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Technology choice, as a key sector of technology capacity promotion, decides theprogress of technology development and plays an important role on technologyupgrading. In the field of technological economics, problems about technology choicehave become a key subject, involving lots of problems in many fields. This articlecomprehensively applies many knowledge systems of system theory, synergy theory,technological economics, econometrics, innovative economics and so on from synergyperspective, analyses technology choice’s all interests and its collaborate relationship,using qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, builds estimating models oftechnology choice synergy to measure equipment manufacturing industries and analyzeits factors, using normative and empirical analysis methods.
     This article firstly analyzes equipment manufacturing industries’ status oftechnology choice based on many theories of technology choice, standard theories andmethod theories; Secondly by introducing synergy theories and TOPSIS this articleanalyses technology choice’s all interests and it’s collaborate relationship, buildingestimating models of technology choice synergy and its standards. Thirdly With China'sequipment manufacturing industry as the object of empirical analysis this articleestablishes measuring index system of technology choice synergy, measuring technologychoice synergy of China's equipment manufacturing industry, analyzing industry's overallsituation; Fourthly Analyse technology choice synergy’s influcing factors throughchoosers’ order and innovation system’s order using pana data model. And come to aconclusion which factors promote technology choice synergy of China's equipmentmanufacturing industry and which factors block technology choice synergy of China'sequipment manufacturing industry. At last this article proposes some suggestions of howto proceed on technology choice synergy based empirical analysis results fromperspective of choosers and innovation system.
     By analyzing all technology choice interests and its Interaction building aninnovation system, we know technology choice, as a complex adaptive system andbasing logistic curve evolution rule, produces affect on innovative basis, innovative activity, innovative bridge, and innovative environment. Innovative system producesaffect on technology choice in evolutional process of self-organizing by innovativesubjects’ interactive influencing, routine and searching behaviors, selecting and studyingbehaviors.
     By analyzing all technology choice interests’ collaborate interaction; we know thesynergy effect generated depends on synergy coefficient. Proper coefficient can producesynergy value. Otherwise it will lower this value. Technology choice synergy is a synergyprocess choosing best technology from every alternative technology set,comprehensively considering influences from every subject of technology choice andmany factors from inner and outside influences of innovative system.
     By building estimating model and standard of technology choice synergy, we knowmeasuring technology choice synergy is to analyse the degree of all factors closing totheir best which influence synergy value among all technology choice interests. Thestandard of technology choice synergy includes three parts: order estimated of innovativesystem, choosers and synergy estimated of innovative system and choosers.
     By estimating degree of equipment manufacturing industries’ technology choicesynergy, we know equipment manufacturing industries can be sorted into four categories.TY and ZY are the middle degree industries of technology choice synergy. JT and YQ arethe low degree industries of technology choice synergy. DQ is the lower degreeindustries of technology choice synergy. JS and DZ are the high degree industries oftechnology choice synergy.
     Analyze the factors of influencing equipment manufacturing industries’ technologychoice synergy. The level of investment in importing domestic technologies, newproducts output, investment in R&D software, average investment of R&D projects,mutual innovative investment among enterprises promote equipment manufacturingindustries’ technology choice synergy. Average investment of R&D projects decides theresults of innovative system proceeding. The level of investment in importing foreigntechnologies, absorption investment in importing foreign technologies, effective patentproduction, average investment of R&D institutions, expenditure of innovativecollaboration with colleges, expenditure of innovative collaboration with research centers,innovative investment from foreign enterprises, innovative investment from financial institutions hinder equipment manufacturing industries’ technology choice synergy.Investment in importing foreign technologies is the bottleneck factor of equipmentmanufacturing industries’ technology choice synergy. JS’ progress of technology choicesynergy is more complicated than other sub-industries. DQ is more influenced byinvestment in technology upgrading. YQ is more influenced by average investment ofR&D subjects.
     Propose six suggestions of how to proceed on technology choice synergy from twoperspectives. Choosers: Increase technology investment domestic, strengthen technicalapplication marketize; Innovation system: encourage talent training advanced, promoteinnovation activities project, low cost of industry university institute cooperation,highlighting innovation subject enterprize.
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