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The experiences of economy growth growth growth and development in many countries indicate that economy tluctuation is a concomitant phenonmenon of economy growth itselr.Like macro-economy,the development of real estate industry also shows a phenomenon of periodic fluctuation As for the infant real estate industry in china ,it is of more important practical signiricance to realize the fluctuation in the real estate industry ..analyze the internal factom and estemal impacts giving arise to the periodic fluctuation of real estate industry and raise countermeasures to if.
    Based on the srudy of Basic Real Estate and Economy Cycle Theory ,having referred to the research achievement of current domestic and foreign real esrate cycle,this paper hereby proved the existence of real estate cycle in Hangzhou by analyzing the data between 1978 to 2001,and probing the real estate market in Hangzhou after comprehdnsively analyzing that of China Furthermore ,it forecast the trend of supply-and-demand and pricing of the urbam residence market in Hangzhou according to the current sratus and the problems encountered during the deveopmcnt of the residence market.Based on which,it pointed out the tendency of the periodic fluctuation in Hangzhou.
    Having analyzed the factors of the macro-economy policy, industry economy, and psychology that influence the cycle in Hangzhou,this paper proposed the countermeasures to the cycle .It is of important significance for analyzing the fluctuations and decrease the scale of it.
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