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This dissertation examines the change of hegemony strategy and a new hegemony system of the United States and how they influence East Asia.
     Currently, international situation makes the United States difficult to maintain the hegemony based on the power which the United States has continuously kept on. I define the hegemony based on the power as soft hegemony.
     If the United States maintains that hegemony, it will cause a serious damage to itself. Currently not only relative military power but soft power has been significantly decreased by and large. In this situation, an American president Obama with the slogan of "Change" insisted America should recover its status and power. It insists "soft hegemony" is US's plan to reorganize world system and recover US's power.
     There are three reasons of why the status of the United States has been degraded. Firstly, it's the decline of economy, politics, and military power. With this hegemony decline, US's hegemony cannot guarantee continuous profit to its country.
     Secondly, new countries such as China and India emerge as a powerful country. If the United States maintains already existing soft hegemony, it becomes manifest that a hegemony dispute between new emerging forces will arise.
     Thirdly, as the United States power has been declined, the fear that the United States would not keep its hegemony changed the form of hegemony. This is going to be explained in the chapter two.
     In sum, there are three main points in the United States'new hegemony strategy, a soft hegemony. Most of all, it is an economic leading. That is, the principal profit the hegemony brings is an economic development. Currently, the United States'concern of new emerging forces such as China and India is very large. In the new international system, the Unites States tries to keep its leading status in an international economy with using dollar, which is an international monetary.
     Second, the United States tries to maintain a superior power in the military strength. The US military will continuously hold a dominant position.
     Last main point of a soft hegemony is a political tactic. This is the most significant instrument that a soft hegemony possesses. In East Asia, the United States is incorporating China into the regime that US reorganized.
     This analysis leads to understand that how the United States approaches to Korean Peninsula policy and brings up North Korea issue. Chapter six analyzes two countries in Korean Peninsula and US's hegemony strategy in the East Asia.
World system analysis:an introduction:Wallerstein, Immanuel.2004
    Decline of American power:the U.S. in a chaotic world沃勒斯坦
    State Power and the Structure of International Trade:Stephen Krasner.1976
    War and Change in World Politics:Robert Gilpin Cambridge University Press,19 83
    10 Long Cycles in World Politics, Seattle:Modelski, George.University of Washington Press. 1987.
    11 World Politics:.F.K.Organski Knopf 1968
    12 World-Svstems Analysis:An Introduction Wallerstin. Immanuel Duck Univ. Press 2004
    13 "Dominance and Leadership in the International Economy:Exploitation, Public Goods, an d Free Riders," International Studies Quarterly, Vol.250Kindleberger, Charl es P.1981.
    14 State Power and the Structure of International Trade:Stephen Krasner.Routledge 1995
    15《美国霸权的理解》郑恒锡 著,平民社,2001年9月18日。
    16《21世纪美国霸权与国际秩序》 吴基平等著,上升社,2000年5月12日。
    17 The Globalization of World PoliticsJohn Baylis, Steve Smith.Eulyoo,2001
    18由美国上院军事委员会民主党议员Sam Nunn与和党议员Warner提出,并于1989年7月31日在美国参议院正式会议获得一致通过的一份法案,该法案提出在美国国防部1990-1991年度预算中,将驻欧美军、驻日美军、驻韩美军、驻海外美军等的维持费等相关的四个法做出一揽子并案处理。该法案中有关驻韩美军的内容主要有(1)应增大韩国的自我安全责任;(2)应增加韩国承担的驻韩美军直接费用负担;(3)美国与韩国政府应讨论分阶段裁减驻韩美军的可能性。该法案要求关国总统于1990年4月1日向美国国会报告。
    19《美国的全球战略与驻韩美军 韩国政治外交协会-1980年代末期撤军讨论与朝鲜半岛安全的相关性考察》 李相宪 曹闰水 著,2004年
    The United States and China since 1972:Harding, Harry Eulyoo,.1995
    Hegemony, Multipolarization, and Sino-U.S Relations:金载哲.国际政治论丛(Kor can journal of international relations 2002
    "The Taiwan Exception:Implications for Contending Political Economy Paradigms,":C1 ark Cal International Studies Dnarterly Vol 31 327-56 1987
