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Industrial structure is a key factor to determine the style of economic growth and it isalso an important symbol to measure the level of economic development and the quality ofnational economics. Manufacturing industry structure is the center of industrial structureespecially for developing country in transition period, meanwhile it determines the speedand quality of industrialization and the development of social economy. The approach topromote the continuous industrial structure upgrading is a crucial problem which mayinfluence the realization of our country's new industrialization process and smoothtransition of macroeconomic growth, which is also the focus of this dissertation. In orderto solve the problems mentioned above, this dissertation builds a basic theoreticalframework of coordinated industry development and industrial structure upgrading. Basedon the framework,the author analyze the current situation of industrial structure of Chinaand the problems remained. How to promote the productive service to realize thecoordinated development of industry structure is also analyzed.
     To identify the standard of coordinated development of industry and manufacturingindustry structure upgrading is the basis of this research. The first section discusses thedefinition and standard of industry structure coordinated development and manufacturingindustry structure upgrading, in addition chooses a standard according to the research goal.Througn the analysis, the author made a judgment from two aspects about whether theindustry structure is off balance. Firstly, the rationality of the industry structure'stransforming direction, which must conform to the general rule of economic development,should be judged. Then the structure of a country or a region should be compared with thestandard structure to determine the rationality of the structure from the static aspect. Thereasonable structure should fulfill the two requests at the same time. Meanwhile,productivity is regarded as the standard of upgrading manufacturing industry structure.
     The second section is the theoretical basis of this study. Firstly, the article hasanalyzed the mechanism between industrial coordinated developments and upgradingmanufacturing industry structure from a general view. Then the author separately analyzes the mechanism on coordinated development between the first industry and the secondaryindustry as well as the secondary industry and tertiary industry. Finally a conclusion isreached that coordinated development of industry can promote continuous upgradingmanufacturing industry structure.
     The third section is the empirical research. It aims to provide further evidence toprove the theoretical basis mentioned by summarizing the expanding industrial structureand upgrading manufacturing industry structure experience in Western developedcountries such as United States, Britain and Japan. It is concluded that the coordinateddevelopment of industry will promote the upgrading of manufacturing industrial structureand vice versa.
     The problems remained in the expansion of Chinese industrial structure are analyzedin the fourth section. Experience has been learnt from the development of industrialstructure and upgrading manufacturing industry structure since 1949. The author analyzesthe problem of industrial structure at the present time as well. The conclusions are asfollows: (1) the foundation of agricultural development is rather weak. The main problemis the underdevelopment of agricultural industrialization. (2) The secondary industry is thedominant industry of our economy. But its proportion of production value has been toolarge, while its productive efficiency has been comparatively small. (3) The share of thetertiary industry is much lower than required. Its internal structure is unsatisfactory andmarket competition is rather scarce.
     The fifth section of this article explores on how to boost tertiary industries in Chinain order to promote coordinated development of industrial structure and upgrademanufacturing industry structure. Some crucial factors are found in producer services inorder to provide some policies to boost it. So the author analyzes influential factors inproducer services of Eastern, Middle and Western regions, and some suggestions are given.Now productive services have been employed by at least half of the secondary industry inChina. Then we further investigate the linkage between manufacturing industry andproducer services. The results showe that producer services industry and manufacturingindustry have unilateralism causality in the long term. However they have bidirectionalcausalities in short term.
     Finally, this section studies the main influence of productive service FDI to the upgrading of Chinese industrial structure. It is true that the productive service FDI canpromote the whole development of productive industry, the importing of foreign capitalshould have more positive effect on industry structure, especially on local industryupgrade. And the conclusion was reached that the FDI's effect on foreign industrystructure upgrading is more than the effect on the native one.
     There are four innovations in this dissertation: (1) the basic theoretical frameworkhas been built between coordinated development and upgrading of manufacturing industrystructure. (2) It is the first article that has systemically analyzed every kind of influencingfactor which affects producer services industry in China. (3)the author reinvestigate thelinkage between manufacturing industry and producer services with the error-correctionmodel, which shows different results.(4) the impacts of the producer services sector'sFDI on upgrading of manufacturing industry structure is also analyzed for the first time in.this dissertation.
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