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Services industry is an important part of the national economy, and the development level of services is an important symbol of modern socio-economic development level. Since reform and opening, service industry has achieved certain results during 30 years in China, while there are still some deficiencies. The overall of service industry has improved but still inadequate, the internal structure of service industry has changed but still to be optimized, the employment share in service-sector has increased but the potential yet to be excavated. In the coexistence of these achievements and shortcomings in front of the objective reality, different scholars have different insights and thinking, but one thing is undeniable that China's service industry has entered a "deep water" area after 30 years of "extensive" or steady development. Some deep-seated contradictions restricting the development of China's service industry has gradually revealed, such as traditional ideas, institutional barriers, lack of core technology, and there are constraints that can not be ignored and avoided. The problems in China's service industry development cann’t meet the need of the current acceleration of economic development, industrial structure adjustment, well-off society and a harmonious socialist society, also contrary to the trend of economic globalization services and comprehensive opening up of new requirements. We should further enhance our understanding, unify our thinking to the central policy and planning, and expand the idea of changing the concept of development, also make efforts to solve the problems, and lead the service industry to a new level in order to promote the national economy to go on the track of scientific development. The author believes the way where China's service industry development and growth of the entire national economy is the modernization of China's service industry, but is able to promote the modernization of China's service industry effectively.
     This article is divided into eight chapters. Chapter I is an introduction, including the topics of this background, the existing research literature review, research framework and the ideas, innovation of this paper and shortcomings. In chapter II, connotation and extension of the service industry will be defined by listing the development theories and comparing the "service concept" and service concepts systematically. At the same time, the point of the division of traditional and modern service industry will be criticized because there is no sunset industry but sunset technology. Chapter III centers on the development mechanism of the service sector, covering the general causes of service industries, theories of services and stages of economic development, theories of relation between service industry and industrial structure. Chapter IV will analysis the trend of present world development of service industry and propose four trends of service intellectualization, service mode modernization, service links exteriorization and services status significancization by summarizing some new phenomena, new features and new changes arised in the development of world service industry today. Chapter V will find out the problems in the development of China's service industry through the analysis of the practice and the current development review process of China's service industry, including access to and cited a large number of time series and interface data. Chapter VI will aim at the general issues analysis of the modernization of China's service industry, revealing the real meaning of modernization, discussing the necessity and possibility of reform and modernization, indicating the intended purpose of modernization by combining the previous chapter, and figuring out the framework of predictions and prospects of the modernization of China's service industry. Chapter VII will focus on the issues of the modernization of China's service industry in horizontal view angle, including setting the correct concept of service development thinking, improving China's service industry market-based mechanisms, promoting modernization of China's service industry by informationization, expanding financing channels of service firms. Chapter VIII will analyze the longitudinal perspective of modernization, including the macro level, the meso level and the micro level.
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