    25 The War Ledger:Organski, A.F.K. and Jacek Kugler. University of Chicago Press.1980.
    26 World Politics, New York:Organski, A.F.K. Alfred Knopf.1958,364-67
    27 "The Costs of Major Wars:The Phoenix Factor,":Organski, A.F.K. and Kugler, Jacek. A merican Political Science Review,1977.
    奥根斯基在《The War Ledger》(1980,22)中提出了一个对战争结果产生重要影响的变量,即“发展路径”(developmental sequence)。从西欧的历史来看,国家发展的原动力源自经济生产效率的提升。19世纪期间形成的生产效率的迅速提升使西方国家在贸易、武器、大规模陆、海军等方面取得了优势地位,这些国家以此为基础,完成了对全球落后国家的支配。然而,与这些国家的传统发展路径不同,政治发展先于经济发展的国家(如中国、朝鲜、越南、红色高棉等基于发达的政治动员能力,也具有了高水平的战争遂行能力。
    29 The War Ledger:Organski, A.F.K. and Jacek Kugler. University of Chicago Press.1980, p372
    30 Organski, A.F.K. and Jacek Kugler.1980, p61
    31 Organski and Kugler 1980, p26
    32 War and Change in World Politics, Cambridge:Gilpin, Robert. Cambridge University Press.1981, p185
    33 Gilpin, Robert.1981.p10-p11
    "Dominance and Leadership in the International Economy:Exploitation, Public Goods, and Free Riders," International Studies Quarterly, Vol.25 Kindleberger, Charles P.1981. P.297
    35 前英国首相玛格丽特·希尔达·撒切尔提出了一种口号TINA (there is no alternative),表示世界化是一个不可避免的运命。
    World-Systems Analysis:An Introduction:Immanuel Wallerstein, Duke University Press 2004.9.15沃勒斯坦,第39页。
    The World in Depression Kindleberger, Charle
    8 World-Systems Analysis:An Introduction:Immanuel Wallerstein, Duke University Press沃勒斯坦1991,p43
    9 The Politics of the World-Economy:The States, the Movements, and the Civilizations: Wallerstein, Immanuel, Cambridge University Press.1984 p38-p39
    Association of Southeast Asian Nations
    Asian Regional Forum
    Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Group
    U.S. Power and the Multinational Corporation:Robert Gilpin, Basic Books吉尔平,1981年,第209页。
    http://media.daum.net/foreign/others/view.html?cateid=1046&newsid=20060613060812564 & p=yonhap国际政策态度项目(PIPA)2006
    20 Fukuyama, Francis,2006
    1 World Pol itics:Organski, A.F.K. Alfred Knopf. New York.1958, p298
    Organski 1958, p300
    Organski 1958, p345
    25 "The Tokyo Round-Particularistic Interests and Prospects for Stability in the Global Trading System,":Krasner, Stephen D.International Studies Quarterly Vol.23,1979, p491-p531
    26 After Hegemony:Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy:Keohane, R obert O. Princeton University Press.1984, p76-p79
    27 "The Causes of War:Contending Theories," in Charles W. Kegley, Jr. and Eugene R. Wittkopf, eds. The Global Agenda:Issues and Perspectives. Levy, Jack S. New York. 1992, p69-p70
    28 Bound To Lead:The Changing Nature of World Power:Nye, Joseph S. Jr. Basic Books. 1990
    29 http://www.heritage.org/research/nationalsecurity/hl886.cfm Who are our allies? And why do we form these partnerships? The formal treaty allie s of the United States are the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, now nu mbering 26 nations; Japan; South Korea; Australia; the Philippines; Thailand; and the Rio Pact nations. The Rio Pact is a hemispheric treaty of 23 nations in the Americas, signed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1947.It actually pre-dates NATO. The i°ajor no n-NATO alliesi±are Australia, Argentina, Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kuwai t, New Zealand, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, and Thailand.
