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Agricultural technology progress is the engine of agricultural efficiency and economic growth, agricultural technology innovation is an effective way on enhance the overall competitiveness of agriculture. As the agricultural technology system of government owned property is a single and rigid, and constraints the positive such as private and mixed forms of agricultural technology innovation activities , lead to limited and difficult to industrialization of total amount in agricultural technology innovation. Clear property rights and reasonable design of the property rights system provide the incentive mechanism of endogenous and external environment for agricultural technology innovation. Especially, 6 central "One document" reported the work of the Government and the Third Plenary Session of 17 emphasis on enhancing the capability of independent innovation in agricultural technology, speed up the achievements of agricultural science and technology applications, raise the contribution rate of science and technology agricultural growth, strengthen protection of intellectual property rights, guide to carry out technological innovation activities of agriculture-related enterprises, promote the sustainable development of modem agriculture, driven income of farmers and rural prosperity.
     In this paper, we profound analysis basic category, basic theory and the history of the evolution in property rights of agricultural technology innovation. Through practical research, analysis property prices decisions of agricultural technology from perspective of information asymmetry on the government, enterprises, research institutions and agricultural technology needs. At the same time, combine the characteristics of technological innovation in agriculture, design the optimal combination of the property rights system, construction of agricultural technology innovation system and property rights protection system, and put forward operational Countermeasures and suggestions.This article is divided into eight chapters: The first chapter is introduction, it discusses the background to the study, the purpose and the theory and practical significance, and property rights issues of technological innovation system in china and abroad, Especially, research summary on property rights of agricultural technology innovation system. grasp the forefront of research in agricultural technology innovation and property rights, find a breakthrough, sort out the basic framework of the study on property rights of agricultural technological innovation. The second article discusses the basic concepts of agricultural technology innovation and property rights , sort out the basic functions on the characteristics of technological innovation, technological innovation in agriculture and property rights, grasp the structure of property rights and property on agricultural technology, clear intellectual property rights (patents, plant varieties, etc.) is the core of property rights in agricultural technology innovation. The papers sorted based on classical theory of technical property rights and property rights in agricultural technology, grasp the formation mechanism of agricultural technology property rights, Innovative mechanism of action on property rights to promote agricultural technology innovation. The third chapter from the dynamic view of institutional Change, study the origin and evolution of property rights in agricultural technology innovation, follow the property - property rights - property rights - property rights, agricultural technology innovation to start, and explain the formation of property rights in agricultural technology innovation system. The fourth chapter according to information asymmetry on two sides of property rights transactions of agricultural technology (adverse selection and moral hazard problems), combination of incentive compatibility theory, through the mathematical model derived from different agricultural technology innovation price contract, and then determining their own pricing model for options. Chapter V taking into account the property rights of agricultural technology patent is the core part of the study, in the analysis of Nordhaus-Scherer classical model, combination of the information economy theory, construction of the property rights system performance model(competitive game I-E model, information model, etc.) from the two patents (the patent length, the width of the patent), analysis of the optimal property portfolio effectively on agricultural technology innovation. Chapter VI choose a representative farm enterprises, research institutes, agricultural universities and rural areas to execute discussion and questionnaire survey,understanding of the system of preferences, difficulties and expectations about technological innovation in agriculture, as well as their expectations for reform and recommendations. Then agricultural Varieties as an example , according to the practice of research data and relevant statistical data, property rights system to promote technological innovation in agriculture execute empirical measurement. Chapter VII based protect the status quo and problems of intellectual property rights in agricultural technology , lead into Romer-Barro endogenous technological progress model, consider the impact on Protection of property rights in stimulating innovation of agricultural technology in China and to imitate foreign agricultural technology, combination the characteristics of public goods in agricultural technology more than the general technical, come out intellectual property protection system to choose on China's agricultural technological innovation. Chapter VIII summed up the basic conclusions of the study, draw relevant conclusions on research of intellectual property rights for agricultural technology Innovation , put forward specific measures on property transactions of agricultural technology innovation, optimal system design and protection of property rights, Making specific Countermeasures.
     In this paper, on the basis of proceeding research results, in close connection with China's national conditions, I think may be in the following four areas of study has made some innovations:Firstly, through correlation analysis of intellectual property and technological innovation in agriculture, innovative mechanism of action on property rights to promote agricultural technology innovation. Secondly, based on adverse selection and moral hazard problems in the main agricultural property transactions, combination of incentive compatibility theory, draw up transaction prices of agricultural technology innovation, and decided the price formation mechanism and mode selection.Thirdly, extended the classic model of Nordhaus-Scherer to the field of asymmetric information, based on patent length and patent width, pass through mathematical model, discussion on the determination of the optimal system of property rights in agricultural technological innovation.Finally, based Romer-Barro endogenous technological progress model, come out intellectual property protection system to choose on China's agricultural technological innovation.
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