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As many complicated systems analysis, intelligent transport systems (ITS) which
    cut across many technology areas and departments, need some theories and methods
    in guiding the development of ITS architecture, to ensure the architecture to be
    general, logical, and strict, and so it can guide regional ITS planning, and ITS
    standards setting and systems design. So author will discuss guidelines and key
    questions for ITS architecture development, and make a research on the application of
    design structure matrix (DSM) in forming physical elements.
     To two architecture development methods: process-oriented method and object-
    oriented method, this paper analyses them used in ITS logical function decomposition
    and physical system elements combination, then concludes that the different methods
    make little effect on ITS architecture, so choice of development method can be based
    on the two methods characters which listed in this paper, and architecture
    development workers’ knowledge background and so on.
     On the proceeding of ITS architecture development, this paper pays attention to
    some key questions, including the constitutes of ITS architecture, the principles of
    confining ITS terminals, the rules of developing logical architecture, and physical
    architecture flows. Thereinto, based on the new concept –applicable system which
    given in the Chinese ITS architecture (Version 2.0), this paper analyses the applicable
    systems’ effects in ITS architecture, and considers that the applicable system makes
    ITS architecture more practically. When we transform logical architecture to physical
    architecture, we should evaluate the different methods in realizing one logical element,
    by this way to support combining physical elements and this paper gives a solution to
    this problem. At last, this paper gives the whole development processes explicitly. As
    an example, the development on the Traffic Information Services is given.
     Physical modeling is a process of combining several logical elements based on
    some rules to physical elements. This paper used DSM method in modeling logical
    elements’ relationship, by analysis and calculation of DSM, we get hierarchical
    logical elements and find out the kernel ones. By this method, we can get primary
    physical elements. It is proved by examples that DSM is assistant in physical
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