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     2005年中国畜牧业排放量为820.40万吨NH_3-N,主要动物的贡献率为:黄牛25.6%,肉猪19%,山羊9.9%,绵羊8.9%,蛋鸡8%,主要排放源的地区构成与畜禽的产业带分布高度吻合。河南省的排放贡献率最大,占9.73%,其次是山东、河北、四川等省。单位国土面积的排放密度为0.855t NH_3-N /km2,其中天津市的排放密度最大,达5.308 t NH_3-N /km2,其次是山东、河南、河北、上海、北京等省市,集中在我国中东部地区。1998~2006年中国畜牧业排放的平均增长率为3.41%,并且在2000~2005年增加比较明显,主要排放源没有发生变化,依然是黄牛、肉猪、蛋鸡、山羊、绵羊。各种畜禽的贡献率年际变化主要与畜牧业结构调整政策实施有关。
     广东省畜牧业排放清单中根据畜牧实践调整了活动水平划分,2005年广东排放量为23.60万吨NH_3-N,按同一口径计算,占全国的2.38%。排放量空间分布体现出“西多东少、山多海少”的趋势。茂名、湛江、肇庆是全省排放量最大的城市,共占全省排放总量的34%。全省平均排放密度1.32 t NH_3-N /km~2,空间分布主要呈“西高东低、南高北低”的趋势。排放密度最大的城市是佛山,3.21t NH_3-N/k~m2。生猪是广东省饲养规模最大的牲畜,其排放贡献率达38.97%;黄牛、肉鸡的排放也占比例较大,分别占15.17%、14.16%。各种主要排放畜禽的养殖地区也集中在粤西,尤其是茂名、湛江。
     2005年珠三角地区畜牧业的排放量为7.13万吨NH_3-N,占广东省当年排放量的30.2%,占全国排放的0.86%。东莞的排放量最大,达0.61万吨NH_3-N,其次是四会、高要。珠三角地区排放密度为1.71t NH_3-N/km~2,高于广东省的平均排放密度。排放密度明显呈现出“西高东低”,且向西北方向加强的分布。惠城区的排放密度高居珠三角第一,达9.73t NH_3-N/km~2,其次为鼎湖区、端州区。按珠三角地区的三个层级划分,“内缘”地带除东莞外其他行政区的负荷较小,第二层级排放比较集中,“外缘”地带的负荷有加强趋势。肉猪、肉鸡、鹅三种畜禽的排放占据了珠三角总排放量的73.2%。与同类经济区相比,珠三角的排放密度与台湾水平相当,高于长三角,而低于京津冀;珠三角两个核心城市中,广州的排放密度低于除重庆外的所有直辖市,而深圳低于所有直辖市。
Ammonia in the atmosphere has direct or indirect influence on several environmental issues, such as acid deposition, low-visibility, greenhouse effect, eutrophication, soil acidification, etc. It is estimated that the global atmospheric emissions of ammonia has greatly exceeded its removal. The anthropogenic ammonia emission is mainly from agriculture, of which the animal husbandry contributes the most. Due to animal husbandry locates in the rural areas or in the suburbs, the ammonia emissions from livestock and other agricultural sources together with pollutants form city sources, cause the regional environmental problems. Therefore, the study of the ammonia emission from livestock is important.
     Based on the mass-flow methodology, this study analyzed the transformation and migration of nitrogen in the animal husbandry. According to the Chinese practice of livestock production and the researches on environmental hygienics and coprology of animal, and nutriology of plant, the nitrogen excretion per animal was verified to match the situation in China. And then using nitrogen volatilization rates in different stages of the manure management (housing, grazing, manure storage and field application)the ammonia emission factors (EFs)for each animal category were modified; the amount of livestock bred, served as activity level, was from the statistics yearbooks. Thus, the ammonia emission inventories from livestock in China, in Guangdong Province and in Pearl River Delta region were compiled respectively at different spatial resolution in the year of 2005. The national emission inventory from 1998 to 2006 was also compiled under the same methodology.
     The ammonia emission from livestock in China in 2005 is 8.204 Mt NH_3-N with the share of major sources as follows, yellow cattle(bos primigenius)25.6%, fattening pig 19%, goat 9.9%, sheep 8.9%, laying hen 8%. The provincial contribution rates of each main source have highly agreement with the livestock industry zoning. Henan Province made the largest emission, accounting for 9.73% of the whole country, followed by Shandong, Hebei, Sichuan and other provinces. The ammonia emission density is 0.855 t NH_3-N/km~2, of which the emission density of Tianjin is the largest, reaching 5.308 t NH_3-N/km~2, followed by Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Shanghai, Beijing and other provinces and cities, which are mainly locate in the mid-east of China. The estimated historical trend of ammonia emission from 1998 to 2006 indicated the average growth rate is 3.41% during those years. And from 2000 to 2005 a rapid increase is seen. The main emission sources remained the same (yellow cattle, fattening pig, goat, sheep, laying hen)except for the changes in their shares, which was the result of the restructuring in national animal husbandry.
     The activity level in Guangdong emission inventory was adjusted to suit the practice in Guangdong. In 2005, the ammonia emission from livestock in Guangdong was 236 kt NH_3-N, which accounted for 2.38% of the country according to the same caliber. The spatial distribution of emission showed that the east part of Guangdong emitted less than the west part, and the coastal cities emitted less than the mountainous cities. Maoming, Zhanjiang, Zhaoqing were the top three cities in emission, accounting for a total share of 34% in the province. The provincial emission density of ammonia was 1.32 t NH_3-N / km~2 with a similar spatial distribution of emission. Foshan is the city where emission density is the largest, reaching 3.21 t NH_3-N/km~2. Fattening pig is the most important source in Guangdong, with the contribution rate of 38.97%, followed by yellow cattle and broiler, which accounted for 15.17% and 14.16% respectively. The main region of livestock production is in the western Guangdong, in particular, Maoming and Zhanjiang.
     The ammonia emission from livestock in the PRD in 2005 was 71.3 kt NH_3-N, accounting for 30.2% of Guangdong, and 0.72% of China. Dongguan emitted the most (6.1 kt NH_3-N), followed by Sihui, Gaoyao. The ammonia emission density in the PRD was 1.71 t NH_3-N/km~2, higher than that of Guangdong. The distribution of emission density clearly indicated a gradual increase to the northwest. The zone with the highest ammonia emission density of the PRD was Huicheng (9.73 t NH_3-N/km~2), followed by Dinghu and Duanzhou. Fattening pig, broiler and geese are the dominant sourses in the PRD, with a total share of 73.2%. Compared the emission density with similar economic regions, the PRD was of similar level to Taiwan, but higher than the Yangtze River Delta, while lower than the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei; in the two core cities in the PRD, emission density of Guangzhou was lower than all the Municipalities except Chongqing, while that of Shenzhen was lower than the all the four municipalities.
     According to the N volatilization contribution rate at each stage of manure management, this study offered some of the abatement measures at farm scale. And based on the regional comparison, this study proposed some advice to policy makers.
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