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     本研究通过聚焦隐性知识资源整合中主体所在社会网络(Social Networks, SN)这一资源通道,从交互记忆系统(Transactive Memory Systems, TMS)的理论视角出发,剖析社会网络的影响及其具体作用过程。以往研究虽然注意到社会网络对知识管理的影响,但缺少从交互记忆系统这一知识整合过程机制来分析网络直接作用于隐性知识整合的研究。本研究旨在填补此空缺,揭示社会网络对隐性知识整合影响的具体实现过程。在具体研究时,分别从个人隐性知识整合和团队隐性知识整合两个层面出发,分析了社会网络、交互记忆系统和隐性知识整合的关系,揭示了隐性知识整合实现的机理。具体研究包括:
Knowledge has been increasingly recognized as one of most valuable assets which is developed and possessed by individuals in modern enterprise. Much more research and practice of knowledge management has been conducted in an effort to capture, store, and disseminate knowledge effectively across organization. Research contributions on knowledge management are particularly from different theoretical perspectives, such as knowledge sharing, knowledge creation, knowledge transfer, and so on. Knowledge integration is an example of an attempt to synthesize relevant streams of research. However, knowledge resides in human beings and tacit knowledge which is 90 percent of organization knowledge capacity is critical to organization's competitiveness. Integrating the tacit knowledge of many different individuals in the process of producing goods and services in organization is a critical logic. Therefore, researchers in information systems have begun to pay more attention on integration for fragmented pockets of tacit knowledge, like expertise, specialized knowledge, etc.
     Individuals are known to seek knowledge from their own personal networks which extend beyond the formal organizational structures. Tacit knowledge integration is embedded in social activities and interactions. Transactive memory systems (TMS) also have been recognized as the predictor of knowledge management. This research considers how different features of social networks affect tacit knowledge integration and what the mechanism is. As a complement to previous research that has only recognized the social networks direct effect on knowledge integration as a black box, we focus on the mechanism of social networks on tacit knowledge integration from the perspective of TMS. Based on the research framework, we conducted two empirical studies from individual level and team level respectively.
     In our study, expressive ties and instrumental ties have different effects on tacit knowledge integration and TMS. Ties strength influences TMS directly. Value diversity of individuals is negative to TMS and to tacit knowledge integration finally. Density and betweenness centralization of networks structure also have different influencs on TMS. The inter-dependence of teamwork moderates the effect of TMS on acit knowledge integration visibly. The results of study provide a novel mechanism for researching tacit knowledge integration which is playing a pivotal role in this turbulent environment. The explorative results provide a new lens for tacit knowledge integration and have superior instructional and explanatory power for both academia and practice.
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