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     城市交通结构受生产力水平、交通需求特征等因素的影响,但从微观上看,其演化的动力来自于出行者基于个人效用最大化原则下对交通方式的选择行为,而利用非集计模型(disaggregate behavioral model)推导的结果说明交通方式带给出行者的期望效用是影响居民出行决策的核心因素,也是城市交通结构演化的根本动力。论文构建了交通方式竞争模型并指出,交通结构优化可从降低交通方式竞争强度及提高公共交通的竞争力入手。将上述研究加以综合,给出城市交通结构演化动力模型,从而为后续规划、政策、措施的制定提供总体思路,构建城市交通优化方法体系可从基于土地利用的城市交通结构优化与基于外部性的城市交通结构优化两方面入手。
With the development of our country's economy, urbanlization and mechanization both have been rising quickly, adding the country's situlation that large population and environment's small supply capability, the contradiction between supply and demand of urban transportation becomes more and more serious,which leads to a series of problems constraining the efficiency of society's operation and the quality of denizen's life. As neither the increase of denizen's transportation demand nor the decrease of environment's supply capability is controlled by human, so changing the traffic structure becomes an effective method of solving problems.
     Based on the sustainable development idea and our country's practical situation, on the basis of realizing urban mainly traffic mode's attribute, The dissertation builds up the estimating system of traffic modes, makes us of the manner of AHP to calculate the proportion of target aims, and realizes the development gradation of kinds of traffic modes, at last shows the target of our country's urban traffic structure's optimization.
     Urban traffic structure is affected by productivity level, urban transportation demand and etc, but the motivity of development comes from the humans' activity of choosing traffic modes based on the travellers hoping make their values maximum, and the result of disaggregate behavioral model's derivation shows that the benefit traffic modes bring to travellers is the crucial factors affecting the travelling behavior, so it's the essential motivity for traffic structure's development. The dissertation builds up the model of traffic modes' competition and shows that to optimize traffic structure can operate from decreasing the competition intensity of traffic modes and increase the competition predominance of public traffic. At last the dissertation gives the motivity model of traffic structure's optimization, which can provide macro-frame.
     The dissertation makes deep research on the relationship between land utilization and urban traffic structure, and the result shows that land utilization has the crucial influence on traffic structure, and traffic structure has the counteractive to land utilization, the relation between two is not one decides another, but interactional and aggrandizement by one another. So, in order to achieve the target of traffic structure's optimization, we have to carry out the model of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). The dissertation introduces the basical theory and advanced experience, shows that our country carrying out TOD should solve three fields of problems that road nets programming, traffic management system and building scheduling.
     The dissertation makes research on the reason to our country traffic structure's unbalance and solving project from the visual angle of externality and property right. As urban traffic deal with mutual property right resources and the correlative economical activity, so under the effect of market mechanism, the benefit and cost which resources collocating and economical activity bear are different from practical. The phenomena leads to the travelling behavior based on travellers' value maximum, which will decrease the social macro-welfare, and the appearance is urban traffic structure's unbalance.So, the process of eliminating the externality influnce is just the process of traffic structure's optimization. The dissertation shows that, we can use property right's unification or comminution to eliminate externality, which can solve the problems of lack of builiding financing and operation's draggling; use the property right's restrication to solve the problems of resources' excessive utilization, and the restrication includes environment pollution's right restrication and traffic congestion's right restrication; use the property right's comminution to make parts of public resources join in market, including the environment pollution right, road establishment utilization right and etc, throuh which we can increase the motor vehicle travellers' cost, and lead them to choose other traffic modes.
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