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Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, an important constituent of the Deng Xiao-ping Theory, is a significant theorical achievement that Deng Xiao-ping utilizes the basic principles of Marxism in solving problems of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”in China, which has been guiding our solving the problems and will continue its function.
     After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, under Deng Xiao-ping’s support, Chinese leading reform started in the countryside. Unexpectedly, the reform, which was started by the peasants only to seek for enough food and clothing at first, resulted in an earth-shaking change in the countryside, and afterwards gave the city a strong incentive to rapid progress. But, after the short prosperity by implementing the contract system with remuneration linked to output, the countryside again has to face the outstanding problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, which stem from the old country system. They need an urgent and proper solution. I intended to provide instructive help for the current thoughts of the effective way to the solution, through analyzing Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”.
     The studying of Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”should be placed in the big frame of Deng Xiao-ping Theory, against the historical background of the socialist construction, and the current background of the reform and open. Only this, can guarantee the topic be attached to the historical coordinate system of the longitudinal development and the crosswise relation, its developing process be possibly clarified, the reasons why it can sustain a theory system in some aspects be explained, and at last it can be discussed deeply and widely in theorical field. Therefore, this article plans to outline the elaboration about“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”and its developing process from the Marxism founders to Mao Ze-dong, Deng Xiao-ping and later leaders in the vertical direction, and analyze the formation, the development, the content and the characteristics, the status and the function of Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, as well as discuss profoundly its enlightenment and the instruction to the current solution in the horizontal direction. Both its theorical depth and practical significance are paid attention to. For convenience, I make the multi- dimensionsed analysis and discussion to Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”at the present period of Socialism of our china from five aspects (also namely five chapters of the content).
     Chapter One takes the forming and developing process of the Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”as the line, adding many realistic factors of the times. By this way, the chapter introduces the historical background of Deng’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”coming into being from four aspects—the theorical origin, historical warnings, practical basis, and the successful models of the developed countries to have solved the problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”.
     Under the social conditions after ten years of“the Great Cultural Revolution”, how to restore things to order and how to develop the economy to meet the people’s need of enough food and clothing, make a practical and urgent demand of Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”; the basic theory the Marxist classic writers made up about“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”is the theorical start-point of Deng’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”; Mao Ze-dong’s correctness and error about“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”in theory, and his success and failure in practice during the socialist construction, provide direct experience and practical warning for Deng’s thought; the successful models of the developed countries to solve problems of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”present material for the formation of Deng’s thought about Chinese problems of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”. Correct ideas from Chinese Party and government leaders, rational pondering from the theoreticians and rich experience from the people’s practice about problems of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, are all important incentives to the formation and perfection of the Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”.
     Chapter Two analyses the formation and development of Deng’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”. The process of its formation had obvious characteristic of times, because Deng focused on various problems, corresponding to the concrete conditions of different times in the socialist construction. The process can be briefly divided into four courses: embryonic stage (1962-1978); shaping stage (1978-1984); mature period (1984-1992); continuing to develop (1992- ).
     Deng Xiao-ping gave overall consideration to the solution to the problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”and farsightedly put forwards many ideas and developed them into a systemic theory. The principal causes of that were scientific significence of his theorical system, effectiveness to guide the practice of various times, far-reaching strategic plan and pragmatically-inclined theorical aim, as well as drawing material out of mass practice.
     Chapter Three is the core and the main body of this essay. It gives a detailed introduction, analysis and discussion to the main content and characteristics of Deng’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”from four aspects—strategic plan, general and specific policies, and main guarantee to the solution to the problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, and the characteristics of the thought.
