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Evaluation of a region's economic development capacity need not only analyzethe current status of economic development, but also look at the economicdevelopment potential. Region’s economic development potential, in the range ofthe ability that the fundamental guarantee and environment can bear, mainlyreflecting the potential stamina of region's economic development in the future, isregional sustainable economic development’ ability arisen from improving theinternal existing producing factors' non-normal use (underutilization or over-use),and introducing internal scarce factors of production. The value of research onregion’s economic development potential lies not only in testing the size of regionaleconomic potential, but also in how to excavate the region's implicit economicdevelopment potential and turn it into explicit economic development’s strength. Toavoid the phenomenon of―resource curse‖, all the countries pay more and moreattention to the transformation of ways of economic development from factorimpulse to innovation drive, gradually forming the development path that technicalinnovation is the booster of economic continuous growth. Therefore, this paperattempts to study the path problem of promoting the regional economicdevelopment potential’s exploitation by regional innovation.
     By the research of domestic and international economic development potentialand regional innovation’s status, the paper finds that the study of discussing therelationship between regional economic development potential and economicdevelopment strength should be improved; lack the research that analyzes China'sregional economic development potential based on perspective of regionalinnovation; lack systematic research focused on regional economic developmentpotential’s exploiting path. Starting with the basic concepts of economicdevelopment potential and regional innovation, this paper respectively analyzeseconomic development potential’s characteristics and regional economicdevelopment gap, combing the basic theory and building a theoretical framework ofeconomic development potential’s exploitation.
     Based on the potential of endogenous and exogenous type, evaluation indexsystem of regional economic development potential is constructed. Endogenouspotential indexes include: the potential of production’s factors, Basic supportcapabilities, the level of resource utilization and the level of environmental load;exogenous potential indexes include: the potential of opening up to inside, extent ofgovernment support and the potential of opening up to outside. This paper exerts weighted principal component TOPSIS model to measure spatial and temporaldistribution of economic development potential in various regions, so as to clarifythe status of the various regions' economic development potential. On this basis, thepaper also discusses the quantitative and qualitative relations between economicdevelopment potential and economic development strength.
     After in-depth study of mechanism of action that regional innovation producesto exploitation of the region's economic development potential, the paper uses paneldata model to analyze the promotion of exploitation of the region's economicdevelopment potential which comes from regional innovation through experiment,building the mathematical relational model among regional economic developmentpotential, regional innovation and the strength of economic development, andconducting Granger experiment. Through analysis, we know that the change ofeconomic development strength is caused mainly due to economic developmentpotential, while the regional innovation has a strong impulse to exploitation of theeconomic development potential. Therefore, regional innovation plays a role asbooster in the process of translating regional economic development potential intostrength of economic development.
     The paper discusses a common path framework grounded on the theory ofdissipative structures and expatiates common endogenous and exogenous path ofeconomic development potential’s exploitation in detail. According to the strengthof region’s economic development potential and the size of regional innovationability to supplement the common path, we can confirm dedicated path of economicdevelopment potential’s exploitation, which includes potential pole’s exploitationpath in a weak economic potential zone, the point axis exploitation path in a middleeconomic potential zone, and network exploitation path in a strong economicpotential zone. We combine common path with dedicated path of region’s economicpotential exploitation to ensure the effective release for economic developmentpotential.
     On the basis of theoretical analysis of choosing the economic developmentpotential’s exploitation path mentioned above, regarding the northeast region as acase, the paper makes use of system dynamics to simulate the effectiveness of theexploitation path of economic development potential by experiment. According tosimulation results, we put forward common path and dedicated path of economicpotential exploitation and the protective measures for effective operation ofeconomic development potential’s exploitation path in northeast region, expectingto provide useful experience for economic development potential’s exploitation inChina’s other regions and especially central and western underdeveloped regions, so as to realize economic development by leaps and bounds, narrowing the gap ofregional economic development, and speeding up the implementation of grandtarget of comprehensive and comparatively well-off society.
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