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Dramatically increased international tourist arrivals and receipts have witnessed China grow into a predominant tourist host country. English, as a lingua franca, is employed to receive international tourists who take English as their mother tongue as well as those who use it as their second language. With the recent booming development of international tourism industry in Guizhou province in particular, improving prospective tour guides’oral tourism English competence and thus enhancing their job prospects should be highlighted as central in Guizhou institutes which shoulder the responsibility of providing qualified English tour guides to meet the provincially-increased demand of international tourism. However, little research has been done so far to explore the current situation of oral tourism English teaching and learning in Guizhou institutes and the factors resulted in such a situation.
     This dissertation therefore interrogates relevant literature in English for Specific Purposes and tourism English to indicate the close relation between the research questions and the literature review and to address the necessity of exploring the situation of prospective tour guides’oral English education in Guizhou for the professional development. In light of the investigation of the perceptions of teachers, prospective English tour guides as well as in-service tour guides on oral tourism English education in Guizhou institutes, this dissertation explored the current situation of oral tourism English education in institutes, gained the factors which caused the present situation and finally pointed out how the identified factors shed light on the future development of oral tourism English education in Guizhou institutes.
     A qualitative case study with rich quantitative description was employed. Both questionnaires and semi-structured group interviews were implemented as data-gathering instruments to collect data from teachers (n=15) and prospective English tour guides (n=169) in four colleges and universities as well as in-service tour guides (n=26) from Guiyang International Travel Agency in Guizhou. After the data gained from the questionnaires was transformed into histogram or pie chart formats to represent patterns with descriptive analysis, accordingly, several thematic categories were concluded for the following 7 semi-structured group interviews. The grounded-theory approach was employed to analyze and interpret the key findings.
     The findings indicate that teaching and learning general English does not cater for specific needs of oral tourism English which to some extent results in the mismatch between interest in learning and future job orientation. The published course books with inadequate input of localized oral tourism English are proved to be of only limited value for students’particular needs in improving their oral tourism English competence. Both prospective and in-service tour guides participating in the research believe that apart from their teaching techniques to deliver courses, teachers’development of teaching theory was of great importance to enhance their students’learning efficacy. Based on the findings, a set of implications was formulated with the hope that these implications would shed new light on the curriculum improvement or reform in the area of oral tourism English education.
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