    30 Keohane 1980.158
    31 "The Limits of Hegemonic Stability Theory,":Snidal, Duncan. International Organizati on, Vol.39,1985
    32 "The Mysterious Case of Vanishing Hegemony:or Is Mark Twain Really Dead?":Russ ett, Bruce. International Organization, Vol.39, No.2.1985.1985
    8 Casino Capitalism:Strange, Suan Basil Blackwell. New York.1986
    42 The Retreat of the State:the Diffusion of Power in the World Economy:Strange, Suan. Cambridge University Press.1996, p21
    43 States and Markets,2nd ed.London:Pinter, Susan Strange,1994 p25-p30.
    States and Social Revolutions:A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia, and China:S kocpol, Theda. Cambridge University Press.1979 p288
    48 On Global War:Historical-Structural Approaches to World Politics:Thompson, William R. South Carolina Press.1988.Thompson p62-p83
    49 "Problems of Historical Sociology," in Reinhard Bendix et. al. eds. State and Society:E berhard, Wolfram. University of California Press.1973, p25-p28
    50 Strange 1972
    51 An Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture:Strinati, Dominic. London.1995, p 165
    2 Lineages of the Absolute State:Anderson, Perry. Routledge 1974 p 19
    Approaches to World Order:Cox, Robert with Timothy J. Sinclair. Cambridge Universit y Press.1996, p471
    按照相关规则,国际货币基金组织的重大决策必须要获得184个成员国至少85%的投票权才能通过,而目前关国一国所拥有的投票权就超过了15%。——http://finance.sina.com. cn/money/nmetal/20090923/08086782442.shtml
    60-Larry M.Wortzel, Ph.D.; China is a good example of the difference between an allyo r friend and a partner.For the most part, our treaty allies share our values and our democr atic politics, and they are all market economies.The nations with which we remain on frie ndly terms, however, may not share all of our values.Nonetheless, we may partner with th ese countries for specific political, economic, or security objectives.Although we may not s hare a common ideological framework, our national interests intersect.Thus, it is possible t o have strong disagreement with nations over issues like freedom of religion or the freedo m to associate but still have a security partnership to stop the illegal trade in drugs or to combat weapons of mass destruction.And clearly, as is the case with China, we can have good trade relations.So an ally is a friend and a partner, but a partner is not necessarily an ally.Heritage Lecture#886
    61 Keohane 1984,15
    63 Modelski 1984
    64 1935,1979
    65 Modelski 1987,121
    Interpreting China's grand strategy-past, present, and future中国的大战略MICHAEL D. SWAINE, ASHLEY J. TELLIS,韩国海洋战略研究所,2007
    68 http://www.segye.com/Articles/News/Opinion/Article.asp?aid=20090913001165&cid.
    69 Joongang Daily newspaper,2009年7月16日
    70 China Daily,2008年3月26日
    71 2007年12月9日http://www.zaobao.com/special/newspapers/2007/12/hongkong0712091.html
    (?)2009年7月7日,LG经济研究所,http://www.kmobile.co.kr/k_mnews/news/news_view.asp? tableid=IT&idx=248197
