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     本文在对大型复杂装备虚拟维修训练需求进行深入研究的基础上,以大型复杂装备维修训练过程仿真模型为切入点,结合HLA标准提出了大型复杂装备虚拟维修训练平台的新构想,构建了支持这一构想的通用性强的技术框架,对框架涉及的一些具体技术问题进行了深入研究,提出了基于MKDN(Maintenance Knowledge Description Net)的维修知识描述方法;建立了学生模型的评估数学模型;采用面向Agent的方法进行了系统设计;提出了一种柔性线缆建模的新算法。论文最后应用上述技术完成了某型导弹地测发控系统虚拟维修训练系统的开发。
In this paper, a new virtual maintenance training system of the large complex equipment is created with many technologies such as virtual virtual reality, computer simulation, artificial intelligence etc, and a new approach and method is provided for large complex equipment maintenance training.
    Based on the research of the requirement of large complex equipment virtual maintenance training, taking the virtual maintenance process simulation model of the large complex equipment as cut-in point, a new thought about large complex equipment virtual maintenance training platform is offered with HLA standard, and the general technology framework of the platform is constructed. Many technology problems in the framework are deeply studied and some new methods, models and arithmetics are put forward such as the maintenance knowledge description net(MKDN) which is suitable for maintenance knowledge description, the evalution mathematic model of student model, the agent-oriented system design method, the new arithmetics of flexible cable. At the last of the paper, the virtual maintenance training system of certain missile luaunch control system is developed with the above technologies.
    The main contents involved in this paper are:
    1. Firstly make a full-scale research on the requirement of large complex equipment virtual maintenance from the view of virtual maintenance training. Not only the characteristic and requirement of virtual maintenance training system are analyzed, but also the requiprments of electronic, mechanical, hydraulic sub-system and people maintenance action are studied in the virtual maintenance environment.
    2. Make the study on the general framework of large complex equipment virtual maintenance training system. Firstly put out the process simulation model of single maintenance man of the virtual maintenance training system, and based on which, the process simulation model and framework of large complex equipment virtual maintenance training system are put forward combim'ng with the characteristics of HLA. The general mapping relation between HLA federation and virtual maintenance training system is established, and the structure and flow of federates are given.
    3. Make the study on the maintenance knowledge description method in the large complex equipment virtual maintenance training system, and bring out a new description method based on MKDN. MKDN is realized through the function expansion of Petri Net which is suitable for describing the maintenance knowledge with many administrative levels and complex relation.
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