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差分进化(Differential Evolution, DE)作为目前最优秀的进化优化算法之一,是进化计算、智能优化技术方面的研究热点,已成功应用于车间调度、数字信号处理、模式识别、机器智能、化工、医学等诸多实际工程领域并取得了良好的应用效果。然而,DE和其他进化算法一样,在对复杂优化问题进行求解时仍不可避免地存在多样性不足、易陷入局部最优、后期收敛速度慢、控制参数难以设定等问题。此外标准DE算法的结构设计是用来解决无约束、单目标的优化问题,不可直接用于求解约束多目标优化问题,在一定程度上限制了算法的应用范围。
Differential Evolution (DE) is one of the current best evolutionary algorithms, which hasbecome the research hotspot in many fields such as evolutionary computing and intelligentoptimization. At present, DE has successfully been applied to diverse domains of science andengineering, such as signal processing, neural network optimization, pattern recognition,machine intelligence, chemical engineering and medical science. However, almost all of theevolutionary algorithms, including DE, still suffer from the problems of prematureconvergence, slow convergence rate and difficult parameter setting, especially in optimizingcomplex optimization problems. In addition, the standard DE algorithm can't be used directlyto solve the multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs) and this shortcoming limits thescope of application of DE to some extent.
     The article studies DE from theory and application aspects. In theory, firstly, accordingto the insufficiency of DE, the structure and key steps of the algorithm, including mutationand crossover, are deeply investigated and a series of numerical experiments are made in thispaper. For one thing, a new division method of population diversity is proposed, based onwhich a novel adaptive adjustment strategy of parameter CR is presented to improve thepopulation diversity and to avoid sticking at local optima. For another, a new DE mutationstrategy is designed, in which best solutions are utilized to guide the search directionsynchronously, avoiding the search blindness brought by the random selection of individualsin difference vector. So a new modified p-ADE algorithm is presented. Experimental resultsdemonstrate the improved DE can effectively improve the global search ability of DE andoutperform several state-of-the-art optimization algorithms in terms of the main performanceindexes, such as DEGL, JADE, jDE and CLPSO. Secondly, cloud theory is creativelyintroduced to the DE algorithm to construct a new DE version, called CDE. Firstly, a noveladaptive adjustment strategy of parameter CR is proposed based on cloud model, whichcombines the presented adaptive adjustment stratage of parameter CR based on populationdiversity with the characterisitics of stability and randomness of DE. Secondly, CDE utilizes theconnection of positive and inverse normal cloud generators to produce one-dimensionalperturbations to each individual so as to improve population diversity and avoid sticking atlocal optima. Experimental results on benchmark functions demonstrate that CDE can effectively improve the population diversity of DE, avoid sticking at local optima and speedup the convergence rate.
     In application, CDE is used to solve the constrained multi-objective optimization andurban traffic signal coordination control problems. For the constrained multi-objectiveoptimization problems, firstly, CDE is utilized as the evolutionary strategy, parameter CR isadjusted adaptively by positive normal cloud generator and a novel mutation strategy isproposed, in which the excellent feasible and infeasible solutions are utilized to improveexploration ability. Secondly, external populations are constructed to store feasible solutionsand infeasible solutions respectively to handle constraint conditions, the update method offeasible solution set is improved to distribution of solution set effectively. Experimentalresults on CTP test functions demonstrate that CMODE can achieve better diversity of Paretosolutions and convergence performance. For urban traffic signal coordination control, CDEalgorithm is introduced to optimize urban route two-way traffic signals. The new methodbased on CDE is compared with current best coordination control method based onmulti-colony immune algorithm. Experimental results prove the superiority of CDE onconvergence accuracy, speed and robustness, it could provide the more excellent phasedifference for traffic artery, decrease average delays in straight-going traffic flow and improvecapacity of urban road traffic.
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