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    学科,主要关照对象是作为概念的语言范畴,属于语义学的一个分支(Quantitative Fuzzy
The Phenomenon of fuzziness exists objectively and widely in all aspects of human life.
    Hence, in human languages, there is also a great number of words which express the concepts
    that have not definite boundaries, namely "fuzzy concepts" Although there is a long history
    that people pay close attention to fuzziness and study it, the special research about fuzzy
    language just began twenty or thirty years ago. Fuzzy linguistics, as a new discipline, is just a
    discipline that studies semantics at the beginning and belongs to a branch of semantics
    (Quantitative Fuzzy Semantics), its basic theory is "fuzzy sets" which was pointed out by
    L.A.Zadeh in 1965. However, since there is a large quantity and frequently use of fuzzy words
    in verbal communication, the study of fuzzy language must involve the matter of pragmatics,
    that is to say, the study of fuzzy language must be analyzed from the perspective of
    pragmatics, from the perspective of language using and interpreting, as the indefiniteness of a
    fuzzy word can be decided only if it is interpreted under a specific communicative situation.
     The goal of this dissertation is to use pragmatic principles to analyze those words which
    in fact are the "hedges" to discourses, then to reveal that, in verbal communication, the use of
    hedges can help the participants achieve the communicative purpose successfully; the ability
    of using strategies for being fuzzy constitutes an important aspect of the communicative
    competence; the appropriate use of hedges can improve verbal communication greatly; and
    how to use them appropriately. The author sets forth these viewpoints in five chapters:
     Chapter One is the introduction. It sketches out the thesis and the plan of this
    dissertation. Firstly, it introduces the study and developing situation of fuzziness and fuzzy
    linguistics, which is the study background of this dissertation. Then, it illustrates through
    examples that hedges are used enormously and frequently in verbal communication and
    reflect communication greatly; the use of hedges is neither all 揼ood?nor all 揵ad? the matter
    is that whether hedges can be used appropriately and how to use them appropriately. So the
    study of hedges is a necessary and significant matter.
     Chapter Two introduces what are hedges (definition, classification and function) and
    why we use hedges (four main reasons). According to Lakoff抯 (1972) definition, hedges are
    those words 搘hose job is to make things fuzzier or less fuzzy? Since hedges have the
    feature that can make a precise concept fuzzy, hence, in verbal communication, people often
    like to use some hedges in order to achieve some communicative purposes, such as to avoid
    being arbitrary and more objective or to be more polite. Conversational principles are usually
    observed, but some times are violated by using hedges. How to explain this situation? In
    Chapter Three, hedges are analyzed under pragmatic principles.
     Chapter Three uses conversational principles: the Co-operative Principle, the Politeness
    Principle and the FTA theory to analyze the use of hedges in details. According to Grice抯 Co-
    operative Principle, in order to ensure the communication go on smoothly and achieve the
    communicative purpose successfully, the participants must cooperate and adhere some
    conversational principles (Quantity Maxim, Quality Maxim, Relevance Maxim, and Manner
    Maxim). At the same time, because of the need of communication, the speaker have to use
    some hedges which may observe one maxim but violate another. Through examples the
    dissertation analyzes how hedges are used in four maxims. Another important factor that
    reflects the use of hedges is the Politeness Principle. Because the Co-operative Principle can
    not explain why people are often so indirect in conveying what they mean, the Politeness
    principle rescues the Co-operative Principle and is a necessary complement to the Co-
    operative principle. The dissertation analyzes the use of hedges in six maxims (Tac
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