, from space, the first global survey of cloud profiles and cloud physical properties, with seasonal and geographical variations, needed to evaluate the way clouds are parameterized in global models, thereby contributing to improved predictions of weather, climate and the cloud-climate feedback problem. The Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR) on CloudSat is a 94-GHz nadir-looking radar which measures the energy backscattered by clouds and precipitation within a 1.5 km across-track by 2.5 km along-track radar footprint and 500m vertical resolution.
     In this paper, cloud top height (CTH), cloud base height (CBH) and cloud thickness in the regions of Tibetan Plateau, Plateau south slope and South Asian Monsoon are analyzed based on the CloudSat data during the period from June 2006 to December 2007. The results show that frequency of cloud top and base heights in unit area over the studied regions have some certain space-time continuity. The CTH and CBH of different cloud types are in different range, and have significant seasonal variations. The cloud thickness is large (small) in summer (winter), and the percentage of different cloud types also have some certain regularity. The cloud heights and thicknesses of the same cloud type have some certain variation in the different study regions.
     We also use passive-sensing observation datas from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) which boarded on Aqua (other A-Train satellite) to get the cloud top brightness temperature (TB) , and analyze the correlation between the MODIS TB and the CloudSat CTH. With a large number of cases, the results show that there is a negative correlation between TB and CTH, which means that the TB value will increase when the CTH is reduced. When the cloud is dense and thick, the correlation between the TB and the CTH is good. For improving the correlation, we set a more reasonable threshold to determine effective data. With this threshold, the correlation becomes much better, and a useful linear relationship is obtained.
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