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Since the 90's of last century, the enterprise contest has turned from product and price to making customer satisfaction. The key of modern enterprise to win a long-term competition is to make customer satisfaction unceasingly.
    To solve the problem, this paper has studied on the following issues:
    In the first chapter, the transformation of sale management in the age of electronic business is analyzed, and the strategy of close-loop agile sale management based on customer satisfactory is proposed.
    Second chapter expounds the customer satisfaction composition in electronic business based on the analysis of the customer satisfaction composition in traditional business and the characteristics of traditional business process and the electronic business process. Based on this, the strategy of customer satisfaction in electronic business is proposed, and the model to evaluate the customer satisfaction for cigarette enterprises is established.
    It has been argued that customer retention is the most vital goal for enterprise success. In order to practice the strategy of customer satisfaction successfully, a company must first segment customer value. The third chapter divides customer into four types based on customer lifetime value, and presents a set of strategies on recourses allocation and customer management for different types of customer. On the basis of these, the model to evaluate the essentiality of cigarette factory's customers is established.
    The concept of Close-Loop Agile Sale System is proposed in the fourth chapter. The objective is to achieve the maximum profit while the waste of transportation capability is reduced and satisfy the demand of the guests and enhance the customer satisfaction. The demand of customer is the input of the system, and the evaluation of customer satisfaction is the feedback of the system.
    The fifth chapter analyzes the sale management of cigarette factory, and the sale management system of Hangzhou Cigarette Factory is sketched and designed.
    In the last chapter, the total research works of this dissertation are summarized, and further researches are prospected.
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