    76 Global Trend 2025
    1 Global Trend 2025, p81-83.
    2 Global Trend 2025, P29-P34
    3 Global Trend 2025 P93-P99人口结构的高度老龄化
    最大的跨国公司1. HSBC,2. GE, bank of America排在前2000位的:美国598家,日本259家,中国70家,韩国52家http://shanghaijournal.com/news.php?mode=view&n um= 13271
    8 G8, OECD等国家与美国有着共同的民主主义、市场经济等价值观。The G-8 is Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America, with the European Union also participating.All of these nations are democracies with market economies (even if Russia is moving in a halting way down the democratic road).These countries, and this grouping, will continue to be the major ec onomic and political partners we deal with in the foreseeable future.Another important eco nomic group of partners that will have a strong impact in the future is the OECD, or Or ganization for Economic Co-operation and Development.This is a group of 30 countries, al 1 sharing a commitment to democratic government and the market economy.The OECD ma intains active relationships with some 70 other countries, and also non-governmental organi zations, with a goal of improving civil society, democratic pluralism, and respect for huma n rights.-Larry M.Wortzel, Ph.D. Heritage Lecture#886
    9 "Gramsci, Hegemony and International Relations:An Essay in Method," Cox 1983, p63
    10 http://www.chemlocus.co.kr/news/daily_read.htm?Sequence=50732&menu=D1
    12 http://www.cfe.org/
    13 The Grand Chessboard大棋局Zbigniew Brzezinski,1998 Basic Books, p72
    192002年11月4日在柬埔寨金边召开的第6届中国—东盟首脑会议中,《中国—东盟一揽子经济合作基本协定》签署,根据本协定FTA的时间安排,到2010年,孟加拉、中国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国将签署FTA,到2015年时,东盟新成员也将加入这一协定。许欣,http://cafe.daum.net/china2 l/2viB/49?docid=7D|2viB|49|2009030 2113133&q=%C1%DF%B1%B9%20%BE%C6%BC%BC%BE%C8%20fta&srchid=CCB7D|2 viB|49|20090302113133
    'The Decline of the West:Oswald A.G. Spengler
    24造纸术经波斯和埃及,在大约1150年前后第一次传入欧洲的西班牙,又传到法国(1189年)、比利时、德国、意大利、英国(1490年)、俄罗斯(1566年)、挪威(1650年)、美国(1690年)与加拿大(1803年),最后传播到全世界。http://cafe.daum.net/leunflowe r/IwiR/31?docid=156k2|IwiR|31120081114110827&q=%C1%BE%C0%CC%C0%C7%20%B F%A A%BB%E7&srchid=CCB156k2|IwiR|31120081114110827
    25 World Intellectual Property Organization[wipo]世界知识产权机构、国际专利合作条约(PCT)、知识产权协定(WTO TRIPs)
    31 Hangyrae news paper,2006年8月10日。
    35 美国成立了一个名为“朝鲜半岛区域外加工地区委员会(Committee on Outward Processing Zones on the Korean PeninsulaO)以在朝鲜半岛无核化进展等一定条件下,来指定区域外。这一点已经在协议中明文规定,实际实施情况则改由决定不久后实施。
    28 For greater certainty, if a Party invokes Article 23.2 in an arbitral proceeding initiated under Chapter Eleven(Investment) or Chapter Twenty-Two(Institution Provisions and Disp ute Settlement), the tribunal or panel hearing the matter shall find that the exception applies.韩美FTA第23章注2
    40 www.KNSi.org
    41 http://segero.hufs.ac.kr/scripts/article_view.asp?JNAME=IANR&ISSUEID=150&SECID=034 #FOOTNOTE12#FOOTNOTE 12
    42 http://segero.hufs.ac.kr/scripts/article_view.asp?JNAME=IANR&ISSUEID=150&SECID=034 #FOOTNOTE13#FOOTNOTE 13
