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In a complex market environment, it is an important subject to high-tech enterprises that how to build an endogenetic system of technological innovation capability which can strength core competitiveness of these companies. This paper researches on the endogenetic method and theoretical issues about technological innovative capability high-tech companies, and gets main conclusions as follows:
     1. The paper analyses the endophytism of technological innovation capability of high-tech enterprises, finds that the competitiveness of the capability come from resource, ability and knowledge companies have owned, and defines the endogenetic technological innovation capability based on capability endophytism. After these works, the paper uses grey clustering and maximal spanning tree to cluster facts impacted endogenetic technological innovative capability to 6 perspectives which include technological innovation human, businesses leaders, funding on technological innovation, enterprise system, knowledge management & organizational learning and innovative culture, and determine priorities of these factors by statistical results. Then, the paper uses factor analysis to extract 12 key factors impacted technological innovation capability of high tech enterprises.
     2. The paper discusses the push effectiveness of transformational leadership to other 5 perspectives, proves theoretically that businesses leaders is the most effective perspective to endogenetic technological innovative capability of high-tech companies, discusses technological innovation human as leader in technological innovation from view that technological innovation comes from knowledge innovation, and discusses effectiveness of 4 perspectives included funding on technological innovation, enterprise system, knowledge management & organizational learning and innovative culture to technological innovation human. After these discusses, the paper expounds the endogenetic mechanism of technological innovation capability of high-tech enterprises, and builds the model of technological innovation capability.
     3. The paper analyzes the structure of endogenetic technological innovation capability, and establishes the model of technological innovation capability based on the innovative development of modem theories of economic growth and capability structure analysis. Used Cobb-Douglas function, dynamic growth function, and taken 3 aspects of technological innovative capability as inputs, the optimum relation of this model shows that however initial rate is , the growth rate of technological innovation capability will be optimum, and finally growth rates of technological innovation capability, investment of substance capital, investment of human resource and investment of organizational capital will be changed. This result means that the growth will be in a balanced path.
     4. The paper established the evaluation index system for the endogenous technological innovation capability of the advanced technology, on the basis of analysis on the structure of the endogenous technological innovation capability of the advanced technology. A three-dimensional evaluation model of the endogenous technological innovation capability of the advanced technology was proposed, which was used to assess these three kinds of supporting capacity, evaluate them in pairs, and at last have a synthetical evaluation. The evaluation model was applied to appraise the endogenous technology innovation capacity of the SZ Technological Company, LTD. The evaluation result matched the common qualitative judgment, which not only revealed the validity and feasibility of the model established in this paper, but also provided the measurable basis for the effective evaluation of the endogenous technological innovation capability of high-tech enterprises.
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