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Based on the engineering background of high performance concrete (HPC) applications in the deep well construction at low-temperature, the mechanical properties and frost resistance of HPC are investigated. Many experiment methods, such as scanning electronic microscopy, mercury intrusion porosimetry, industrial CT and other advanced technologies, have been used to research on the microstructure and pore structure of C100 HPC which is frozen one time or freeze-thaw many times. And then the macro-mechanical test of C100 HPC is carried out. The force distribution of the shaft is simulated through numerical analysis. The crack development of C100 HPC at low temperatures with different loads is described by damage fractal dimensions. The study results show that C100 HPC at low temperatures, which is prepared by the local raw material, has high compressive strength and good frost resistance and the mechanism of admixtures is explained in the view of the micro-structure. The thesis provides test methods and theoretical basis to study the performance of HPC. The conclusion is that C100 HPC can meet the requirement of the low-temperature construction work, which will bring many social beneficial results.
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