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     — 研究了大批量定制设计的理论体系,详细探讨了大批量定制设计相关概念如模块、定制参数、平台参数、产品平台、产品族等,提出了大批量定制设计的一般进程并分析对比其与传统单件产品以及模块化系列化产品的开发进程的异同。
     — 研究了面向大批量定制设计的产品族规划方法。产品族规划从三个层次进行:(1) 横向模块层,对于适应性设计,建立了基于功能独立性、结构完整性、客户需求变化的零部件全息相关模型,提出了基于逐行合取的改进型模糊聚类方法,进一步提出了模块自动聚类的算法;对于创新设计而言,提出了“广义有向图”概念,突破了产品功构表达瓶颈,在此基础上实现了功能模块的自动划分。(2) 纵向实例层,研究了企业产品资源的重组策略,从型谱、接口、结构三个层次提出了基于模糊聚类的产品重组算法,有效消除了产品型谱、模块、零部件的冗余种类以及接口参数的规范化。提出了“延迟模块”的概念,研究了模块延迟化以及基于延迟模块的定制策略,从而实现最大程度的产品定制同时尽可能缩短产品的生产周期。(3) 产品系列层,提出了基于标准数系的产品系列规划数学模型,研究了平台参数和定制参数的规划策略,提出了基于广义优化和模块组合的平台参数值的优选模型。通过产品族规划可建立企业的产品平台。
     — 研究了面向大批量定制设计的产品族建模方法。建立了基于产品属性分类定义以及柔性分类编码的产品信息模型,它主要描述零部件本身的信息。提出了基于合取范式的产品族元模型、本体模型、变体模型,它是一种层次模型,不仅能表达产品族模块(部件)与零件、零件与属性之间的层次关系,还能
Mass customization is a new manufacturing concept.Because product cost and over 80 percent product characteristic is decided by product design phase.design for mass customization is so important about mass customization.Many scholars of countries have devoted to researching mass customization about the base concept.the key method,and technology such as product family design and modular design,and so on.Based on summarizing the correlative literatures and analysing the problems in current research systematically.the base concept.key technique and methods of design for mass customization are studied as follows:First.system info of design for mass customization is studied and about which some concepts are discussed in detail widely from module.customization parameter.platform parameter.product platform to product family.Design process of design for mass customization is put forward based on comparision between design processes of conventional single product design and modular serialization design.Second.the method of product family programming of design for mass customization is studied.There are three levels of problems which are taken into account as follows.ltem A.lateral direction module level.For re-design,based on the rule of function independence.structure integrity and variety of cumtom requirements.a correlative matrix of all information of parts is set up for the auto module partition.An improved method of computer-aided fuzzy clustering which named conjunction row by row is advanced for the algorithm of module partition.For creative design,a concept of generalized directed graph is advanced to express the function structure.Function module can be partitioned automatically based on gerneralized directed graph.Item B,cases of module.The strategy of product re-engineering is studied.A series of algorithm of product re-engineering is put forward based on fuzzy clustering about product spectrum,module interface and part configuration,and the
    redundance of products,modules and parts is removed and the interface paramters are normalized.A concept named delayed module is put forward and then the strategy of module delaying and product customization is studied based on delayed module.ltem C,product series level.Amath model of product series programming is put forward based on standard numerical system and programming strategy of platform parameter and customization parameter is studied.then a optimization model based on generalized optimization and module combination is set up to decided the value of platform parameters.Product platform of enterprise can be set up by product family programming.Third,method of product family modelling of design for mass customization is studied.Product information model is set up based on product property classified definition and flexible classification code.which mainly describe parts information themself. Product family meta model, noumenon model and variant model are put forward based on conjunctive normal form.They are hiberarchy models which can describe the hiberarchy relations between module and part.part and property.and also can realize product serialization and modularization modelling.A method of representation of assembly model of product family is put forward based on generalized non-directed graph.The strategy of closed loop solution of assembly constraint network is discussed.and then representation of assembly relation classification is studied.The assembly model of product family mainly describes constraint and transmission relation of assembly design parameter of different assembly unit.Modelling method of product family configuration model is discussed based on rule of "IF-THEN",which mainly to solve the representation of configuration constraint when building variant model.Forth.architecture of generalized supported platform of design for mass customization(GSP_DFMC abbreviated rearwards) is discussed and GSP_DFMC is elementarily realized based on WEB.Characters of different type of design for mass customization is discussed including lateral direction customizatio
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