     To solve Chinese problems of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”is an item of vast systems engineering. It needs not only quite a long time, but also the long-term plan and the strategic conception on the concrete key to the situation. In order to completely solve problems of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”of our country, the strategy which Deng Xiao-ping proposed mainly includes:“the principal status”of agriculture must be guaranteed; the core of the countryside reform is to arouse the peasants’production enthusiasm; our agricultural production must implement the policy“acts as circumstances permit to develop the diversified management”; the strategic priority of our countryside development is to positively develop the rural enterprises; agricultural development must depend upon the bio-engineering and the most advanced technique; the guide of agricultural reform development is the realization of“two leaps”. Moreover, the formulation of scientific general and specific policies very is also important. These policies mainly includes: increase the agricultural investment; guarantee the farmers’income rises steadily; allow part of people rich first, and then lead others to the common enrichment; launch a revolution in management and so on. As well, to solve the problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”also needs to strengthen the democratic politics construction at the grassroots level in the countryside, the spiritual civilization construction, the legal system and moral construction, and the construction about science, education, culture and hygiene, so that to provide the powerful intelligence support and the soft environment, and to guarantee the solution anticipated. The multi-mensioned consideration and the overall arrangement, entrust the characteristics of Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”: realistic spirit in thought style; dialectic in thinking mode; farsight in understanding; creativity in theory formulation.
     Chapter Four explains the status of the thought through its enriching and developing the Marxism about“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, opening the new path to“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”development of the new time, having provided the developing nations new way to solve the problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”.
     Deng Xiao-ping aimed at the solution to realistic problems. By unifying the Marxist principles with China’s reality, embarking from Marx and Engels’s macroscopic mentality, and their long term tentative plan, basing on the general situation of the domestic economic development, focusing on the realistic solution to the problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, and along Mao Ze-dong’s overall frame, by inheriting his correct thought, revising his wrong viewpoints, correcting his improper procedures, displaying his reasonable sparks, Deng Xiao-ping has made up his complete thought about problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, which has developed Marxism in practice. As well, the thought consists of his own original views, the penetrating elaboration, the complete thought, of solving the problem“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”for many years, from concrete train of thought to agricultural modernization, the ways to arouse the peasant’s enthusiasm, the realistic access to rural prosperity, to policy formulation, system transformation, technical application, township business development, resources utility and so on. Under the guide of Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, under the Central Party Committee’s support, Chinese people truly find out a new path to“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”development in China under the new situation. It also provides those developing countries similar to China a valuable mirror.
     The conclusion part is not only a summary to the theory explanation above, but also a response to current realistic problems. Although this chapter of content is named concluding remark, it is very important to the article’s integrity of the content and structure and the link between theory and practice.
     What it involves is mainly that, since the reform and open, under the guide of Deng Xiao-ping’s thought of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”, under the policy support and push by the Central Party Committee, our“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”has obtained the huge achievement. But, along with the reform unceasing advancement, the new problems come out one after another, while some old problems have not been eradicated, thus, it is still a long way to go before the complete solution to the problem of“Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry”.
    ②武力等:《解决“三农”问题之路——中国共产党“三农”思想政策实》,中国经济出版社, 2004年版,第16页。
    ③武力等:《解决“三农”问题之路——中国共产党“三农”思想政策史》。中国经济出版社, 2004年版,第63页。
    ①武力等:《解决“三农”问题之路——中国共产党“三农”思想政策史》。中国经济出版社, 2004年版,第82-83页。
    ③武力等:《解决“三农”问题之路——中国共产党“三农”思想政策史》。中国经济出版社, 2004年版,第95页。
    ①武力等:《解决‘三农’问题之路——中国共产党‘三农’思想政策史》,中国经济出版社, 2004年版,第278页。
    ③武力等:《解决‘三农’问题之路——中国共产党‘三农’思想政策史》,中国经济出版社, 2004年版,第561页。
    ①参见《人民日报》, 2006年03月06日第二版。
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    ①部分内容参见《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要》,人民出版社,2006年版, 第16-18页。
    ④美通社:《2005年中国人类发展报告》,http://cn.biz.yahoo.com/051216/6/eorr.html [2005年12月16日]

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