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     针对现有经典用于检测运动物体的背景减除法的不足之处,将类哈尔算子和积分图像加以推广,用于在视频中快速检测人体的各种肢体。类哈尔特征(Haar-like Feature)因其固有的特点,适用于检测矩形或类矩形的图像区域;积分图像的特点是可以利用类哈尔特征快速定位人体肢体在图像中的位置,完成对人体各种肢体的检测。
     在获得检测肢体基础上,在颜色空间利用聚类算法完成对特征点的分类,将检测得到的不同肢体分类同时去除噪声。由于传统的聚类算法(K-Mean, Mixture-Gaussian)不适用于本研究的视频跟踪系统,为此引入基于核函数的非参数聚类算法,在颜色空间直接计算特征点的梯度,并迭代将该特征点移往特征空间的局部极值处,完成对特征点的分类,同时去除了噪声。
     获得人体模型后实现对视频序列中运动人体的跟踪。通过检测视频序列中每帧图像中的人体模型,用于实现对运动人体的跟踪。人体模型检测过程通过将模型与视频中每帧图像匹配来实现,匹配过程利用代价函数衡量人体模型与图像的匹配效果,该代价函数的最优化可通过动态规划法实现。动态规划法的计算复杂度为二次方,引进了距离转换(Distance Transform),可降低计算复杂度。同时通过改进对人体模型根结点的选择方式,显著缩小匹配过程的搜索空间,从而加快了人体模型与图像的匹配时间。
The intelligent visual system which marries kinetic people tracking with consequent behaviour identifying based on tracks, is always challenging front problem. The research generally consists of two parts, which are tracking people and identifying their behaviour.
     At present there were many methods for people tracking and behaviour identifying. Nevertheless, people motion consists of people segments movements, and the movements of the segment are complex. Those factors result in the multiplicity of people motion, and being uneasy to track accurately. The people behaviour identification, which used for understanding and describing people behavour, belongs to higher level task of computer vision, and has many difficulties.
     Based on former researches, this paper unites tracking with identifying, and develops an intelligent vision system for tracking people and identifying their feature behavoiur automatically. This system is meant to solving the following problems: real-time tracking, people model learning atomatically, tracking kinetic people with people model, and identifying their behaviour based on tracking. This paper is arranged as follows:
     We analyzed the domestic and oversea methods for tracking people, classified those methods into categories, and figured out why they were not fit for our system. Meanwhile, we analyzed the behaviour identification methods. based on that, we proposed our framework for tracking and identifying, and introduced the algorithm we used.
     Aiming at the weakness of classical background subtraction, we generalized the haar-like feature and integral image ever used for detecing face, and used them to detect different segments of people in video. For its natural characteristic, Haar-like features were suitable for localizing rectangle or rectangle-like region of the image, and we used integral image to position people parts with those features rapidly.
     We classified the points of color space using cluster method, and separated the detections from noise. Traditional cluster algorithm can not used in our system. We brought in non-parametric cluster method which grounds on kernel function, computed the gradient of points, moved the points towards mode iteratively, and assigned the point to one certain cluster. It means we classify the points while removing noise.
     Based on clustering, We learned the people model using probabilitic inferences. Traditional HMM was easy to lose target while tracking people, and resulted in the failure of learning. We modified the HMM, and made inferences with dynamic programming to obtain the optimal segment sequence, and searched for the template of that segment, using cluster algorithm. Then we extended the modified HMM making use of the geometric restriction of people, and builded an inference framework learning complete people model with video.
     We tracked kinetic people in video using learned people model. We tracked kinetic people by detecting people model in frame of video. By matching the people model to image, we detected the model in image, using a cost function as measure of match. For optimalizing the cost function, we used dynamic programming, and we introduced distance tansform for reducing the computation complexity. At the same time, we improved the selection of root node of people model, remarkedly abbreviated the search space of matching procrdure and speeded up the match of people model to frame of the video.
     We identified people behaviour with people pose of tracking stage. Using annotated motion library&people pose obtained by tracking, we builded a HMM for inference, and synthesized an optimal motion sequence which matched the tracked pose best, with Viterbi algorithm.For the motion sequence was annotated in advance, we can identify the people behaviour of video.Furthermore, we developed an identification system based on the pose tracked, aiming at the property of certain behaviour. It was effective and rapid, yet disadvantage in relatively cabined scope of application.
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