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With the development of the society, the focus of today’s industrial design has turned from technology and function to aesthetic, psychological needs, user-friendly design, harmony with the environment, etc. The theory of emotional design is formed and developed in such a background. Nowadays, the concept of emotional design has infiltrated into many areas of design and has also made a number of encouraging results. However, at present, the design of medical equipment in our country remained on a relatively poor level. Moreover, the research on the emotional design in this area is almost blank. Therefore, the introduction of emotional design in this area has a very important practical significance.
     This thesis based on the emotional design theory, absorbing the knowledge of Cognitive Psychology, Product Semantics, Emotional Design , Kansei Engineering, and other research fields. The purpose is to explore the theory, process and methods of emotional design and then analysis the characteristics of ward care equipment, users’psychological needs of ward care equipment, and emotional factors in its design process. On the basis of these, the author summed up the application principles of design factors in wards care equipment design. Finally, the thesis presented two case studies about emotional design of wards care equipment.
     The results of this research prove that introducing the concept and practical methods of emotional design to the wards care equipment design is feasible and effective. This thesis has some practical significance as a guide to the domestic medical equipment design, and also has reference value of other design areas. Besides, it provides possibility of follow-up studies.
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