    43 http://segero.hufs.ac.kr/scripts/article_view.asp?JNAME=IANR&ISSUEID=150&SECID=034 #FOOTNOTE14#FOOTNOTE 14
    44 KOTRA,2009年5月18日
    据1953年的统计数字,朝鲜华人为3778户,总人口14351名,其中男性7980名,女性6371名。而到1963年之后,每年都有少量华人回到中国,据推断,目前朝鲜华人人口只有仅6000人左右http://cafe.daum.net/kangsm 1008/Vt/367?docid=a81a|Vt|367|20050207000 442&q=%C0%CF%BA%BB%20%C8%AD%B1%B3%20%C3%D1%BC%F6&srchid=CCBa 81a|Vt|367|20050207000442
    (The Grand Chessboard, Zbigniew Grzezinski,1998 Basic Books)《大棋局》,兹比格纽·布热津斯基,1998,第80页
    2005年3月22口,在韩国的陆军军官学校毕业典礼的时候,卢武铉发表了《东北亚 平衡手》的演讲。他主张韩国在比较中立的立场上对待东北亚问题。这个观点立刻成为韩国外交的一项基本原则。这在韩国立刻引起了很多的争论。
    2006年1月19口;韩美双方就驻韩美军的“战略灵活性”达成原则协议。驻韩美军的性质已由昔口“专注朝鲜半岛防务”,转变成为十预亚太乃至全球事务的“机动军”Strategic Flexibility2002年6月1 3日一辆在基地外执行训练任务的美军装甲车辗死了2名14岁韩国少女。
    7韩国“好邻居”(good neighbor)右派组织。http://www.goodneighbor.or.kr/content.php? mode=view&c_idx=c0009&c_type=02&b_idx=b1631&no=528&page=3&str_block=&PHPSESS ID=a68cbd0d59282c5077d98c8770011c4a
    11 SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement)是指“驻韩美军地位协商”
    15 Threat base-> Capability base
    16正确的日子是2012年4月17日 韩美两国决定战时作战权的回收。在1950年7月14日,韩国总统李承晚把战时作战指挥权交给了联合国军的总司令麦克阿瑟。这个韩美决定的同收时间是把过去交换的时间给颠倒过来,过去的“7月14日”改为回收时的“4月17日”。
    17 “386”是指30岁以上,在20世纪80年代上了大学的60年代出生的人。这个词是在20世纪90年代流行,代表了现在韩国新一代的人,特别是指那些政治上的激进派。
    18伊拉克战争后,许多学者不考虑民主主义不能转移的主张,人为地向伊拉克引进民主主义和市场经济体制。但是一般评论都认为其结果是消极的。(Richard Haass chapter7 integration and the lesson of Iraq)。
    9 PLA Navy Build-up and ROK Navy-US Navy Cooperation:Korea Institute for Maritit Strategy 2009.6.20 p35
    2008世界经济展望Ph.D, Kim Yongik
    美国防务规模高达$439.3Billion 2008,从2004年到2009年,美国军火出口古全世界的74%。SIPRI,2008年。
    Anns race
    http://www.segye.com/Articles/NEWS/INTERNATIONAL/Article.asp?aid=20090203004231& subctgl=&subctg2=
    6 Memorandum for the Record, March 7,1968, Pol Kor s-US, Subject-Numeric Files
    8 PLA Navy Build-up and ROK Navy-US Navy Cooperation:Korea Institute for Maritime Strategy 2009.6.20 p211
    9 25x4=100
    11导弹技术控制协议(Missile Technology Control Regime, MTCR)是一个有34个国家参加、防止导弹技术扩散的国际条约。1987年4月,加拿大、法国、德国、意大利、日本、英国、美国提议建立了这一条约。Richard H. Speier博十提出了这一条约的草案。该条约原意是防止弹头重量超过500千克、射程300公里、能够运载核武器的无人载具系统的扩散。1992年7月在奥斯陆召开的几次会议中,各国又一致同意禁止出口弹头重量超过500千克、射程超过300公里,用于无人机系统的“一切大规模杀伤性武器”
    http://segero.hufs.ac.kr/scripts/article_view.asp?JNAME=IANR&ISSUEID=150&SECID=034 #FOOTNOTE14#FOOTNOTE14
    21 http://www.koreadigitalnews.com/board/view.php?&bbs_id=sub_02&doc_num=843
    24 http://kin.naver.com/detail/detail.php?dlid=6&dir_id=612&eid=7ersC61uKNI8iIZNyhXA9H 5V4vSPrSl1&qb=7YG066aw7YS01Ou2ge2VtSDshKDsnqzqs7Xqsqkg7Y+t6rKpIOyghOyf gSDsoJzrhKTrsJQg7ZWp7J2Y&enc=utf8§ion=kin&rank=1&sort=0&spq=0&pid=fE% 2Byxsoi5T0sscwLdx8sss--098361&sid=Sm@yxBCDb0oAADL7kgo
    Macao Banco Delta Asia2500万美元
    28 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1747,
    9. 世界历史中的国际体系:国际关系研究的再构建:刘德斌高等教育出版社2004
    22. End of History And the Last Man:Fukuyama, Francis, Free Press 2006
    23.PLA Navy Build-up and ROK Navy-US Navy Cooperation:Korea Institute for Maritime Strategy 2009.6.20
    24. Monthly Review帝国的新的战线:,Pilmac 2007
