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There is a deep“WuYuan”cultural relationship between Fujian and Taiwan, and the economic trade between each other has a long history. Promoting the newly competitive and cooperative relationship between the manufacturing of Fujian and Taiwan plays an important part in promoting industrial upgrading and enhancing the international competitiveness of each other in the background of globalization, the integration of regional economy and the relationship between each other is moderated constantly. Simultaneously, the competitive and cooperative relationship between the manufacturing inevitably strengthens the cultural and economic connection and accelerates the process of economic integration between Fuajian and Taiwan, so as to promote the unity of Chinese mainland and Taiwan.
     The purpose of this paper is to analyze the comparative advantage of the manufacturing of Fujian and Taiwan, and reveal the prospects of competitive and cooperative development between each other and propose some policy suggestions based on the analysis. The methods used in this paper including qualitative and quantitative method, theoretical and empirical analysis. This paper selects five manufacturing competitive factors and fourteen component constructs to design the scale and questionnaire, empirically analyzes the relatively competitive advantage of the manufacturing between Fujian and Taiwan, and further analyzes the elements, possible business field and mode of the competitive and cooperative relationship between the manufacturing between each other by modifying the traditional double diamond model. This paper qualitatively analyzes and reveals the relatively competitive advantage, prospects and approaches in three leading industries including mechanical, petrochemical and electrom based on the combination of single diamond model with value network and cooperative game theory. The results indicate that the manufacturing of Taiwan is more competitive than Fujian. Specifically speaking, the competitive advantages of Fujian’s manufacturing mainly include costs, human resources, demand and the policy support from the local government, but the competitive advantages of Taiwan’s manufacturing mainly include management, technology and service. The competitive and cooperative relationship between Fujian and Taiwan is pomising because the complemenary between advantages and disadvntages of each other. As regard to the three leading industries mentionad above, Taiwan is more competitive in mechanical and electrom than Fujian, but both of two are complementary in petrochemical. Specifically speaking, in mechanical industry, Fujian has cost advantage in producing downstream products, but Taiwan is in leading position in the R&D of the upstream products, so there is roomage between the downstream and upstream products. In petrochemical industry, Taiwan has advantags in capital, management and service, as well as the high level of process the technology, but Fujian has advantages in huge, rapidly growing market, abundant human resources and solid technology base , so both of Fujian and Taiwan may benefit from the competitive and cooperative relationship petrochemical industry. In electrom industry, Taiwan has apparent advantages in technology but also needs to seek cooperation in processing and R&D.
     The government of Fujian and Taiwan should formulate appropriate policy to further echance the deep competitive and cooperative relationship in manufacturing and the competitiveness of the industry based on the seriously analyzing on the features, advantages and disadvantages of the industry of each other.
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