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Enterprise's cluster is assimilated into society the development phenomenon to be long-standing, specially in economic globalization, competition internationalization's today, the enterprise cluster is playing more and more vital role. Region economies and so on our country's the high-tech development zone, industrial campus are following the country which and the Local authority our country economy reforming appears promote the regional economies configuration of organization which the economic society develops.As the important component of Torch Program, the high-tech development zone is becoming our country high-tech industry to gather the development gradually the base, but how the development zone and should the enterprise develop, how can avoid presenting the nominal situation occurrence, how can go out a cluster to be assimilated into society the development path - - this article is precisely launches in view of the above question research.
     This article is to the embedded enterprise cluster——the development zone enterprise cluster's exploring and comprehensive study. The former research center of gravity stresses on to cluster which forms spontaneously. The general sense looked that the enterprise cluster's formation development no doubt depends on endogenous and the exogenous two aspects. And the endogenous factor is the determining factor, for example position factor, scale factor, Leading enterprise's function and so on endogenous factor. The exogenous factor is the influencing factor, the existing literature search indicated that economical reforming, policy, the development zone life cycle and so on can have the influence to the embedded enterprise cluster's growth. Specially along with two nearly, for 30 year high-tech industry area's swift development, more and more scholars starts the influencing factor question which pays attention to the embedded enterprise cluster to develop. Is the same with other Economic organizations, the enterprise cluster also has, the development and the decline process. Regarding enterprise cluster's this kind“the life cycle”, may conduct the research from two aspects: One is discusses the enterprise cluster from cluster's overall angle the evolutionary process; the other is from the constitution cluster's enterprise and other organization individual angle, through organizations and so on inspection enterprise enters either newly built, the development, declining or moves the research cluster the production, the development and the decline process. The above research results have laid the good foundation for ours research.
     The enterprise cluster is in the specific domain, in crowd of geography concentrates, and has the incident cross-correlation enterprise, the specialized supplier, to serve the supplier, the related industrial manufacturer, as well as related organization constitution industrial space organization. The relations which forms according to the Local authority and the enterprise cluster, the enterprise cluster may divide into the primary enterprise cluster and the embedded enterprise cluster. The primary enterprise cluster mainly the enterprise cluster which by region interior strength or region factor actuations and so on interior resources, technology, market develops, the government and the unit concerned only plays the role passively. The embedded enterprise cluster is mainly the enterprise cluster which develops by the outside forces or the essential factor actuation, is take the government policy as the backing, plans the region set take the different enterprise in certain geography as the premise, establishes the high-tech enterprise depending on the policy support and the industrial connection to gather the organism, this kind of organism exists generally in policies and so on high-tech development zone, economic development zone, industrial campus plans in the region, and displays the obvious characteristic. A typical embedded enterprise cluster, usually includes the final product business, the supplier, the merchant, the transmission service and the rules and regulations management and so on five major interaction basic organizations, and is rooted in certain regional economies society culture environment. Its survival's main carrier is an development zone, therefore is closely related with the development zone life cycle; It gathers has the vulnerability in spatial. The embedded enterprise cluster is can produce under certain background and the driving mechanism function and develop, its system background is our country reform and open policy as well as the development zone construction; The middle organization's efficiency, the Local authority develop economy's power formed for it has provided the power support. Cluster's stable growth depends on the control mechanism, the cooperation based on division of labor mechanism, the financing mechanism, the official to produce grinds study unites efforts operational mechanisms and so on.
     The embedded enterprise cluster’s evolution to have the life cycle characteristic, and has the close connection with development zone life cycle. Its life cycle can divide into the gather, the cluster embryo, to netting and embedded as well as the decline or the rebirth four stages, the different period which the cluster grows has the different characteristic and the development request. As an economical organism, its balanced situation needs to be able to maintain under certain condition function. The social capital, the cooperation competition, the cluster govern the mechanism and so on maintain the cluster stabilities, thus forms and maintains the cluster the competitive advantage aspect to have the influential role. In addition, the embedded enterprise cluster's growth may divide into the exterior expansion and the interior grows two forms. The enterprise migrates the cost income anticipated is affecting exterior enterprise's moving into with the cluster enterprise staff's undertaking behavior; Cluster's scale expansion behavior may reduce the transaction cost, enhances the cluster effect, the promotion cluster knowledge is mobile, the promotion cluster competitive power enhances unceasingly.
