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Land has always been a basic element of human survival and production, andalways attracts great attention. In recent years, with the high speed of our country'surbanization, the need for land is continuously extending, and the scope also goes morewidely. Certainly, this phenomenon brings more and more problems.
     As an important land system, land expropriation compensation system plays asignificant role in the rapid development of China's economy and society. However,since this system is born in a particular time, limited by the social environment and therelevant system, it must have its timeliness and limitations, especially after thetransformation of socialist public ownership, the land turns to be the state and collectiveownership, and too much emphasis on the interests of the state in the process of landexpropriation damages the legitimate interests and reasonable demands of farmers. Fordecades, our country’s economy has made tremendous development, but with furtherenhancement of the comprehensive strength, the expansion of the scope of landrequisition, as well as the low standard of land expropriation compensation, more andmore conflicts and disputes about land expropriation have appeared. According torelevant department’s statistics, since2002more than one-third of the masses havepetitioned due to land issues, and60%of which were directly caused by landexpropriation. In2004, land expropriation accounted for over50%of the total number ofpetition letters. Therefore, land expropriation compensation has become a major socialproblem.
     Investigating its reason, it is closely related to the institutional defects of existingland expropriation compensation system itself. According to new institutional economics,any system’s establishment will be restricted and influenced by its specific historical andinstitutional environment, and with the change of the environment, the system willchange accordingly. But because of increasing return, the changes of the system in thelater process are influenced by the initial system, and this constitutes the phenomenon ofpath dependence on the initial system. The same case, as the system stock matched withour country’s land expropriation compensation system, land property rights system, vested interests groups, non synchronous change of the relevant complementaryinstitutions and so on, to a certain extent, will affect the transitional contrail of the landexpropriation compensation system, and make it form path dependence on the stock ofinstitutional arrangements. Moreover, under the effect of increasing return pathdependence, the original low-efficient land expropriation compensation system is furtherconsolidated and strengthened, and the rights and interests of farmers will be damaged.
     This thesis attempts to proceed with the history change and characteristics of landexpropriation compensation system in our country, summarizes its form which has thecharacteristics of path dependence, analyzes the deep cause of the phenomenon of pathdependence, and discusses the effective ways to break the path dependence, then finallyreaches the goal to break the path dependence dilemma of our country land expropriationcompensation system.
     This thesis follows the research thought of theoretical research combined withempirical analysis, uses the combination of macro and micro level data analysis method,summarizes and analyzes the performance of the land expropriation compensationsystem in our country for decades, aims to find the right reform direction.
     The whole text is divided into eight chapters
     Introduction Mainly expound the research background, significance and methodsof this thesis, sort out the research development, and focus on the innovation andfeatures of the research, then put forward some problems which need to be studiedfurther.
     Chapter two Introduce the basic concept of institutional change theory and pathdependence theory to build theoretical analysis framework for further study. Summarizeand interpret institutional change theory and path dependence theory, then introduceapplicable situation of increasing return path dependence theory and the factors ofaffecting the path dependence of institutional change
     Chapter three Sort out the history of the land requisition compensation system inChina, and summarize its history and characteristics. Apply historical facts to prove thatmake use of the increasing return path dependence theory to show its formation andstrengthening mechanism after the initial conditions of land expropriation compensationsystem in China took shape and under the joint action of the fixed cost effect, learning effect, coordinate effect and adaptive expectations effect.
     Chapter four Prove that in the early years after the founding of the PRC theinitial inherent public ownership of land property right system is an important factor tomake our land expropriation compensation system in a state of low efficiency for a longtime.
     Chapter five Interpret that the vested interests groups’resolute maintenance of theexisting land expropriation compensation system arrangements is another importantfactor to make our land expropriation compensation system in a state of low efficiencyfor a long time.
     Chapter six Introduce that inherent ideology’s restrictions on the existing landexpropriation compensation system is the ideology reason for long-term low-efficientland expropriation compensation system in China.
     Chapter seven Indicate that the overall change plight of the relevant complementarysystem blocks the vicissitudes of land expropriation compensation system in China, isone of the main reasons for its long-term path dependence and low efficiency.
     Chapter eight Probe the further path innovation and the choice of possible path andtry to crack the possibility and feasibility of path dependence in the vicissitude process ofour land expropriation compensation system.
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