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The problem of network information security has been a thorny issue for network owners andusers since the birth of network. As network is more and more widely applied and newly-emergingnetwork technology develops, network information security has become the pivotal concern of thenetwork circle and drawn researchers' most attention. Quite a number of studies focus onconfirming, evaluating, assessing and preventing the network risk. Furthermore, the correspondingcriteria and technology protection measures become more and more diverse. However, the effect isstill not so satisfactory because of the uncertainty and complex of various factors affectingnetwork security,. Therefore, the paper explores a lot about making principles on scientificconfirmation, security protection and technologic measures. Viewing the study on making andimplementing principles of network information security protection as a whole system, the authorproposes a basic idea on network information security protection. The idea derives from real workbut surpasses practice, which is of great significance to guide the protection practice in realoperations. To be specific, the research this paper presents includes the following sections:
     1. Security assessment is the starting point of network information security protection. Thepaper analyses the developmental process of network information risk assessment at home andabroad and points out that the object of risk assessment has varied from tangible assets tointangible assets. Defects exist in traditional assessment theories, so a more scientific idea aboutrisk assessment is badly needed.
     2. The study finds out the ideas about multi-layer elastic closed structure andnon-discrepancy unknown factors in network risk assessment. The author has done studies onnetwork risk assessment from many perspectives and come up with multi-layer elastic closedstructure for the improved network risk assessment model to solve the problem of confirming therisk scope. The paper demonstrates that risk factors have a kind of closed structure rather than thesimple layer structure. Moreover, the object of this creative research is non-discrepancy unknownrisk factors. All unknown factors are not divided into safe or danger objects, and the factors haveto dynamically adjust with the change of time, environment, object and so forth In this way, sothat the idea of non-discrepancy unknown factors can tackle the problem of confirmation onnetwork risk objects and also it gives rise to principles and methods of turning non-discrepancyunknown factors into risk objects.
     The paper also expounds principles of proaction security protection which is a new vision insecurity protection. Based on the thoroughness of the security protection which is guided by thetheory of multi-layer elastic closed structure, the paper proposes a technical plan which takes allvulnerabilities into consideration when designing security strategies. According tonon-discrepancy unknown factors, the author clearly presents the idea that "absolute security"should not be our target because in that situation overprotection would lead to the unnecessaryresource waste.
     3. The Error-correcting coding theory is the theoretical bases of network informationsecurity. Researches on codes and the structure of codewords are fundamental for the theory oferror-correcting codes. For measuring the complexity of a codeword, the depth of a codeword isan important mathematical character. The paper defined the width of a codeword on the finite ringZ_p~k, pointed out that the width of a codeword was the generalization of the depth of a codewordand gave two recursive algorithms for computing the Width of codewords on the finite ring Z_p~k. The paper also study three kinds of distances of(1+u)-constacyclic codes of length 2~s overthe ring F_2+u F_2. The structure of(1+u)-constacyclic codes of length 2~s over F_2+u F_2 isobtained. Using the structure of such constacyclic codes, the distributions of the Hammingdistances, Lee distances and Euclidean distances of such constacyclic codes are determined. Theresearch results have important significance for error-correcting coding.
     4. The paper researches on solutions to network information security protection fromdiverse aspects. On the basis of ideas on multi-layer elastic closed structure and non-discrepancyunknown factors, the author, according to principles of proaction and thoroughness, puts forward aseries of technological measures and methods which have already been successfully applied tosecurity practice in order to construct a improved security system about theories as well aspractice.
     Scientifically speaking, ideas of multi-layer elastic closed structure and non-discrepancyunknown factors solve problems of confirmation on both scope and object. Furthermore,principles of proaction and thoroughness determine the direction and tendency of securityprotection principles. Through scientific and systematic analysis of risk assessment and on thebasis of corresponding technological measures, a better theoretical system of security protection isformed on three levels: confirming risks, making countermeasures and implementing technology.
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