     Continuous innovation is the core power which the enterprise cluster promotes the competitive advantage, maintains the cluster vigor and the scale expand. The embedded enterprise cluster's formation and the evolution no doubt are various strength combined action results, but innovation in function is noticeable. The cluster innovation's effective implementation needs certain inside and outside environment, the cluster Underlying tissues structure, the innovation pattern and the innovation system and so on internal system factor is the crucial factor; The institutional innovations have provided the system foundation for the technological innovation, cluster innovation realization, first depends on reasonable institutional arrangements. The Local authority is the enterprise cluster innovation system's important component and the institutional innovations main body, provides the policy safeguard for the entire cluster's innovative activities. The government policy, the Facilitating agency, the culture and so on external environment factor is also relating the cluster innovation implementation effect. The cluster innovation's occurrence based on this is in the innovation power and the innovation resources constitute together under innovation potential energy function result. The cluster innovation potential energy is the innovation power and the innovation resources product. Looked from technological innovation's angle, affects the enterprise technological innovation power most basic factor to be possible to divide into the property right and the market. Looks like specifically, the embedded enterprise cluster's innovation power including the spill-over effect, the competition squeeze effect, the market demand, the cluster develops the inertia, embedded and so on. Innovation resources, include enterprise resource accumulation and availability of external resources. The enterprise resources accumulate may divide into the material accumulation and the technology accumulate, Enterprises can make use of external resources, including the availability of external material resources and external resources and knowledge resources available. The knowledge overflow has the material effect to the cluster innovation, the knowledge overflow effect may promote the cluster innovation ability, reduces the innovation cost; Raises the knowledge accumulation level, the efficiency and the overall competitive power. The embedded enterprise cluster knowledge overflow mechanism is a dynamic evolved complex process, both has the knowledge conversion process, and includes interaction process between the cluster member's. But the embedded enterprise cluster takes one kind of special cluster, its knowledge overflow mechanism further comes under factor influences and so on environment, culture, technology.
     The embedded enterprise cluster's growth condition may launch from many angles, the cluster competitive power appraisal is approved generally angle of view. In summarizes the predecessor to study in experience's foundation, this article from the foundation, the enterprise and the cluster three stratification planes has constructed the embedded enterprise cluster competitive power evaluating indicator system, obtains the foundation, the enterprise, the cluster three broad heading factors by the data statistical analysis to develop to the embedded enterprise cluster has the material effect, includes factors specifically and so on human resources, capital resources, infrastructure, Facilitating agency, development zone management, cluster policy, brand. In the first kind of factor, the resources are affect the embedded enterprise cluster competitive power the primary factor, the government factor occupy next; The cluster factor takes another major effect factor, specially brand factor, thus it can be seen, the intangible asset becomes to the enterprise cluster and member's contribution more and more important, is also the factor which in the next embedded enterprise cluster developing process must take seriously specially. Therefore, From the macro appears, the development zone should pay great attention to consummate the matching facilities construction, the improvement grade of service, formulates the cluster policy scientifically; Microscopically looked that the cluster enterprise needs to pay great attention to R & D investment, raises the production efficiency; Specially day by day receives in the intangible asset value takes seriously, the brand construction is the cluster develops the noticeable subject, even already became the influence cluster competitive power the important attribute. The brand construction needs the local Control section, the cluster enterprise work together, can promote the cluster competitive power effectively, the promotion cluster industrial upgrading, thus avoids the cluster moving toward the decline.
     Finally,in the above theory and empirical analysis's foundation, this article reviews the development of China's high-tech Industrial Development Zone of the history, current situation and development of the cluster of problems, and comparative analysis of industrial parks in Cambridge, UK and Bangalore, India's software industry cluster in the history of the development and successful experiences, park pointed out China's high-tech Development Zone Clustering development options, including guided the high-tech small and medium-sized enterprise through the policy the derivation and gathers, speeds up the knowledge creation and the proliferation, consummates the region innovation system, the perfect venture capital mechanism, the cultivation social capital as well as strengthens intellectual property protection and so on.
     This article focused on innovation in the following three areas: (1) carries on to the enterprise cluster and the embedded enterprise cluster's concept redefines, and further defined enterprise cluster and industrial cluster's notional category; (2) has analyzed the embedded enterprise cluster's growth mechanism, has established the embedded enterprise cluster competitive power evaluating indicator system and has carried on based on the cobweb model empirical analysis. (3) the viewpoint which evolves using Enterprise Evolution carries on the analysis to the embedded enterprise cluster's life cycle, unifies the high-tech development zone life cycle, integrates in the system analysis frame the embedded enterprise cluster's evolved way. For embedded clusters in-depth study of the theory has laid a theoretical foundation for future practice of enterprise cluster development provides a theoretical guidance and help.
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