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     本文所指的员2-组织关系(employee-organization relationship,简称EOR)就是指在激励-贡献模型下,组织对员工贡献的期望和组织实际提供的激励。换句话说,是指双方主体之间基于工作所形成的一种投入—回报的契约关系,这种交换是一种复杂的社会交换关系,包括组织导向、工作导向、投入不足、过度投入四种交换模式。
As the arrival of knowledge economy, the talents are playing a more and more important role. Nowadays, to a large extent, the success of the enterprise, especially high-tech enterprise, depends on their ability and motivation to innovate. However, all these factors need to be realized by kinds of personnel. So, enterprises begin to regulate employee organization relationship. But, most high-tech firms are in the dilemma. On one side firms have transformed much to adapt to competitive challenges by merger, restructure, adopting new management methods, and so on. Most of the transformations lead to labor deduction at last, which makes employees have no commitment to or trust in their employer. On the other side, emergency of knowledge economy makes human capital more and more important and enterprises become more and more dependent on employees. In order to solve the dilemma, we should research the influence of employee organization relationship on enterprise performance in order to promote the whole enterprises performances. While, there is lack of the research in the aspect. So, we try to open the "black box" that employee organization relationship influences the enterprise's performance and analyze the mechanism, and then propose some helpful advices for enterprises.
     In this study, we define employee organization relationship (briefly EOR) from the employer's perspective and based on the inducement-contribution framework. We adopt the view that EOR is the exchange between the contributions expected from the employee and the inducements offered by the employer. That is to say, owing to woke, the relationship is a kind of complex social exchange relationship based on a contract, including organization-focused, job-focused, underinvestment and overinvestment.
     First of all, the dissertation reviews previous related literature about EOR, enterprise performance and the relationship between EOR and enterprise performance, then points out their progress and weakness, then put forward the research direction; then, combining the characteristics of high-tech enterprises and integrating theories of signaling, human capital, person-organization fit and so on, we construct a mechanism model of EOR on firm performance and also explain model elements.
     Then, we demonstrate the theoretical model. The author processes the research by two sides. Firstly, considering the unique and value of human capital, enterprises should make the type of EOR fit on the type of the employee. Secondly, we analyze the mediate effect between EOR and enterprise performance. Through monitoring the mediate effect, enterprises can forecast the changing trends of the performance. High-tech enterprises are generally knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive economic entities. Correspondingly, the core employees with special technique and skill are the key force to high-tech enterprises. The characters of core employees will impact on firm performance directly. The dissertation proposes that the ability, motivation and behavior of core employees are the mediate effects between EOR and enterprise performance. The study concludes that as high-tech enterprises use organization-focused approach, the ability, motivation and behavior of core employees are improved. Also, the dissertation through a questionnaire survey, by use of spss statistical software verifies the validity of the model.
     At last, we get some conclusions. High-tech enterprise should have flexibilities in the use of types of EOR to fit kinds of employees. Not considering how much core employees' contribution are, through the use of organization-focused EOR, the ability, motivation and behavior of core employees in the high-tech enterprises are improved, then the enterprises performances are improved .Through monitoring the mediate effects, enterprises can determine the validity of the type of EOR, and at the same time, get a help of predicting the changing trends of enterprises performances.
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