    25. The Decline of the West西方的崩溃:Oswald A.G. Spengler, Vintage 2006.4.11
    26.The World in Depression Kindleberger, Charle, University of California Press 1973
    27. World-Systems Analysis:An Introduction:Immanuel Wallerstein, Duke University Press 2004.9.15
    28. War and Change in World Politics:Robert Gilpin Cambridge University Press, 1983
    29. Approaches to World Order:Cox, Robert with Timothy J. Sinclair. Cambridge University Press.1996.
    30. "Towards a Counterhegemonic Conceptualisation of World Order," Notes prepared for the Governance-without-Government Workshop:Cox, Robert. Ojai, 1990.
    31. "Gramsci, Hegemony and International Relations:An Essay in Method." Vol. 12:Cox. Robert. Millennium.1983.
    32. "Social Forces. States and World Orders:Beyond International Relations Theory," Vol.10:Cox. Robert. Millennium 1981
    33. Interpreting China's grand strategy-past, present, and future:MICHAEL D. SWAINE, ASHLEY J. TELLIS,韩国海洋战略研究所,2007
    34. The Doctrines of American Foreign Policy:Crabb, Jr., Cecil. Louisiana State University Press.1982.
    35. "Problems of Historical Sociology," in Reinhard Bendix et. al. eds. State and Society:Eberhard, Wolfram. University of California Press.1973
    36. War and Change in World Politics:Robert Gilpin Cambridge University Press, 1983
    37. Long Cycles in World Politics, Seattle:Modelski, George.University of Washington Press.1987.
    38. The Grand Chessboard:Zbigniew Brzezinski, Basic Books 1998
    39. The Pattern of Chinese Past. Stanford:Elvin. Mark. Stanford University Press. 1973.
    40. World Politics:.F.K.Organski Knopf 1968
    41. World-Systems Analysis:An Introduction Wallerstin, Immanuel Duck Univ. Press 2004
    42. "Dominance and Leadership in the International Economy:Exploitation, Public Goods, and Free Riders," International Studies Quarterly, Kindleberger, Charles P.1981.
    43. State Power and the Structure of International Trade:Stephen Krasner.Routledge 1995
    44. The Nation-State and Violence, Berkeley:Giddens, Anthony. University of California Press.1985.
    45. The Political Economy of International Relations. Princeton:Gilpin, Robert. Princeton University Press.1987.
    46. War and Change in World Politics, Cambridge:Gilpin, Robert. Cambridge University Press.1981.
    47.'State Power and the Structure of International Trade':Stephen Krasner. Routledge 1995
    48. "Problematic Lucidity:Stephen Krasner's'State Power and the Structure of International Trade',":Keohane, Robert O. World Politics.1997.
    49. "The Causes of War:Contending Theories," in Charles W. Kegley, Jr. and Eugene R. Wittkopf. eds. The Global Agenda:Issues and Perspectives. Levy, Jack S. New York.1992.
    50. After Hegemony:Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy: Keohane, Robert O. Princeton University Press.1984.
    51. The Globalization of World Politics:John Baylis, Steve Smith.Eulyoo,2001
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