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The integration of public transport price strategies is an effective way to improveallocative efficiency of traffic resource. It is transit operating and price theory researchfocuses that using transit price linkage strategy is to maintain equilibrium betweentransit demand and supply. In operating, the inrratonality of transit price structuresystem and market failure of transit resource allocation may lead to the incoordinationbetween transit demand and supply, or transit participator utility and social welfare. Thispaper aims to gain equilibrium between transit demand and supply by transit pricelinkage strategy in an angle of behaviors of transit participator.
     This paper models the game strategies and strategies’ payoff between partners oftransit system and optimizes the transit price linkage system to balance transit demandon modes with the problems in researches of transit paticipators’ behavior, strategyevolution game and strategy evaluation. Based on price strategy set and strategy payoff,evolution game model is advanced to identify the evolution process and results of pricestrategies. Furthemore, transit price stretegies are extended to transit system to developthe System Dynamic model for measuring the atmospheric environment improvementof transit price linkage strategies.
     Analysising the behavior of traveller, competing and coorperating between transitoperators, control policies in transit market is to present the hierarchical relationshipamong paticipators with traffic behavior theory. In other words, with the travellerbehaviors, the optimization of transit operating strategies can achieve the maximizationof operators under transit price control and service level control conditions. Moreover,transit price transmission machanism is defined to represent the generation mechanismof price linkage strategy, including transit price transmission routes and transmissionmodes.
     The bi-level programing theory is used to describe the leader-follower relationshipbetween operators and travellers. The upper level aims to for maximize the socialwelfare of transit operating with constrains on price control; constrains of lower levelare service capacity, service level and demand equilibrium with utility maximization oftraveller. The effect of price linkage strategy on social welfare, demand distribution andtraveller behavior is determined by bi-level model. Genetic Algorithm and SimulatingAnnealing algorithm are adopted to solve the optimization model. The experience studyof Guangzhou bus, BRT and metro, verifies the practical applicability of model andaccuracy and computational efficiency of algorithms.
     Evolution game model of transit price strategy is developed to present the learningspeed and direction between operators with differ price strategies and find the evolutionstability strategy in transit strategy set by evolution game theory. The volution game model is used on bus and BRT network of Guangzhou to discussing the evolutionprocess and results of price strategies under different demand conditons.
     Based on static equilibrium between transit demand and supply by the optimizationof transit price linkage system, system dynamic is used to simulate the vriation trendand accumulative effect of transit demand and supply after calibrating parameters andchecking model accuracy with traffic survey data of Guangzhou. The relationshipfunction, among transit demand, supply and car flow, obtains the emmission dropped ofvehicle major pollutions as results of price linkage strategy to evaluate the improvementof atmospherics evironment.
     This paper aims to optimize transit price structure system and identify the course ofevolution and evolutionary stability strategy of transit price strategies with the researchachievements of utility theory, game theory and system science. Furthermore, theimprovement of atmospheric environment is measured by system dynamic analysis oftransit price linkage strategy. The researches can not only make up for the deficiency ofthe transit price optimization theory, but also provide the theory and experience forintegrating transit price strategies, the allocating transit resource and developing transtpreferentially.
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