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"Development and Expansion of the County Economy" is put forward clearly in the 16th National Party Congress as an important task of building a well-off society. The development of county economy is the most important, most complex and key task on Solving the "three agriculture" issue, comprehensively building a well-off society and realizing socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics. So called "the county region " is the junction for the city and town. In the view of administration management, county region play an transferring role in economy communication, science transition, administration unblocking, information dissemination, population emigration as well as society influence. Above all, from the view of economy development, society advancement, political stable, environment protection, education of mass style and so on, county is the basic of the whole nation. And it is the regional economy covering the vast rural areas, is the important part overall planing urban and rural economic development, and playing an important role in developing China’s national economic. All signs and realities also show that China's economy is getting into toward the stage of laying particular emphasis on county area economy, after having laid particular emphasis on urban economy for 20 years. The county area economic development greatly will become the third stage characteristic of China’s economic development after the reform and opening policy.
     As the "third pole" of China's economic growth, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area is the core of economical area around the Bohai Sea. The reasons of its economic development laging behind has been the focus of research in theoretical circles. The answer to this question is more than one, but one thing is a common, which is that those city only develop itself and have no coordination mechanism, and the integration and amplification function of city group have not been fully released. In particular, the county economic function in the regional economic development have a greater gap than Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. As the hinterland of urban development, county ecnomy in economic development plays more and more important role, but large number of poverty-stricken counties is presence around Beijing-Tianjin area, which result this rare economic phenomenon of "the developed cities, the backward hinterland" in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and is incompatible with the pace of metropolitan area development. Therefore, it is the major economic problem Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region facing currently to coordinate development with the county and the central city and the different county. In order to develop county economy better and promote regional economic development, we need to orientate county economic functions , overall plan economic and social resources and make the development direction and goals.
     Under the regional economic theory and county economic theory and based on the economic development status quo of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area, This paper researched county economy completely and systemicly. Firstly, analysised the county economic development status quo of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area and its inside and outside environment. And then, researched the industrial structure and layout of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and found the advantages and existing problems of the county industry. Following, this paper discussed the differences between the county economy with the characteristics of time, space and the pace of development. Finally, according to the universality and particularity of the county economic development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Area, designed the synthetic evaluation index system of county economic, which can reflected county economic development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area systematicly and comprehensively. And then used factor analysis and cluster analysis to measure the level and differences of county economic development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Area, and combined with the speed of development classified it’s 116 counties (cities, districts), including the rising economy developed counties, stable economy developed counties, the rising middle-developing counties, the economic stagnation developing counties and relative declining counties.
     In order to more in-depth understanding of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei county economy, the paper researched correlation degree between urban economy and county economy. At first, summarized that the county economy played the role and status in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei economic development. And then emphatically studied the correlation degree between urban economy and county economy. And grey relation degree was used in the paper, in order to calculate the coupling correlation degree of the indices of urban economy and county economy, reveal the coupling mechanism and explore the leading driving force that promote county economic development. The research result showed that the interaction of elements were not only interleaving and complexity, but also were stage and regionality on the development of time and space. In coupling process of city and county economy in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, in the different area , the correlation degree of each index is very different, and the more developed region is not meaning that the urban economy and the county economy can not develop coordinately. Then the paper analysised the function intension of the city to county, and used the gravity model to calculate the action radius of urban economy. As the core city in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area, Beijing and Tianjin have the more radiate ability. However, because of collaboration and competition both existing in this region and plusing system factors limited, Beijing and Tianjin have very little radiation ability to remote backward areas. Tangshan, Hebei Province can be able to radiate larger scope, but there is still a big gap comparing with Beijing and Tianjin. In other regions of Hebei Province, economic radiation capacity are weak, especially in Chengde and Zhangjiakou. In this region, economic development level is relatively backward, and addition to the mountain barrier and traffic, information contact less, so that county accept radiation difficultly from urban economy This is also the reason that region economy is backwardness and there are a lot of poverty-stricken counties. Finally, combinated with theoretical analysis and based on empirical research, the paper orientate county economic functions of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan area.
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